Warfare Results 10/21/2024

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Warfare Results 10/21/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks... it's time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from Memphis, Tennessee, and kicking things off, Hook will be issuing an FTW open challenge!

The crowd erupted as “The Chairman’s Intent” by Action Bronson hit, and Hook made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Hook raised his fist in the air, signaling his willingness to take on anyone brave enough to accept his FTW open challenge. The tension in the arena was palpable, and the Memphis fans were buzzing to see who would answer the call. Suddenly, the familiar twang of country rock filled the arena, and the crowd’s excitement reached a fever pitch as Jeff Jarrett made his way out, guitar in hand and a confident grin on his face. The Memphis crowd cheered wildly for the Tennessee native, and Jarrett acknowledged them with a wave. But this wasn’t just a one-man appearance; his wife, Karen Jarrett, was by his side, flashing a sly smile as she accompanied him to the ring. Hook watched his challenger approach, his expression unchanging as he prepared himself for the battle ahead.

Nigel McGuinness: This just got interesting, Mauro! Jeff Jarrett is a legend in this business, and he’s going to bring his A-game tonight, especially in front of this Tennessee crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: And let’s not forget, Hook is no stranger to this kind of brawl. Under FTW rules, anything goes. This is going to be a war!

The bell rang, and the two competitors met in the center of the ring. Jarrett extended his hand, but Hook was having none of it; he launched himself at Jarrett, taking him down with a flurry of strikes. Hook’s fists came down like a storm, and Jarrett was forced to cover up as best as he could. The crowd was on their feet, cheering for both men, although Hook's aggressive style had quickly won over a section of the fans. Jarrett fought back, grabbing Hook by the head and shoving him into the corner. He laid in some heavy right hands, each one thundering through the arena, but Hook didn’t back down. Instead, he countered, grabbing Jarrett’s arm and sending him into the opposite turnbuckle with a massive Irish whip. Jarrett hit hard, and Hook followed up with a brutal running clothesline that almost took Jarrett’s head off. The action spilled to the outside as Hook slid out of the ring and reached under it, pulling out a steel chair to the delight of the fans. He raised it high, looking to bring it down on Jarrett, but Jarrett quickly rolled out of the way and grabbed a trash can lid from under the ring. The two men squared off, weapons in hand, and a tense standoff ensued before they charged at each other. Hook’s chair collided with Jarrett’s trash can lid in a loud clang, and the impact sent both men staggering.

Nigel McGuinness: These two are going at it like a pair of gladiators! Jarrett’s got decades of experience, but Hook’s got the hunger of a lion tonight!

As both men dropped their weapons, Hook grabbed Jarrett, going for Redrum… but before he could lock it in, Karen Jarrett took off her shoes and threw them at Hook! Hook turned around, locking eyes with Karen… and Jeff Jarrett took full advantage, hitting Hook with a low blow! The crowd booed and the underhanded tactics from the Jarretts. Seizing his chance, Jarrett reached for his trusty guitar at ringside and slid back into the ring, guitar in hand. With the crowd on their feet, he raised it high, ready to strike Hook with a signature smash. But before he could swing, Hook ducked under and wrenched the guitar from Jarrett’s hands in a seamless counter. The crowd gasped as Hook, guitar in hand, stared down Jarrett.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh no, Jeff Jarrett may have just signed his own doom! Hook has the guitar, and he doesn’t look like he’s going to be gentle with it!

In a spectacular moment, Hook raised the guitar high and brought it down over Jarrett’s head, shattering it into pieces as the arena exploded with cheers. As Jarrett dropped to the mat, Hook made the cover, and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Nigel McGuinness: What a statement by Hook tonight! Taking down a legend like Jeff Jarrett in his own backyard - it doesn’t get much better than that!

Mauro Ranallo: Hook sent a message loud and clear to everyone in EBWF: if you step up to his FTW open challenge, you’d better be ready for a fight!

Hook stood tall in the center of the ring, nodding to the crowd as he took in the adulation. Meanwhile, a defeated Jarrett lay on the mat, nursing his wounds with Karen by his side, her interference backfiring spectacularly.


The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the lights dimmed, the energy in the arena pulsing with excitement. Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness sat at ringside, ready to call the action.

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up because this is going to be one for the ages!

Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring, her signature confidence on full display.

Mauro Ranallo: We have Alexa Bliss and Mina Shirakawa, two fierce competitors ready to leave it all in the ring tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: Indeed, Mauro. Both women have a chip on their shoulders. Alexa's known for her mind games and ruthless tactics, while Mina's resilience is unmatched.

As the bell rang, the two circled each other. Mina took the initiative, quickly closing in with a lockup. Alexa, though smaller in stature, used her agility to slip behind Mina, locking her into a waist hold. Mina countered with an elbow, breaking Alexa’s hold and charging forward with a shoulder tackle that sent Alexa staggering back.

Mauro Ranallo: Mina Shirakawa showing some strength here early on!

Alexa smirked, seemingly unfazed, and ran back at Mina, who was ready for her. Mina ducked a clothesline and grabbed Alexa around the waist, slamming her down with a quick snap suplex. The crowd roared as Mina held for an early pin attempt, but Alexa kicked out at one.

Nigel McGuinness: Shirakawa’s coming out strong! She's not wasting any time, but Alexa Bliss is too savvy to be taken down this early.

Alexa rolled to the ropes, using them to pull herself up. Mina charged again, but Alexa, thinking fast, dropped to her knees and pulled the top rope down, sending Mina tumbling out to the floor. Alexa grinned, hopping up onto the apron and leaping off with a double ax handle smash onto Mina, knocking her down hard.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, and there's that ruthless side of Bliss! She'll use any advantage she can get!

Alexa grabbed Mina by the hair, pulling her up and throwing her back into the ring. She followed with a series of stomps, each one landing with a sickening thud. Alexa then pulled Mina up into the corner, delivering several quick forearms before climbing up the ropes and wrapping her legs around Mina’s neck in a tree-of-woe position, choking her against the turnbuckle.

Nigel McGuinness: Mina’s in trouble here, Mauro! Alexa’s showing no mercy.

Mina struggled, kicking her legs to break free, and finally managed to slip out of the hold, causing Alexa to tumble from the ropes. Gathering her strength, Mina charged forward, hitting Alexa with a brutal spear that turned the tide of the match. The crowd erupted.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! What a spear by Shirakawa! Alexa's in trouble now!

With Alexa on the mat, Mina capitalized, delivering a series of elbow drops, then lifted Alexa up for her signature move, the Implant Buster. But Alexa, sensing the danger, wrenched free and countered with a vicious forearm to Mina's jaw, stunning her. Alexa then grabbed Mina's head and executed her own DDT, planting her opponent’s head firmly into the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: That was brutal! Alexa Bliss has shifted the momentum again!

The crowd gasped. Sensing victory, Alexa quickly climbed to the top rope, signaling for Twisted Bliss. She leapt, twisting mid-air, and landed perfectly onto Mina’s chest. Alexa hooked the leg as the referee slid in for the count.


The bell rang, and Alexa Bliss raised her arms in triumph, a smirk spreading across her face as the crowd offered a mix of cheers and boos.

Mauro Ranallo: And there you have it, folks! Alexa Bliss has just shown us why she’s one of the most dangerous competitors in the game. Mina Shirakawa fought valiantly, but tonight, Alexa Bliss was simply too much.

Nigel McGuinness: This was an incredible battle, and both women left it all in the ring. Mina might have lost tonight, but she’ll be back. No doubt about that.

As Alexa made her way out of the ring, Mina slowly sat up, disappointment clear on her face. But the crowd gave her a respectful cheer, showing their appreciation for her fighting spirit. Alexa walked up the ramp, basking in her victory, while Mina stood in the ring, a defiant look in her eyes, already plotting her comeback. EBWF went to commercial.


The tension was thick in the air as Matt Riddle and CM Punk stood face-to-face in the ring, eyes locked in a battle of wills. The crowd erupted in anticipation as the main event bell rang.

Mauro Ranallo: This is going to be a true clash of styles, Nigel! Matt Riddle, the MMA technician with that laid-back yet intense demeanor, going toe-to-toe with the EBWF World Champion, CM Punk!"

Nigel McGuinness: And let’s not forget, Mauro, both these men have something to prove tonight. Riddle wants to cement his place as a main event player, and Punk? Well, he’s looking to show he hasn’t lost a step.

