Warfare Results 12/02/2024

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 12/02/2024

Post by Ben M »


The Wells Fargo Center buzzed with excitement as Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness welcomed fans to another night of EBWF action.

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… It’s time for Warfare! We’re kicking things off with a clash between two of the most dynamic athletes in wrestling today—Stephanie Vaquer versus Alexa Bliss!

Nigel McGuinness: Both women are fierce competitors, Mauro. Alexa Bliss brings her psychological mind games, but Stephanie Vaquer has been on a roll lately. This is going to be one heck of an opener!

The lights dimmed as the first notes of Stephanie Vaquer’s entrance music echoed through the arena. The crowd erupted as the charismatic luchadora made her way to the ring, her confidence radiating. Vaquer donned a sleek red and black ensemble, her lucha-inspired mask adding an air of mystique.

Moments later, Alexa Bliss's theme hit, and the atmosphere shifted. Bliss strode to the ring with her trademark smirk, exuding arrogance. Her colorful, playful gear belied the dangerous competitor beneath the surface.

The bell rang, and the two locked up in the center of the ring. Vaquer displayed her technical prowess early, transitioning seamlessly into a wristlock that forced Bliss to her knees. Bliss, ever the opportunist, countered with a sharp elbow to the ribs, breaking free.

Bliss gained the upper hand with a series of calculated strikes, grounding Vaquer with a basement dropkick. She followed with a chokehold, her smirk returning as she taunted the crowd.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s the devious side of Alexa Bliss we’ve come to know—she’s always looking for that psychological edge.

Vaquer rallied, feeding off the crowd’s energy. She escaped the hold and sent Bliss reeling with a series of knife-edge chops. Vaquer’s offense was fast and fluid, culminating in a picture-perfect hurricanrana that sent Bliss to the outside.

The crowd erupted as Vaquer followed up with a breathtaking suicide dive, crashing into Bliss and sending both women sprawling near the barricade.

Mauro Ranallo: Tope suicida! Stephanie Vaquer is pulling out all the stops tonight!

Back in the ring, Vaquer maintained control, targeting Bliss’s midsection with precision kicks. Bliss, however, wasn’t done. She raked Vaquer’s eyes behind the referee’s back and hit a brutal snap DDT for a near fall.

The match reached its crescendo as both women traded high-impact moves. Bliss went for her patented Twisted Bliss, but Vaquer rolled out of the way at the last second. Seizing the moment, Vaquer hoisted Bliss onto her shoulders and delivered a devastating Gory Bomb.

Nigel McGuinness: What impact! That could do it!

Vaquer covered, and the referee’s hand hit the mat for the three-count as the crowd erupted in cheers.

Mauro Ranallo: Stephanie Vaquer with an incredible victory! Her second in as many weeks!

Vaquer stood tall in the ring, her arm raised in triumph as Bliss retreated up the ramp, seething with frustration. The Wells Fargo Center showered Vaquer with applause, setting the tone for an unforgettable night of wrestling.


The screen transitioned to a dimly lit backstage studio, where Tony Schiavone sat in a sleek chair opposite Diamond Dallas Page. The EBWF logo was prominently displayed behind them on a backdrop, with "Exclusive Interview" in the top right corner of the screen. Schiavone, dressed in a sharp suit, had a somber expression as he introduced the segment. DDP sat across from him, wearing his trademark t-shirt with "DDPY" emblazoned on the front, along with blue jeans and boots. His demeanor was uncharacteristically serious.

Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to be here tonight for this exclusive interview. I also want to thank Diamond Dallas Page for requesting my presence for this discussion, though I wish it were under better circumstances. You’ve seen and done it all in this business, but the world is still reeling after Rex Steiner’s appalling attack on Rick and Scott Steiner at the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Legends Award Ceremony. You were there that night. What’s going through your mind after witnessing such a betrayal?

DDP sighed deeply and leaned forward, his hands clasped together.

Diamond Dallas Page: Tony, first of all, it’s great to see you again, even under these circumstances. You and I go way back, just like me and the Steiner Brothers. Truthfully, there isn’t a day when you hear one of us is no longer here, so I’m thankful for any chance to talk to old friends. But I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been in this business for decades, man. I’ve seen rivalries, betrayals, and family feuds, but what I saw that night at the PWI event? That wasn’t wrestling. It wasn’t at an EBWF show or any other promotion. That was an award ceremony for two legends. Rick chose that moment—Rick and Scottie’s moment—to talk about his son. That wasn’t personal heat in this business. How Rex chose to respond was pure hatred. That was animosity.

