Gateway to Glory Results 09/01/2024

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Ben M
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Gateway to Glory Results 09/01/2024

Post by Ben M »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Gateway to Glory! And here we go! A star-studded singles elimination match, featuring four of the best wrestlers in the world today - Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker, Io Shirai, and Alexa Bliss! One of these ladies is walking out victorious, and the number one contender for the EBWF Women’s Championship, but who will it be?

Nigel McGuinness: This is going to be an absolute barn burner, Mauro! You've got the power of Jamie Hayter, the technical prowess of Britt Baker, the high-flying ability of Io Shirai, and the unpredictability of Alexa Bliss. Anything can happen!

The crowd was on their feet for all four women as the first match of the night got under way. The bell rang, and immediately the tension in the arena was palpable. Jamie Hayter and Io Shirai locked eyes, while Britt Baker and Alexa Bliss sized each other up. As the action began, all four women circled around the ring, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Mauro Ranallo: The atmosphere here is electric! These competitors know the stakes, and none of them want to be the first eliminated.

Nigel McGuinness: It's all about strategy in a match like this. Timing is key!

Hayter and Io were the first to engage, exchanging stiff strikes in the center of the ring. Hayter's brute strength gave her the early advantage, overpowering Io with forearm smashes. Meanwhile, Alexa Bliss and Britt Baker got into a shoving match that escalated quickly into a series of quick strikes.

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie Hayter, showing why she’s known for her physicality! But Io Shirai is no slouch when it comes to resilience!

Nigel McGuinness: Look at Alexa Bliss! She's trying to outsmart Britt Baker, keeping things at a fast pace.

Hayter sent Io into the corner with a massive clothesline, turning her attention toward Bliss and Baker. She charged at the duo, but they both ducked, sending Hayter crashing into the corner. Io, seeing the opportunity, quickly ascended the top rope and hit Hayter with a Missile Dropkick, sending her to the mat!

Mauro Ranallo: What a missile dropkick from Io Shirai!

As Io went for a cover, Bliss and Baker jumped her, breaking up the pinfall. Baker and Bliss then worked together to toss Io out of the ring. But the partnership was short-lived, as Baker immediately turned on Bliss, going for a quick roll-up!

Nigel McGuinness: That's the kind of thing you'd expect from Dr. Britt Baker! No loyalty in a match like this.

Bliss kicked out just before three, but Baker wasted no time, catching Bliss in a series of technical holds, trying to wear her down. Meanwhile, outside the ring, Io Shirai had recovered and was setting up something big.

Mauro Ranallo: Look at Io, Nigel! She's up on the apron—what is she thinking?

As Hayter began to stir inside the ring, Io ran along the apron and leapt onto the top rope, hitting an incredible Springboard Moonsault onto all three women inside the ring! The crowd erupted in cheers as all four wrestlers were laid out.

Nigel McGuinness: Io Shirai, pulling out all the stops! What a move!

Mauro Ranallo: Bodies are everywhere, and the fans are loving it!

After a moment of recovery, Io tried to pin Jamie Hayter, but Hayter kicked out at two. Io then switched her focus to Baker, who rolled out of the ring to catch her breath. Meanwhile, Hayter and Bliss were back on their feet, exchanging strikes once more. Hayter hit Bliss with a stiff lariat, sending her into the corner, but before she could follow up, Io came out of nowhere with a Running Knee Strike to Hayter!

Mauro Ranallo: Io Shirai is absolutely relentless! She’s picking her moments perfectly!

Io went for another cover on Hayter, and this time she got the three count.

Christy Hemme: Jamie Hayter has been eliminated!

Nigel McGuinness: Jamie Hayter’s out! That’s a massive elimination by Io Shirai!

With Hayter eliminated, Io turned her attention back to Bliss and Baker. But before she could act, Baker snuck up from behind and locked in the Lockjaw on Io! Io struggled to break free, but Baker had it cinched in tight.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker’s got the Lockjaw in! Io’s in serious trouble here!

Io frantically tried to escape, but the pain was too much. She tapped out!

Christy Hemme: Io Shirai has been eliminated!

Nigel McGuinness: Two down, and we’re down to Britt Baker and Alexa Bliss!

The two stared each other down, both clearly exhausted, but knowing what was at stake. They locked up in the middle of the ring, Baker gained the early advantage with a series of forearms. She whipped Bliss into the ropes and went for a Superkick, but Bliss ducked, rebounded, and hit Baker with a Hurricanrana, sending her crashing to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa Bliss showing that lightning-fast agility we’ve come to expect!