The two locked up, each testing the other's strength. Punk took an early advantage, transitioning into a headlock, but Riddle quickly broke free and caught Punk with a lightning-fast takedown, trying to apply an armbar. Punk scrambled, escaping to his feet and shooting Riddle a determined glare.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh! Riddle looking to end this early with a submission attempt!

Riddle smiled, bouncing on the balls of his feet as Punk regrouped. The two circled before Punk charged in, delivering a quick kick to Riddle's leg, followed by a forearm strike. Riddle staggered but countered with a knee to Punk’s midsection, doubling him over. Riddle followed with a gutwrench suplex, slamming Punk down to the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: And there’s the power of Matt Riddle! He's not holding back tonight.

Riddle went for a cover, but Punk kicked out at two. Wasting no time, Riddle locked Punk into a rear chinlock, grounding him to the mat. The crowd rallied behind Punk, who managed to power out, breaking free with a few well-placed elbows to Riddle's ribs. Punk whipped Riddle into the ropes, and as Riddle bounced back, Punk met him with a high roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

Mauro Ranallo: Vintage Punk! He’s still got that striking precision!

Riddle crumpled to the mat, and Punk seized the opportunity, lifting Riddle and planting him with a neckbreaker. Punk hooked the leg, but Riddle kicked out at two. Punk nodded, realizing he’d have to dig deeper to keep Riddle down. He lifted Riddle to his feet, setting him up for a suplex, but Riddle blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. Both men struggled to their feet, trading strikes in the center of the ring. Riddle nailed Punk with a stiff forearm, but Punk responded with a quick knee to the gut, then a snap DDT that grounded Riddle. Punk then pointed to the corner, the crowd roaring in anticipation.

Mauro Ranallo: Looks like Punk’s going for the big one! Could we be about to see the iconic elbow drop?

Punk climbed the ropes, steadied himself, and launched into a beautiful flying elbow drop. But at the last second, Riddle rolled out of the way, causing Punk to crash hard onto the mat. Riddle quickly scrambled over and locked Punk into his signature Bromission submission hold.

Nigel McGuinness: Riddle has the Bromission locked in! This could be it! CM Punk is in serious trouble!

The crowd was in a frenzy as Punk writhed in pain, reaching desperately for the ropes. With sheer determination, he managed to get a hand on the bottom rope, forcing Riddle to break the hold. Riddle got up, a look of frustration crossing his face. He grabbed Punk to set him up for a German suplex, but Punk reversed, hitting Riddle with a desperate high knee to the jaw. Punk then signaled for the GTS, lifting Riddle onto his shoulders. The crowd was on their feet as Punk steadied himself for the move, but just as he was about to execute it, The Miz suddenly appeared at ringside, distracting Punk.

Mauro Ranallo: What’s The Miz doing here? He has no business in this match! Why does he insist on making this so personal!?

Punk turned his head, momentarily distracted, which was all Miz needed. Miz quickly grabbed Punk's leg from the outside, causing Punk to stumble. Riddle took advantage of the distraction, breaking free from Punk’s grasp and, with lightning speed, hitting Punk with a thunderous Bro Derek in the center of the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Riddle capitalizes! Bro Derek!

Riddle hooked Punk’s leg for the cover as the referee counted.


The bell rang, and Riddle’s arm was raised in victory as the crowd erupted, half in cheers and half in disbelief. Mauro’s voice was full of shock as he spoke.

Mauro Ranallo: Matt Riddle has just defeated CM Punk.

Miz got into the ring with Riddle and hugged him as he raised his arm in victory.

Nigel McGuinness: You know Punk has to be livid!

Riddle rolled out of the ring, raising his arms in celebration as he made his way up the ramp. Meanwhile, CM Punk sat up on the outside, glaring daggers at The Miz, who smirked smugly from ringside, clearly pleased with his interference. As Riddle celebrated his victory, Punk stood, still focused on The Miz, who taunted him from a safe distance. The rivalry between Punk and Miz seemed far from over, and the crowd buzzed with the promise of more chaos to come.

Nigel McGuinness: It’s going to be one hell of a Fanniversary. EBWF celebrates 23 years, and Miz intends to leave champion!

Punk continued to yell at Miz as Warfare went off the air.
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