DDP paused, shaking his head, his voice tinged with anger.

Diamond Dallas Page: I stood there, watching Rick and Scott—two guys I’ve bled with, fought alongside, and respected for years. I tried to get more involved, but like all of us old, retired guys, I didn’t move quickly enough. I blame myself for that. I watched Rick pour his heart out on that stage about his son, only for them to get taken out by someone who should’ve been carrying their torch, not snuffing it out. Watching Rex lay out two of the toughest men this business ever had—men who should have been revered and treated with respect—was one of the hardest things I had to witness, Tony.

DDP paused again, visibly grappling with disbelief and shock at the actions of the newly self-labeled Warhound.

Tony Schiavone: DDP, you’ve been close to the Steiners for years. Heck, we all were there in WCW. Can you describe what this betrayal means to their legacy? Can you tell us what it means to you personally?

DDP leaned back, his jaw tightening.

Diamond Dallas Page: Tony, the Steiner Brothers are more than just legends or coworkers. They’re family to me. Rick and Scott revolutionized tag team wrestling. They didn’t just set the bar; they were the bar! We were going to cookouts together after we retired. I called Rick and Scottie probably once a week after everything went south with some other guys. Scottie and I buried the hatchet, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say we were friends now. I knew Rex since he was this high, man. I went to his games. He played with my kids as they were growing up. So it breaks my heart more than anyone may realize when he spits on all of it! Do you know what hurts the most, Tony? It’s knowing that Rick Steiner looked at his son as his legacy. Everyone in a locker room with him knew it. Forget all the belts, forget all the awards as an amateur, forget the legend that Rick and Scott are. Rick believed in that kid so much he knew Rex Steiner would grow up and be a better man than him and his brother. He wanted Rex to be better than him so badly that it was all Rick would talk about while on the road! And how does Rex repay his dad for that loyalty? For that love and admiration? By blindsiding him. Putting him in the hospital, laid up. Forcing Rex’s siblings and cousins to watch their fathers be destroyed. And signing that blood-soaked EBWF contract like it was Rex’s newest trophy, hanging it over the Steiners while they lay on the shelf!

DDP paused, visibly trying to compose himself.

Diamond Dallas Page: I’ve seen betrayals in this business, Tony. I’ve been on the receiving end of more than a few. But this? This was different. It was personal in a way that cut deeper than I’ve ever seen.

Tony Schiavone: Rex Steiner’s actions have sent shockwaves through the EBWF and beyond. But DDP, the big question now is: what happens next? What’s the fallout for Rex Steiner?

DDP leaned forward again, his tone more intense.

Diamond Dallas Page: What happens next? I’m not sure that’s the right question, Tony. But I’ll tell you what happens next. Rex Steiner doesn’t get to walk away from this. He doesn’t get to act like there are no consequences for what he did. Because next week, at Warfare, in the Target Center in Minneapolis, someone’s coming for Rex Steiner. Someone who doesn’t forget. Someone who doesn’t forgive. Someone who’s been a friend of the Steiners for decades. No, Tony, the question isn’t what happens next. It’s who’s next.

DDP paused for dramatic effect, the intensity in his voice growing.

Diamond Dallas Page: You know who I’m talking about, Tony. The rest of us admit we’re too damn old to get back in there and fight that snot-nosed punk. But one guy is more than happy to go one more dance. I won’t sugarcoat it. Next week, Goldberg will be at Warfare!

Tony Schiavone’s eyes widened as he leaned back in surprise.

Tony Schiavone: Wait a minute! You’re saying Goldberg is coming to EBWF Warfare next week?!

DDP nodded, his face set with determination.

Diamond Dallas Page: That’s exactly what I’m saying. And Rex? I hope you’re listening, kid. Because Goldberg isn’t just coming to shake hands and talk about old times when he helped you through football. He’s coming for YOUR ASS! You’ve got a lot of people gunning for you right now after that crap you pulled. But I’ll give you one last loving remark, kid. Goldberg? He’s coming to force you to understand exactly what happens when you cross the line. He’s going to be the belt you didn’t get enough. And trust me, there’s no one better at delivering that message than Goldberg.