Bliss quickly ascended the top rope, looking for Twisted Bliss, but Baker rolled out of the way at the last second! Bliss crashed hard, and Baker capitalized, going for the Lockjaw again. But this time, Bliss managed to roll through and reverse it into a small package pin!

Nigel McGuinness: Wait, look at this! Alexa’s got her!

Mauro Ranallo: Bliss with the counter - 1… 2… 3!! Alexa Bliss wins!

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Alexa Bliss!

The crowd gave a mixed reaction as Alexa Bliss got to her feet, exhausted but victorious. She raised her hands in triumph as Britt Baker looked on in shock.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa Bliss pulls it off with that brilliant counter! She outsmarted Britt Baker at the last second!

Nigel McGuinness: What an incredible victory for Alexa Bliss! She weathered the storm, stayed sharp, and came out on top. A well-deserved win!

Bliss stood tall in the ring, celebrating as her theme music blared throughout the arena. Britt Baker rolled out of the ring, frustrated, while Io Shirai and Jamie Hayter recovered on the outside. The camera focused on Alexa Bliss, standing on the turnbuckle, celebrating her win as an ad for EBWF Shop began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we’ve got a double championship match as Aiden English defends the Breakout and Gateway Titles in a ladder match!

MJF’s music hit first, and the crowd booed as “The Salt of the Earth” made his way to the ring. MJF was followed to the ring by Adam Cole, Christian Cage, Damian Priest, and finally Aiden English. The crowd inside the arena was electric as the five competitors stood in the ring, each eyeing the two championships hanging above them. The Breakout Championship and the Gateway Championship glistened in the lights, suspended by cables as ladders littered the ringside area.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! This is going to be chaos, Nigel! Five men, two titles, and only ladders to determine the outcome!

Nigel McGuinness: Aiden English has certainly got a fight on his hands to hold onto either of his championships tonight… the stakes are massive! We are in for a war, Mauro!

The bell rang, and immediately, MJF bailed out of the ring, smirking arrogantly as the other four men exploded into action. Adam Cole went right for Christian Cage, while Damian Priest and Aiden English locked horns in the center of the ring. As Priest threw Aiden English back into the corner, Adam Cole delivered a dropkick to Christian, sending him rolling out of the ring. MJF, still on the outside, cautiously picked up a ladder, but before he could bring it into the ring, Cole executed a baseball slide, driving the ladder into MJF's midsection. The crowd erupted as Cole stood tall, looking around at the chaos. Cole crouched down, then lifted his arms up in the air as the crowd shouted…


Cole’s moment of celebration was short lived, as Damian Priest took him down with a big boot. Priest then turned his attention back to Aiden English, hitting the champion with a lariat. Priest quickly grabbed a ladder, setting it up in the center of the ring, but Christian Cage returned, chop-blocking Priest’s knee and toppling the ladder.

Nigel McGuinness: Christian Cage, always thinking two steps ahead. He knows it's not just about being strong; it’s about being smart!

Christian started to climb up the ladder himself, but Adam Cole rolled back into the ring, pulling Christian down and exchanging right hands with the veteran. The two battled back and forth, neither man giving an inch, until Cole hit a superkick that sent Christian sprawling. Cole looked up at the titles, adrenaline surging through him, and he began to climb. But as his fingers brushed the gold, MJF re-entered the ring and shoved the ladder, sending Cole crashing hard onto the ropes. MJF smirked, waving to the booing crowd before climbing the ladder himself.

Mauro Ranallo: MJF could steal this! He’s going for the titles!

Just as MJF reached the top, Aiden English scrambled up the other side of the ladder. The crowd roared as the two exchanged furious blows, cheering for each punch English hit and booing every time MJF returned fire. MJF then went for an eye poke, but English blocked it and delivered a headbutt, knocking MJF off balance. English then went to grab both titles, but before he could do so, Damian Priest yanked him off the ladder and lifted him up into the air, hitting the Broken Arrow!

Nigel McGuinness: Good Lord, Damian Priest with a Broken Arrow that nearly broke Aiden English in half!

MJF then grabbed Priest from behind, setting him up for the Double Cross, but Priest blocked it, then hit MJF with the Razor’s Edge! With the ring cleared, Priest climbed the ladder, his eyes locked on the Gateway Championship. Just as he reached for the belt, Christian Cage slid in, shoving the ladder just enough to throw Priest off balance. Priest dangled precariously from the cables holding the titles, but with a surge of strength, he unhooked the Gateway Championship, crashing to the mat with the belt in hand!

