Royal Rumble Results 01/31/2021

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Ben M
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Royal Rumble Results 01/31/2021

Post by Ben M »


After a promotional video and an impressive firework display to kick off the show, the camera cut to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside.

Mauro Ranallo: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 2021 Royal Rumble! We are live from Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas and the road to Wrestlemania 20 begins tonight. I'm Mauro Ranallo, joined by my broadcast colleague Nigel McGuinness. Nigel, are you as excited as I am?

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro! The Royal Rumble is one of the greatest nights of the year, and to be here at Minute Maid Park is really quite special.

Mauro Ranallo: Kicking things off tonight, we have the Women's Royal Rumble match! We go now to Christy Hemme in the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following is the 15 woman Royal Rumble match! This match begins with two superstars starting inside the ring. Every 90 seconds, another superstar will enter the match. Eliminations will occur when a superstar is thrown over the top rope, with both feet hitting the floor. The last woman standing will be declared the winner, and will receive an EBWF Women's Championship match at Wrestlemania!

“Papercut” by Linkin Park hit and the crowd booed as Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Alexa Bliss, who is still recovering from the broken ribs she suffered at Christmas Eve of Destruction. Alexa believes she should be the rightful number one contender for the EBWF Women’s Championship, and she tried to take out Tam Nakano with a vicious assault on Warfare a few weeks ago. Her plan didn’t work though – Tam Nakano has been cleared to challenge Trish Stratus tonight, and as punishment for her actions, Alexa Bliss has been forced to enter at number one.

Nigel McGuinness: It will be difficult for Alexa to outlast 14 other women tonight, especially when she’s not 100%, but what an achievement if she does win the Royal Rumble!

When Bliss was in the ring, "I've Arrived" by def rebel hit and Mandy Rose came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: And entering at number two is the returning Mandy Rose! It's great to see the Golden Goddess back in EBWF.

When Rose was in the ring, the bell rang and the two women locked up. Bliss put Rose in a headlock and punched her several times, then whipped her against the ropes. As Rose ran back towards her, Bliss went for a clothesline, but Rose ducked out of the way, then took Bliss down with a bulldog. Rose stomped on Bliss several times, then dragged her to the feet and threw her over the top rope. Bliss held onto the ropes, and was able to role back into the ring. As Bliss got to her feet, Rose set her up for the Bed of Roses, but Bliss blocked it and countered with a back body drop. As Rose got to her feet, Bliss hit her with a kick to the midsection, then took her down with a snap DDT. Bliss then dragged Mandy Rose towards the ropes, and tried to eliminate her as the 10 second countdown began for entrant number three. The countdown clock hit zero, "Glasgow Cross" hit, and the crowd cheered as Nikki Cross ran to the ring. As she slid into the ring, Cross charged towards Alexa Bliss, grabbing her and throwing her over the top rope! Bliss landed on the ring apron next to Mandy Rose, and Cross tried to eliminate both women, but they worked together to fight Cross off, then re-entered the ring. Upon re-entering the ring, Rose hit Cross with the Goddess Fall, then Bliss followed up by hitting the Insult to Injury. Bliss motioned to Rose that they should work together to eliminate Cross, and Rose nodded, but as Rose turned her back on Bliss and went to pick Nikki Cross up, Alexa hit Rose in the back of the head, knocking her down to the mat!

Nigel McGuinness: Well that alliance didn't last long!

Bliss threw Rose into the corner, then ran towards her and hit a dropkick. As Rose stumbled forwards, Bliss went to lift her over the top rope, but Rose held onto the ropes. The countdown clock hit zero again, "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit, and the crowd erupted as Torrie Wilson made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Entering at number four is a bona fide EBWF legend, Torrie Wilson! She is one of the a ten-time Women's Champion, a two-time Royal Rumble winner and a two-time Queen of the Ring! There are few superstars in the history of EBWF as decorated as Torrie, and it's great to see her back.

As Torrie entered the ring, Alexa Bliss charged towards her, but Torrie reacted quickly and hit Bliss with the Nose Job! As Torrie got to her feet, Nikki Cross grabbed her, setting her up for The Purge, but Torrie counted with a suplex. Mandy Rose then grabbed Torrie, and went to whip her into the corner, but Torrie reversed the Irish whip, sending Rose into the corner before hitting a handspring back elbow! Torrie then lifted Rose over the top rope, but Rose clung onto the ropes. The countdown clock hit zero, "Time to Rise" hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie headed to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Eva Marie is back! We haven't seen her since the Queen of the Ring tournament last year!