Tony Schiavone: DDP, that’s an earth-shattering announcement. Goldberg, one of the most dominant forces in wrestling history, is coming to EBWF Warfare next week in Minneapolis to confront Rex Steiner?! I can’t even imagine what happens when those two are face-to-face!

DDP stood up, looking directly into the camera, his voice firm.

Diamond Dallas Page: Rex, you wanted to make a statement? Well, now you’ve got the attention of everyone in this business. You made your move, kid. Bravo, you took out two old, retired men who don’t fight. Next week, it’s Goldberg’s turn to see what you got inside you when the legend expects you. And, kid, you better be ready to feel the BANG!

DDP gestured for the Diamond Cutter signal before the screen faded to black.


With the festivities fully underway at Wells Fargo Arena, the EBWF faithful were fully geared up for more big moments, announcements, and action. Excited as they may have been, none of them were particularly pleased to hear the distorted woman’s voice that spoke over the PA system.

‘tHe fOLloWInG mEssAgE Is bRoUgHt tO yOu bY oEDo t4i’

Immediately, boos filled the arena to the brim in response to the most dominant unit’s calling card. The screens were filled with static, followed by a slowly forming Oedo Tai logo surrounded by pictures of the women defeated by the EBWF Women’s Champion since her return to EBWF in 2022. Aalyah Gutierrez, Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch, Arisa Hoshiki, Utami Hayashishita, Shaul Guerrero, Ava Johnson, Trish Stratus, Britt Baker, and more. Each and every one had a red ‘X’ drawn over them. The shot then faded into a view of Tam Nakano sitting on a cozy looking sofa, dressed in her usual fashionably feminine attire. Himeka stood over her shoulder behind the sofa, while it seemed Mina was behind the camera.

Tam Nakano: Oh, there you are. Sorry that I’ve left you all on your lonesomes since Fanniversary—actually, no I’m not sorry about that. It’s the biggest party of the year, with some very exclusive after parties that are very discerning about who they let in. Not that you’ll ever have even a tiny hint of what that’s like. The only thing exclusive about you is your exclusive love for Tam. Boo me all you want, but the fact is that you tune in every week hoping to get a glimpse of my greatness. Those seats in the Wells Fargo Center tonight? Sold out thanks to thousands of people desperate to be in the presence of the most dominant champion in EBWF history, Tam smiled with saccharine sarcasm, But surprise! I’m not there. Why would I be when the only thing to see is corn everywhere? If I wanted to see that, I’d walk down to the nearest produce section and not have to deal with a bunch of Midwestern ingrates who won’t just accept they love Tam. Someone of my standing with my accomplishments would dirty herself by showing up in Des Moines, Iowa. Really! Oedo Tai has standards, people!

She stuck her tongue out defiantly as the live crowd booed her.

Tam Nakano: But you still get your Tam Time. Despite your constant denial of reality, I’m here. Not for you, but for a certain woman who finally worked up the nerve to step up.

Tam waggled her fingers in an adorable wave.

Tam Nakano: Hi Doc. Long time no see. While I was off living the good life, I heard that you decided to aim for the target on my back. That’s so interesting! Here I was wondering if you even remembered that you didn’t get that rematch you were demanding last year. No fallen queens to distract you, hm? Fine. You’ve got my attention. Now, have you earned that shot you’re chomping at the bit to get?

She smirked derisively.

Tam Nakano: Of course not. One little win over Jamie doesn’t entitle you to anything but our annoyance. You’re like a teeny tiny cavity that’s just bad enough to hurt when we put too much pressure on the tooth. Easy enough to just clean away and repair if we wanted to. So what do we do about our little doctor who thinks she can hang with the champion?

Tam tapped her chin playfully before having an exaggerated ‘ah-ha’ moment.

Tam Nakano: Well, she gave us that idea herself. Since she let little Utami distract her from demanding her rematch and then got put down by yours truly in the Queen of the Ring final, she really should earn her shot, shouldn’t she? After all, having the opportunity to put an end to the greatest wrestler of all time’s career isn’t something you can just walk to the ring and ask for. This beautiful championship deserves someone who will fight to raise the level of women’s wrestling. Is that you, Doc?