Mauro Ranallo: Damian Priest has done it! He's got the Gateway Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: But the match isn’t over, Mauro! The Breakout Championship is still up for grabs!

As Priest rolled out of the ring, clutching his new title, Christian Cage scrambled up the ladder. Adam Cole tried to pull him down, but Christian kicked him away, sending Cole tumbling to the mat. Aiden English, still dazed, crawled toward the ladder, but it was too late. Christian Cage reached the top, unhooked the Breakout Championship, and held it high above his head.

Mauro Ranallo: Christian Cage has done it! He's the new Breakout Champion!

Nigel McGuinness: What a match! Damian Priest wins the Gateway Championship, and Christian Cage, the opportunist that he is, climbs the ladder to claim the Breakout Championship!

As Christian descended the ladder, smirking with his newly won gold, Damian Priest stood at the top of the ramp, holding the Gateway Championship aloft. Aiden English sat in the corner of the ring, disappointed but resilient, while MJF fumed on the outside, his face twisted in rage. Adam Cole looked on, exhausted but proud of his effort.

The crowd erupted in cheers and boos, as the two new champions celebrated their victories in this unforgettable, high-stakes ladder match.

Mauro Ranallo: What a night! Two new champions crowned, and this war is far from over!

Nigel McGuinness: I have a feeling we’ve only seen the beginning of these rivalries, Mauro!


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we’ve got our second women’s match of the evening as the reigning Queen of the Ring, Tam Nakano, challenges the EBWF Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!

The crowd inside the arena was electric as Tam Nakano, the leader of Oedo Tai, made her way to the ring with fierce determination in her eyes. Fresh off her Queen of the Ring tournament victory, Tam had her sights set on reclaiming the EBWF Women’s Championship for the third time in her career.

Nigel McGuinness: Tam Nakano is no stranger to gold, and tonight she’s laser-focused on regaining the Women’s Championship, Mauro.

Mauro Ranallo: The Twilight Dream herself is a dangerous opponent, and with Oedo Tai behind her, she's looking to further establish her legacy tonight!

The moment the “Celtic Invasion” hit, the atmosphere shifted as Becky Lynch confidently strode out, the EBWF Women’s Championship slung over her shoulder. The fans erupted in cheers, clearly on the side of the resilient Irish Lass Kicker. Lynch had been unstoppable since winning the title, but tonight, she faced her toughest test yet in the form of the unpredictable and lethal Tam Nakano.

Mauro Ranallo: Becky Lynch is coming off one of the most dominant runs of her career, but Tam Nakano’s been waiting for this moment, Nigel.

Nigel McGuinness: Two-time Queen of the Ring, Women’s Last Survivor… Becky Lynch’s resume speaks for itself, but Tam Nakano is a master strategist, and last time she won the Women’s Championship, she held it for an entire year. This is anyone’s match tonight.

The bell rang, and the two competitors circled each other, the tension palpable. Lynch was the first to engage, attempting to bring Tam down with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tam, however, used her agility to slip behind Lynch and lock in a waist lock. Becky quickly transitioned, grabbing Nakano's arm and attempting an early Dis-Arm-Her, but Tam quickly scrambled to the ropes, forcing a break.

Mauro Ranallo: Becky wasted no time going for the Dis-Arm-Her! She’s looking to end this early!

Back on their feet, Tam delivered a stiff forearm to Lynch’s jaw, sending the champ reeling. Lynch countered with a back kick, catching Tam in the midsection, and followed up with a European Uppercut. The fans cheered as Lynch continued her assault, whipping Tam into the corner. Becky ran in for a springboard side kick, but Nakano rolled under at the last second. As Lynch turned, Tam nailed her with a quick Violet Shoot - a running knee strike that knocked Becky off her feet.

Nigel McGuinness: Tam Nakano with that pinpoint knee strike! That could shift the momentum, Mauro!

Tam capitalized, delivering a beautiful fisherman’s suplex, transitioning into a pin. The referee dropped to the mat.

1… 2… Kickout!

Lynch powered out just before the three, and the crowd roared. Tam looked to keep the pressure on, lifting Lynch for a Tenku Otoshi, but Becky slipped out mid-air, countering into a Bexploder! Tam crashed to the mat, and Becky quickly followed up with a running leg drop, the theatrics drawing more cheers from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Vintage Becky Lynch! The champ is firing up now!