As Eva entered the ring, she hit Nikki Cross with a spinning heel kick, then exchanged punches with Alexa Bliss. Another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations, then "Missile" by Dorothy hit and the crowd cheered as Natalya made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Natalya's best friend and tag team partner, Trish Stratus, will defend the Women's Championship against Tam Nakano later on tonight. Can Natalya win the Rumble for the first time in her career, and potentially challenge Trish for the gold at Wrestlemania?

As Natalya entered the ring, she locked eyes with Torrie Wilson. The two women smiled at one another, then hugged. Torrie then turned her attention back to Mandy Rose, while Natalya went after Nikki Cross. Natalya hit Cross with a discus clothesline, then lifted her up and tried to powerbomb her over the top rope. Cross countered with a hurricanrana, and both women landed on the ring apron. As Cross and Natalya tried to throw one another off the ring apron, Alexa Bliss ran towards them and hit a double clothesline, knocking both superstars to the ground.

Nigel McGuinness: A double elimination for Alexa Bliss! Natalya and Nikki Cross have been eliminated!

Smiling, Alexa Bliss waved goodbye to Natalya and Nikki, then went after Eva Marie. On the other side of the ring, Mandy Rose had Torrie Wilson on the ropes, and she went for Kiss the Rose... but Torrie ducked out of the way and pulled down on the ropes, sending Rose over the top rope and eliminating her!

Mauro Ranallo: Another superstar gone! Mandy Rose has been eliminated!

"Geek" by MC Chris hit and the crowd cheered as Leva Bates made her way to the ring. As Bates entered the ring, Eva Marie hit her with a stiff kick to the midsection, and set her up for a DDT... but Bates countered with a northern lights suplex! Bates then tried to eliminate Eva Marie while Torrie Wilson battled Alexa Bliss. Another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations, then "American Made" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Kacy Catanzaro made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: It was announced earlier this week that Kacy Catanzaro has signed a contract with EBWF, and here she is making her debut in the Royal Rumble!

As Kacy entered the ring, she climbed to the top rope, then hit Leva Bates with a missile dropkick. As Kacy got to her feet, Eva Marie lifted her up for a scoop slam... but Kacy countered it with a headscissors takedown! Alexa Bliss then charged towards Kacy, going for a clothesline, but Kacy ducked out of the way and took Bliss down with a diving neckbreaker, then hit a somersault leg drop. As Kacy got to her feet, Torrie Wilson grabbed her and lifted her onto her shoulders, setting her up for a fireman's carry slam, but Kacy was able to counter it into the Satellite DDT.

Mauro Ranallo: Impressive athleticism there by Kacy Catanzaro!

For a moment, Kacy was the only woman standing, and she smiled, clearly proud of herself. Kacy then turned her attention to Leva Bates, who was back on her feet. Leva and Kacy locked up, and Kacy set Leva Bates up for a suplex, but Bates broke free and shoved Kacy against the ropes, then hit her with the Superhero Kick! Kacy went over the top rope and fell to the outside.

Nigel McGuinness: She might have looked impressive but her debut was short lived... Kacy Catanzaro has been eliminated by Leva Bates!

As Bates turned her attention back to Eva Marie, the countdown clock hit zero and "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett hit. The crowd cheered as Ronda Rousey made her way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Ronda went straight for Eva Marie, lifting her up and hitting her with the Piper's Pit! Rousey then threw Eva Marie over the top rope, eliminating her.

Mauro Ranallo: Eva Marie pulled off something of an upset in the Queen of the Ring tournament last year when she defeated Ronda Rousey. Ronda wasted no time getting revenge in the Rumble!