She shrugged and patted the title.

Tam Nakano: You want this beautiful championship I’ve dedicated my career to defending and upholding? Prove you’re good enough. Over the next two weeks, you get to face my family as a test. Beat Mina and Himeka and you’ll earn your shot at Christmas Eve of Destruction. Lose and… Well, I reserve the right not to defend MY belt at all since there don’t seem to be any viable contenders. Just a bunch of has-beens and never-weres I’ve already beaten, a luchadora who’s more likely to join us than not, and an overhyped paper tiger I’ve beaten every single time we’ve fought with a belt on the line. Maybe I’ll just have an Oedo Tai Christmas! Wouldn’t that be fun?!

Tam laughed with malicious joy.

Tam Nakano: The gauntlet’s set, Doc. We’ll see you soon.


After a video package promoting Christmas Eve of Destruction, “Judas” by Fozzy hit, and the Iowa crowd erupted as Chris Jericho made his way to the ring. Jericho was dressed in a leather jacket and was carrying a microphone with him. As he stepped into the ring, Jericho paused briefly to soak in the crowd’s chants before bringing the microphone to his lips.

Chris Jericho: Well, Man in Black – or as I like to call you, the Coward in Cloaks! – I’m here, ready to face you in the ring, just like you asked. Now it’s time to reveal yourself!

The crowd buzzed with anticipation, but there was no immediate response. Jericho paced back and forth, his frustration building with each passing second.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho looks ready for a fight tonight! But where is the Man in Black?

Nigel McGuinness: That’s the million-dollar question, Mauro. Will he finally show his face?

The arena lights dimmed, and a hush fell over the crowd as “The Man in Black” appeared at the top of the ramp. As the Man in Black began walking slowly towards the ring, Jericho dropped his jacket and raised his fists, readying himself for a fight. But as the mysterious figure reached the halfway point of the ramp, he stopped. He then reached up and removed his mask, revealing his face…


Nigel McGuinness: I can’t believe it! Adam Cole is the Man in Black?!

Jericho’s eyes widened in shock. He took a step back, momentarily stunned by the revelation. Before he could react, Roderick Strong slid into the ring from behind and blindsided Jericho with a clubbing blow to the back of the head. The crowd booed as Strong began beating down Jericho.

Mauro Ranallo: Roderick Strong! What is he doing here?

Nigel McGuinness: It’s an ambush, Mauro! This was a setup all along!

Jericho tried to fight back, throwing punches at Strong, but the numbers quickly overwhelmed him as Adam Cole entered the ring, joining Strong in a vicious two-on-one assault. The crowd booed loudly as Strong delivered his devastating finisher, The End of Heartache, slamming Jericho to the mat. Cole followed up with The Boom, driving his knee into Jericho’s skull.

Mauro Ranallo: This is despicable! Jericho is being dismantled before our eyes!

Nigel McGuinness: The Man in Black had a partner all along, and now we’re seeing their true colors!

With Jericho lying motionless in the ring, Adam Cole grabbed a microphone and knelt beside him. The crowd’s jeers intensified as Cole raised the microphone to speak.

Adam Cole: You know, Chris, despite all our differences over the years, I used to respect you. But that changed at the start of this year. Watching you win the Last Survivor match and secure your spot in the main event of Fallout... it became clear to me. You’re not the legend you pretend to be. You’re abusing your power, and your friendship with Wes Ikeda, to keep yourself on top.

The crowd roared with anger, but Cole pressed on, a smug smirk on his face.

Adam Cole: You call yourself the EBWF original, but let’s be honest. Your real nickname should be "The Gatekeeper.” That’s what you are, Chris. You’re not here to develop new talent; you’re here to keep everyone else down so you can stay on your throne.

Cole stood, glaring down at Jericho before continuing.

Adam Cole: That’s why I created the Man in Black. I knew the only way to save EBWF was to drive you out of this company. But I also knew I couldn’t do it alone. So, I called an old friend.

Cole handed the microphone to Roderick Strong, who grinned as he addressed the booing crowd.

Roderick Strong: That’s right… Adam and I outsmarted all of you! That’s why no one could catch the Man in Black – because there were two of us working together the entire time. But we didn’t stop there. Trish Stratus, are you watching? Remember your mysterious attacker? That wasn’t some random act. That was "The Woman in Black"... my wife, Marina Shafir.