Becky dragged Tam to her feet and set her up for the Manhandle Slam, but Nakano countered with a reverse roundhouse kick that caught Lynch square in the jaw! The champ staggered, and Tam hit the ropes, looking for another knee strike, but Becky evaded it at the last second and grabbed Tam's arm, dragging her down into the Dis-Arm-Her in the middle of the ring!

Mauro Ranallo: Becky’s got the Dis-Arm-Her locked in! This could be it!

Tam struggled, the pain evident on her face as Becky wrenched back on her arm. For a moment, it looked like she might tap, but the leader of Oedo Tai used her free arm to grab the ropes, forcing the break. The referee intervened, and Becky reluctantly released the hold.

Nigel McGuinness: Brilliant ring awareness by Tam Nakano! She had no choice but to get to the ropes.

As both women got to their feet, Tam was nursing her arm. Becky tried to press the advantage with another Bexploder, but this time Tam countered mid-air with a lightning-fast Andromeda - a cartwheel armbreaker takedown transitioned into a pin!

1… 2… Becky kicked out!

Tam slapped the mat in frustration, knowing how close she was. She signaled to the crowd, her expression turning cold as she grabbed Becky and hoisted her up into position for the Violet Screwdriver. She got Lynch in the air, but Becky slipped out just before the impact, landing behind Tam and immediately connecting with the Straight Fireball V-Trigger knee to Tam’s skull!

Mauro Ranallo: Nigel, Tam looks out cold after that Straight Fireball! Could this be it?

Lynch hooked the leg, and the referee counted…

1… 2… Nakano kicked out just before the 3!

The crowd gasped as Tam barely escaped defeat. Lynch, undeterred, pulled Tam back to her feet and set her up once more for the Manhandle Slam. This time, Tam twisted out of the attempt and spun Becky around, catching her with a brutal spinning heel kick. Becky fell hard to the mat, dazed. Sensing victory, Tam wasted no time. She pulled the champion up, locking in the hammerlock, before bridging backward into her finisher - the Twilight Dream.

Mauro Ranallo: Twilight Dream! Twilight Dream! Tam Nakano’s hit it!

The referee slid into position.

1… 2… 3!

The bell rang, and the crowd erupted into a mixture of gasps and boos as Tam Nakano stood victorious over the fallen champion. She had done it. Tam Nakano was once again the EBWF Women’s Champion.

Mauro Ranallo: Unbelievable! Tam Nakano has pinned Becky Lynch and reclaimed the EBWF Women’s Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: Tam Nakano went through the Queen of the Ring tournament, and tonight, she proved she is still one of the deadliest women in professional wrestling. Becky Lynch put up an incredible fight, but tonight, Tam Nakano is on the top of the mountain once again!

As Oedo Tai rushed to the ring to celebrate with their leader, Tam Nakano held the EBWF Women's Championship high above her head, while Becky Lynch, dazed and defeated, rolled to the outside, looking up at the new champion with defiance in her eyes. The night belonged to Oedo Tai, but the rivalry between Becky Lynch and Tam Nakano was far from over.


Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up for what promises to be a blockbuster showdown! The Miz, with his cohorts in BroAwesome, is set to challenge CM Punk for the EBWF World Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz has had a rollercoaster career, but tonight he’s got a real chance to add another title to his résumé. But you have to wonder about the wild card here, Mauro—Matt Riddle. How much of an impact will he have?

The Miz made his way down to the ring, oozing confidence as always. Matt Riddle strutted alongside him, sporting a laid-back grin, clapping his hands and hyping up the crowd. The Miz played to the audience, clearly feeling secure with Riddle in his corner. The tension in the arena heightened as CM Punk’s music hit, and the reigning EBWF World Champion, full of swagger and intensity, stepped into the spotlight.

Mauro Ranallo: And here he is, the self-proclaimed Best in the World, CM Punk! The man has been on a tear since winning that championship, and he’s not going to give it up without a fight!”

Nigel McGuinness: Punk thrives on being in hostile territory, and you know he’s going to be laser-focused. He knows The Miz isn’t one to be taken lightly, but what about Riddle? There’s a lot of intrigue surrounding him tonight.

The bell rang, and the match was officially underway. The Miz and CM Punk circled each other, eyes locked in a tense stare down. The two exchanged quick grapples in the center of the ring, but Punk’s technical prowess allowed him to gain the early advantage. He wrestled Miz down to the mat, applying a side headlock to slow the challenger down.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk immediately taking control, working that headlock and keeping Miz grounded.