Alexa Bliss attacked Rousey from behind, trying to eliminate her, but Rousey fought back and lifted Bliss up, hitting a backbreaker. Bliss rolled to the corner of the ring, clutching her injured ribs, and Ronda turned her attention to Leva Bates. Bates hit Rousey with a series of punches, but Rousey fought back with some punches of her own, knocking her down to the mat. Torrie Wilson then grabbed Ronda Rousey and tried to set her up for the Nose Job, but Rousey countered with a judo throw! As Rousey turned her attention back to Leva Bates, she went for an armbar, but before she could lock it in Bates fought out of it and hit Rousey with a double knee facebreaker. Leva and Torrie then worked together to try and eliminate Rousey, and they were able to lift her over the top rope, but Rousey landed on the ring apron and hit both superstars with a forearm smash, then got back into the ring. As Ronda tried to fight both Torrie and Leva, "Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hit and Winter came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. As Winter entered the ring, she attacked Alexa Bliss, who was still recovering in the corner. Another 90 seconds passed without any superstars being eliminated, then as the countdown clock hit zero, "The Epic" by Downstait hit and Britt Baker made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: The dentist, Britt Baker, is the 11th entrant in this Rumble... we are over two thirds of the way through now! Who will be the last woman standing?

As Baker entered the ring, she grabbed Winter and hit her with a Russian legsweep, then grabbed Alexa Bliss and threw her over the top rope. Bliss landed on the ring apron, and as Baker tried to eliminate her, Bliss grabbed onto Baker's hair! Baker cried out in pain, and tried to fight Bliss off, but Bliss was able to pull her over the top rope. Bliss then slammed Baker's head off the ring post, shoved her off the ring apron, then climbed back into the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: A third elimination for Alexa Bliss, who has been in this match for over 15 minutes now!

As Bliss went after Winter, the ten second countdown for the next entrant began. As the clock struck zero, "Ravishing" by CFO$ hit and Lana came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Upon entering the ring, Lana looked around at the action, deciding where to strike. Bliss had Winter in one corner, and in the opposite corner, Leva Bates and Torrie Wilson had Ronda Rousey sat on the top turnbuckle. Leva and Torrie were trying to push Rousey out of the ring, but Rousey fought them both off, then jumped off the turnbuckle and hit both women with a flying clothesline. As Ronda got to her feet, Lana jumped on her back, putting her in a sleeper! Rousey was able to fight out of it, and she lifted Lana onto her shoulders, then threw her out of the ring! Rousey then turned around and grabbed Torrie Wilson, throwing her out of the ring for another elimination. The crowd booed, clearly disappointed to see Torrie eliminated.

Nigel McGuinness: Ronda Rousey has eliminated Eva Marie, Lana and Torrie Wilson now... is the Baddest Woman on the Planet on course for a victory?

The countdown clock hit zero, and Tay Conti entered at number 13. As she entered the ring, Conti went after Rousey, taking her down with a spear then punching her against the ring mat several times. Across the ring, Alexa Bliss had just hit Winter with a DDT and she went to the top rope, going for Twisted Bliss. Just as Bliss was about to hit it, Leva Bates grabbed her, throwing her off the turnbuckle to the outside! Bliss looked furious, and the officials at ringside had to order her to go to the back.

Mauro Ranallo: After almost 18 minutes, Alexa Bliss has been eliminated! An impressive performance from Little Miss Bliss, but not enough to emerge victorious.

The clock hit zero again, and "Toreador II" by Apocalyptica hit. The crowd booed as Raquel Diaz made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: And here comes Raquel Diaz, who entered at number one in the 2019 Royal Rumble match and emerged victorious. Can she become a two-time Rumble winner tonight? There's only the four women in the ring, and Becky Lynch entering at number 15, that she needs to outlast this time!

As Raquel reached the bottom of the ramp, she stopped, taking a moment to watch the action in the ring. Ronda Rousey was pummelling Winter in one corner of the ring, while on the other side of the ring, Tay Conti had Leva Bates on the ropes. Conti went to hit Bates with a roundhouse kick, but Bates ducked out of the way and pulled down on the ropes, causing Conti to land on top of the ropes. Bates then hit Conti with a forearm smash, knocking her onto the ring apron, then signalled for the Superhero Kick... but before she could hit it, Conti grabbed her and hit an uppercut, knocking Bates down. Conti was about to re-enter the ring, but before she could do so Raquel Diaz ran around the ring, grabbing Conti's legs and pulling her off the apron!

Mauro Ranallo: Raquel Diaz hasn't even officially entered this match yet, but she just eliminated Tay Conti!

Conti was furious, and she shoved Raquel Diaz in the chest. Diaz responded by slapping Conti, then throwing her into the ringside barrier! Diaz then entered the ring and went after Leva Bates. The camera cut to the corner of the ring, where Ronda Rousey had Winter set up for a gut wrench powerbomb. She went to lift Winter up, but Winter blocked it and countered with a back body drop. As Rousey got to her feet, Winter tried to throw her over the top rope, but Rousey grabbed Winter's arm and pulled her down to the mat, locking Winter in an armbar!