The crowd’s reaction reached a fever pitch as Strong handed the microphone back to Cole, who leaned in close to Jericho. Cole chuckled to himself.

Adam Cole: Marina’s attack on Trish worked better than we ever imagined. We knew it would affect Jericho, given how close he is to Trish, but it did more than that. It drove Trish, her husband Edge, and Randy Orton, out of EBWF. Normally Rated RKO show up twice a year to collect their paychecks – at Last Survivor, and at King of the Ring time – but with one sneak attack, we managed to get them to sit at home for even longer. And my advice to the two of you, is the same advice I’ll give Trish and Chris… stay at home. The four of you are part of the “old guard” of EBWF, and as of this moment, you have two choices: step aside willingly, or be brought to your knees.

Cole stood tall, looking directly into the camera.

Adam Cole: You all remember us as undisputed. But those days are gone. Now? We’re “The Unleashed”. And there’s no one in EBWF who can stop us.

Cole dropped the microphone onto Jericho’s chest as he and Strong stood over him, soaking in the boos from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Adam Cole and Roderick Strong have sent a chilling message to the EBWF locker room. Who will stand up to The Unleashed?

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t know, Mauro, but one thing’s for sure – the landscape of EBWF just changed forever.

The camera lingered on the scene of devastation before fading to black as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare returned from commercial, the ring was set up for a celebration. The crowd started to boo before the lights even came up, but “Cult of Personality” hit the PA and the crowd started cheering as CM Punk stomped out to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk looks like a man on a mission.

Punk started yelling into the microphone as he got into the ring.

CM Punk: No, no, no, no, no. Miz KNOWS what he did!

Nigel McGuinness: CM Punk is obsessed with getting back the EBWF Championship.

Mauro Ranallo: Wouldn’t you be too after the way everything went down with Punk and Miz?

CM Punk: You think you’re going to keep ducking me by having Riddle interfere. That’s what you think? All you had to do was beat me outright last week, and I wouldn’t have been able to challenge for your title again, but no, the gloves are off now. You want to win that way… well then that means I can still challenge you for the championship.

Nigel McGuinness: This is just looking desperate on the part of Punk…

Before the commentary team could continue, “I Came to Play” hit. Miz came out, talking over his music.

The Miz: You had your chance and now…

CM Punk: And now… I’m going to up the ante.

The Miz: That’s impossible, because you don’t have anything I want.

The Miz started to walk away, but Punk called out.

CM Punk: Mike… Mike… hear me out. Hear me out. I know the one thing you want more than anything in the world is to walk into 2025 with the EBWF World Championship.

Miz turned slowly. Punk had his attention.

CM Punk: And you can’t beat me without Riddle.

The Miz: I can beat you without Riddle. I’ve beat you without Riddle before, and…

CM Punk: I’m going to make Riddle an expected part of the equation.

The Miz: What are you tal…

CM Punk: You give me one more shot at that title…. And you bring Riddle.

Miz smirked.

CM Punk: Put your title on the line against me in a 2 on 1 handicap match.

The crowd cheered.

CM Punk: Me versus you and Riddle. And if I lose? You walk into 2025 with the EBWF Championship. You won’t hear another word out of me.

Miz smirked and put his finger to his chin, pondering this for a moment.

The Miz: And this is a big deal for you because we all know you love to hear yourself talk.

Punk bit his lip, trying hard not to retort.

The Miz: You’re out of your mind, Phil. But that’s why I’ll accept your challenge.

The crowd exploded as Punk backed up, looking ready to fight.

The Miz: Oh, do you like that, Des Moines? You like that? Well… too bad! Because it’s not tonight, Punk. I’ll see you next Monday in Minneapolis.

Miz threw down his mic as “I Came to Play” hit.

Mauro Ranallo: Gauntlet thrown, and gauntlet answered!

Nigel McGuinness: CM Punk may not know what hit him come next week on Warfare.

Punk smirked after Miz as the scene faded and holiday advertisements for EBWF Shop began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: It’s time for our main event, as the cold-hearted handsome devil Hook goes one on one with the EBWF Gateway Champion, Damian Priest!