Nigel McGuinness: Smart move by Punk. He knows Miz can be crafty, so he’s taking away any opportunity for Miz to pull off one of his trademark tricks.

The Miz eventually worked his way back to his feet, sending Punk into the ropes and catching him with a shoulder block. Punk bounced back quickly, but Miz was ready, hitting a snap DDT that left the champion reeling. Miz went for the early cover.

Mauro Ranallo: Miz with the cover! One, two - no! Punk kicks out!

Nigel McGuinness: Miz can’t expect to win that easily, but he’s making a statement that he’s here to compete!

As Miz kept the pressure on, Matt Riddle circled the outside of the ring, shouting words of encouragement. Punk fought back with a series of stiff forearms to Miz’s face, but Miz dodged a clothesline and countered with a Skull-Crushing Finale attempt! Punk wriggled free at the last second, ducking out of the move and catching Miz with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

Mauro Ranallo: What a counter by Punk! That kick could’ve knocked Miz’s teeth out!”

Nigel McGuinness: That’s the kind of precision CM Punk is known for. The Miz needs to be careful, or this could slip away quickly.

With Miz dazed, Punk seized control. He whipped Miz into the corner and charged with a high knee strike, immediately following it with a bulldog. Punk signaled to the crowd that he was going to finish it, climbing to the top rope for his signature Elbow Drop. But just as Punk was about to leap, Matt Riddle jumped onto the apron, yelling at Punk and causing a distraction.

Mauro Ranallo: There’s Riddle getting involved! What is he doing? He’s throwing Punk off his game!

Nigel McGuinness: Exactly what The Miz wanted! Punk has to keep his focus on the match!

Punk stared down Riddle, allowing Miz enough time to recover. Miz hit the ropes and caused Punk to lose his balance, crotching him on the top turnbuckle. The crowd gasped as Punk grimaced in pain. Miz quickly climbed up after him, looking for a Superplex, but Punk fought him off, delivering several hard punches to Miz’s midsection, sending him crashing back down to the mat. As Punk prepared to jump off the top rope again, Matt Riddle suddenly hopped onto the apron again. The referee moved to confront Riddle, but this time, instead of merely distracting, Riddle shoved Punk off the top rope! The crowd erupted in confusion as Punk landed hard on the mat, and Riddle turned to The Miz with a cold, uncharacteristic stare.

Mauro Ranallo: WHAT? What did we just see? Matt Riddle just shoved Punk off the top rope! What is going on?

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t believe this, Mauro! Did Matt Riddle just betray The Miz?

The bell rang.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner by disqualification, and STILL EBWF World Champion… CM PUNK!

Miz, stood stunned, and looked at Riddle in shock. Riddle stood motionless outside the ring, his eyes locked on The Miz. Miz tried to reason with Riddle, but Riddle climbed into the ring and, to the horror of the audience, delivered a devastating Bro Derek to The Miz! The entire arena erupted in disbelief.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma mia! Matt Riddle just laid out The Miz! I can't believe my eyes! This makes no sense!

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz thought Riddle was in his corner, but it looks like Riddle had other plans! What a shocking turn of events!

CM Punk, still recovering from the earlier fall, saw the carnage unfold. He took the title. The crowd was in complete shock as the referee raised Punk’s hand. CM Punk, though confused, grinned with satisfaction and got out of the ring. Meanwhile, Matt Riddle stood above The Miz, expressionless, as the crowd continued to murmur their confusion. Miz struggled to his feet, and Riddle sized him up. Miz grabbed Riddle’s shirt, pulling himself to his feet. Riddle stood still as Miz pulled up to his full height. Miz began to pat Riddle’s cheek, and then grinned broadly before wrapping Riddle in a hug. The crowd reacted strongly.

Nigel McGuinness: I still can’t process what we just saw. Matt Riddle, of all people, turned on The Miz and handed Punk the win on a silver platter! And now, Miz is hugging him?

Mauro Ranallo: Matt Riddle just shattered everyone’s expectations! The Miz never saw it coming, and now Punk walks out with the gold still around his waist!

The crowd saw Miz pat Riddle’s cheek again and say “Thank you”. Riddle looked confused, but smiled and nodded at the recognition. The camera focused on CM Punk, who raised the EBWF World Championship high as the crowd buzzed with a mix of shock and excitement as Gateway to Glory went off the air.