Nigel McGuinness: We know how dangerous Ronda Rousey can be with that armbar, Mauro... Winter could be in trouble!

As Winter screamed in pain and tried to fight out of the hold, the countdown clock struck zero for the final time. "Celtic Invasion" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Becky Lynch ran down the ramp. Lynch slid under the bottom rope and immediately went after Ronda Rousey, pummelling her with a series of punches and forcing her to break the hold on Winter. Lynch pulled Rousey to her feet and hit her with the Bex Plex, then helped Winter to her feet. Winter and Becky Lynch proceeded to double-team Ronda Rousey, beating her down then dragging her into the corner of the ring. They tried to lift Rousey over the top rope, but Rousey fought back, knocking Lynch down with a clothesline then setting Winter up for the Piper's Pit. She lifted Winter up... but Winter broke free and hit Rousey with an inverted facelock neckbreaker! Winter then pulled Rousey to her feet and threw her to Becky Lynch, who hit Rousey with the Manhandle Slam! Lynch then dragged Rousey to her feet and threw her over the top rope, eliminating her.

Mauro Ranallo: Ronda Rousey has been eliminated! We're down to the final four!

Nigel McGuinness: Although with Becky and Winter working together, it feels like more of a final three Mauro! Leva Bates and Raquel Diaz could be in trouble.

On the other side of the ring, Raquel Diaz had just hit Leva Bates with a neckbreaker. As Diaz got to her feet, Lynch and Winter swooped in like vultures, charging towards her and beating her down. Winter hit Diaz with a spinning backbreaker, then Lynch hit her with a leg drop. Winter then stomped on Diaz several times, before Becky Lynch locked in the Dis-Arm-Her! As Leva Bates got to her feet, Becky ordered Winter to attack, and Winter charged towards Bates, shoving her into the corner then hitting her with a series of punches and kicks. Winter then tried to lift Bates over the top rope, but Bates fought back, kicking Winter away then taking her down with a clothesline. As Winter got back to her feet, Bates hit her with the Superhero Kick! Becky saw that Winter was in trouble and she released Raquel Diaz from the Dis-Arm-Her, but before she could get to Winter, Leva Bates threw her over the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Now it is a final three, Nigel! Becky Lynch, Leva Bates or Raquel Diaz will be challenging for the Women's Championship at Wrestlemania!

Lynch charged towards Bates and hit her with a series of punches, knocking her back against the ropes. Lynch then went to clothesline Bates over the top rope, but Bates ducked out of the way and got behind Lynch, hitting her with a German suplex. As both women got to their feet, Bates went for the Superhero Kick, but Becky blocked it, grabbing Bates by the leg and putting her in an ankle lock! Bates was able to fight out of it, and as she got back to her feet, she hit Lynch with an enzuigiri. Lynch stumbled backwards, right towards Raquel Diaz, who was back on her feet. Diaz lifted Lynch up and hit her with the Gory Bomb! Diaz then threw Lynch out of the ring, eliminating her.

Nigel McGuinness: Lynch is gone! We're down to two!

Diaz and Bates stared at one another, then looked up at the Wrestlemania sign, before staring at each other once again. Diaz challenged Bates to come at her, and Bates did so, charging towards Diaz and going for a big boot. Diaz sidestepped it, then grabbed Bates and took her down with a snapmare. As Bates sat up, Diaz kicked her in the back, then pulled her to her feet and set her up for the Three Amigas! Diaz hit one suplex... then a second... then lifted Bates up for a third... but Bates landed on her feet behind Diaz, and hit her with a Russian legsweep! Both women were down for several seconds, then as they got to their feet, then exchanged right hands back and forth. Diaz was able to gain the upper hand, and she went to whip Bates against the ropes, but Bates reversed the Irish whip, sending Diaz into the ropes. As Diaz bounced off the ropes and ran back towards her, Bates hit Diaz with the Superhero Kick! Diaz fell to the mat, then rolled out of the ring underneath the bottom rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Diaz is down, but not out! She didn't go over the top rope, so she's still in this match!