“The Chairman’s Intent” by Action Bronson hit, and the crowd cheered as Hook walked out with his signature stoic confidence. Not long after, “To The Wolves” by Stitched Up Heart hit and Damian Priest made his entrance, his towering presence exuding a mix of menace and charisma.

Nigel McGuinness: The Gateway Championship might not be on the line tonight, Mauro, but the stakes still feel high in this one! Hook is seeking redemption after his loss to Damian Priest at Fanniversary.

When Priest was in the ring, the bell rang, and the match began with both men circling each other. Priest started the match strongly, hitting Hook with a series of punches before whipping him into the corner. Priest then ran at Hook, going for a bodypress… but Hook showed off his speed and technical prowess, moving out the corner and evading Priest, then lifting Priest up and hitting a release German suplex! As both men got to their feet, Hook whipped Priest into the corner and climbed to the second rope, hitting Priest with ten punches! As Hook climbed down from the second rope, Priest stumbled out of the corner, looking dazed. Hook then climbed to the top rope and went for a diving crossbody… but Priest caught Hook in mid-air and countered with a fallaway slam, before following up with a thunderous powerbomb!

Mauro Ranallo: Damian Priest showing why he’s such a dominant force in EBWF! That powerbomb just rattled Hook’s spine.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook’s got resilience in spades, Mauro. He’ll need every bit of it to overcome the Archer of Infamy tonight.

Priest hooked both legs, and the referee counted – 1… 2… Hook kicked out! Priest maintained control, punishing Hook with a combination of strikes and power moves. Priest then grabbed Hook by the throat, setting him up for a chokeslam… but Hook’s tenacity shone through as he managed to block it, then hit a T-bone suplex! The crowd cheered as Hook stood over Priest, stomping on him several times before locking in an armbar.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook’s got the cross armbar locked in! This could be a game-changer!

Nigel McGuinness: Smart strategy by Hook. If Priest can’t use those powerful arms, his arsenal is severely limited.

Priest managed to reach the ropes, forcing the break, but the damage was evident. As Priest used the ropes to pull himself up, Hook pressed his advantage, hitting Priest with a fisherman suplex. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Priest kicked out at 2 and a half! Frustration began to show on Hook’s face as he sat Priest up and began hitting him with hammer and anvil strikes. Priest was able to shift the momentum, fighting back by hitting Hook with a back elbow smash before getting to his feet and catching Hook with a spinning heel kick. Priest followed up with a devastating Broken Arrow, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Hook kicked out just before the 3! The crowd were on their feet, applauding the back-and-forth action.

Mauro Ranallo: This match is an instant classic! Both of these competitors are leaving it all in the ring!

Nigel McGuinness: You can feel the hunger in Hook tonight. He’s determined to prove he belongs at the top.

Priest signaled for the end, and lifted Hook onto his shoulders, setting up for the Razor’s Edge—the move that had sealed Hook’s fate at Fanniversary. The crowd held their breath as Priest took a few steps forward… but Hook wriggled free, slipping behind Priest and immediately leaping onto his back. In one fluid motion, Hook locked in Redrum, wrapping his arms tightly around Priest’s neck.

Mauro Ranallo: Redrum! He’s got it locked in! Damian Priest is in serious trouble!

Nigel McGuinness: Priest is a powerhouse, but there’s nowhere to go! Can he find a way out?

Priest fought valiantly, trying to pry Hook’s arms apart and inching toward the ropes. But the damage from Hook’s relentless assault throughout the match had taken its toll. Priest’s movements slowed, his strength fading as Hook tightened the hold. The referee checked on Priest, but there was no response. Finally, the referee called for the bell, signaling Hook’s victory via knockout.

Mauro Ranallo: He did it! Hook has defeated Damian Priest!

Nigel McGuinness: What a statement by Hook! Not only did he avenge his loss, but he just put the entire locker room on notice.

Hook released the hold as the crowd erupted in cheers. He stood tall over Priest, his arm raised in victory as the referee declared him the winner. Hook’s usually stoic expression cracked into a brief smile as he climbed the turnbuckle, soaking in the adulation of the EBWF Universe.

Mauro Ranallo: You’ve got to believe this win puts Hook in line for another shot at the Gateway Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: And if I were Damian Priest, I’d be looking over my shoulder. Hook’s not done with him yet.

Warfare went off the air with Hook standing tall in the center of the ring, his eyes locked on the camera.