Bates shook her head in frustration, then rolled out of the ring to go after Raquel Diaz. Diaz lay motionless on the ground, and Bates pulled her to her feet... but Diaz was playing possum! She hit Bates with a series of blows to the midsection, then threw her into the ring steps! Bates hit the steel steps with a loud thud, and Diaz pulled her to her feet, slamming her head off the ring post then throwing her back into the ring. Diaz then climbed to the top rope... and hit Leva Bates with a frog splash!

Nigel McGuinness: Raquel Diaz channelling her father... the late, great, Eddie Guerrero!

Diaz pulled Bates to her feet and threw her over the top rope... but Bates was able to hold onto the ropes! Bates landed on the ring apron and tried to get back into the ring, but Diaz charged towards her, hitting her with a series of punches. Bates fought back with some punches of her own, then tried to pull Diaz over the ropes... but Diaz hit Bates with a guillotine on the ropes! Bates fell to the ground, and as both feet hit the floor, the referee called for the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: What a match, and what a victory for Raquel Diaz! She has now won both the Royal Rumble matches she has competed in, and she will challenge Trish Stratus or Tam Nakano for the Women's Championship at Wrestlemania!

Diaz smiled as the referee raised her arm in victory, then pointed at the Wrestlemania sign before rolling out of the ring and making her way to the back.


"Violet Kung Fu Girl" hit the PA and the crowd reacted positively as Tam Nakano came from behind the curtain.

Mauro Ranallo: It’s time for our first title match of the evening.

Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the EBWF Women’s Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Aichi, Japan - Tam Nakano!

Tam came down to the ring with high energy and climbed up on the turnbuckle to cheers from the crowd.

“You don’t have to love me. You don’t even have to like me. But you will respect me. You know why? Cause I’m a Boss…” Trish’s intro led into “Time to Rock n’ Roll” and the EBWF Women’s Champion came to the stage, striking her signature pose with the title on her shoulder.

Christy Hemme: And her opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is the longest reigning Women’s Champion in EBWF History… Trish Stratus!

Trish turned the championship over to the referee and squared up as the bell rang.

Nigel McGuinness: Here we go!

Trish quickly took Nakano down. The crowd cheered at the fast pace as Trish hit a waistlock takeover, but Nakano quickly hooked a front facelock. Trish whipped her off and shoulder blocked her down. Nakano went for an arm drag, but Trish blocked it. Trish hit a backbreaker for a two count. Nakano bridged up and hit a dropkick. Trish came back with a takedown and kneed her in the face from the apron.

Mauro Ranallo: Trish is trying to dominate this match.

Nigel McGuinness: Can you blame her. Tam Nakano is an entirely new opponent! Trish wants to get out of her with her championship.

Trish stomped Nakano before applying a Boston Crab. The crowd was into it, and Trish let go of one leg and kept the single leg applied. Trish let go, put her in the corner, and hit a running knee!



Mauro Ranallo: No! No good!

Nakano got to her feet, and hit a head-scissor takeover before pulling the top rope down to get Trish out of the ring. Tam went to the top rope, but Trish cut her off. Tam fought her off and hit a diving double stomp to Trish’s midsection. Nakano hit a cross-body block.



Nigel McGuinness: Trish kicks out!

Trish fought back and hit the ropes, but Nakano hit a drop-toe-hold into the ropes. Nakano hits the ropes and went for a two footed spinning kick to the face, but Trish blocked it. Trish went for a stretch muffler, but Nakano held the ropes. Trish pulled her off and applied the stretch muffler. Tam countered into a roll-up for a near fall. Trish ducked a forearm, but Nakano rolled her up and stomps her. Trish immediately responded with a big knee to the face.

Nigel McGuinness: They are down!

Both women were out, and neither moved as the referee started his count. The crowd cheered, trying to rally the women. They began to stir, and finally both women are up at the count of seven. Trish grabbed Nakano for a suplex, but Tam fought it. Trish managed to hit a deadlift suplex. The crowd went wild, and Trish kicked her in the face!

Mauro Ranallo: Trish nailed her!



Nigel McGuinness: Not enough!

Trish was frustrated and signaled for the end, standing on her feet and taunting her with a just bring it hand gesture. Nakano countered a brainbuster into an inside cradle. The crowd started up with cooling chants. They traded cradles before Trish lifted her and put her on the apron for a step-up enzuigiri. Trish hit a superplex!




Trish went to hit the ropes, but Nakano grabbed the ankle. Nakano came back with a northern lights suplex. She got to her feet and went to the top rope. Trish went to cut her off, but Nakano fought her and hit a double stomp to Trish while she’s in the tree of woe. Tam hit double knees, and went in for the quick cover.



Nigel McGuinness: Trish kicks out!

Tam stood up, and was showing her frustration. She went for a diving foot stomp, but Trish moved. Trish was quick to her feet, and hit a snapmare. Trish reared back and called for the Chick Kick. The crowd was still cheering. Tam got to her feet and was staggering. Trish went in for the kick, but Tam blocked it. Nakano caught her leg and folded her over.

Mauro Ranallo: Wait a minute!

Tam rolled her up in a crazy show of flexibility.


Nigel McGuinness: Trish is trying to kick out!



Mauro Ranallo: Is this really happening?

The referee rang the bell. Tam stood up, throwing her arms in the air. Trish sat up in shock, putting her head in her hands.

Nigel McGuinness: Tam Nakano just became the first Japanese Women’s Champion in EBWF History!

Mauro Ranallo: Trish can’t believe she’s lost.

The referee awarded the title to Tam Nakano, who soaked in the cheers as she climbed on the turnbuckle and displayed the championship over her head.

Mauro Ranallo: One historic reign has ended, and another has begun! Congratulations to Tam Nakano, the new EBWF Women’s Champion!

Tam continued to celebrate in the ring as a promo package for the World Championship Match began to play.


Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EBWF World Championship!

“Go Back to Sleep!” The crowd cheered as A Perfect Circle filled the arena and Randy Orton stepped out onto the stage wearing the EBWF Tag Title around his waist, and holding the EBWF Gateway Championship on his shoulder. He proceeded methodically to the ring.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, the challenger, from St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing in at 245lbs. He is the EBWF Gateway Champion and one half of the EBWF Tag Team Champions - Raaaaannnnndy Ortoooooon!

Randy stepped into the ring and pulled the title off of his shoulder. The referee waited expectantly, and Randy looked at the hardware one more time before turning it over to the official.

Mauro Ranallo: And with that, Randy vacates the championship and this match is set to begin.

“If Ya Smelllllll...” The crowd also cheered for the Rock as his music hit, and he came to the stage wearing the World Championship.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 260lbs, he is the EBWF World Champion. The GREAT ONE. The Rock!

The crowd was cheering as Rock turned over the title to the referee.

Crowd: Let’s go Rocky!

Crowd: RKO!

Crowd: Let’s go Rocky!

Crowd: RKO!

Nigel McGuinness: The crowd seems pretty evenly split here, Mauro.

Mauro Ranallo: No matter the outcome, this is sure to be one hell of a match, Nigel.

The bell rang before the crowd even quieted down. The two men went face-to-face before circling the ring and locking up. Orton powered Rock to the corner and let go. They quickly locked up again, and Rock turned him in the corner before giving a clean break. They locked up, and Rock wrenches the arm. Orton twisted back and hits a headlock takeover, but Rock grapevined the head. They both released and went to opposite corners.

Mauro Ranallo: Surely the Rock’s strategy is not a pure wrestling match with Randy Orton.

Nigel McGuinness: They’re just feeling each other out here, Mauro.

They circled the ring and locked up. Rock quickly applied a hammerlock. Orton got out and whipped him off, but Rock shoulder blocked him down. Rock went for a Rock Bottom, but Orton got out and twisted for an RKO. Rock quickly shoved him off, and they smirked at each other.

Nigel McGuinness: Looks like they’re having a little fun here. This crowd is loving it!

Rock wrenched the arm, but Orton simply punched him down. Orton stomped him before Rock sent him into the ring post shoulder-first. Rock attacked the arm and brought him outside to slam the arm off the barricade a few times before hitting it off the steps. Rock then pulled him into the ring post shoulder-first. Rocky knocked the arm off the apron and got in the ring, but Orton rolled out and caught his breath by the commentary table.

Mauro Ranallo: Nothing good ever comes of Randy Orton fighting near a commentary table.

Nigel McGuinness: Get away from our table! We don’t speak Spanish.

Rock went up to Randy, but Orton gave him a back suplex onto the commentary table. Rock writhed in pain. Orton sent him into the steel ring steps and got him back in the ring before the referee could make the 10 count. Orton stomped away at Rock, and applied a chin lock, but Rock soon began to fire up. Orton grabbed him and clotheslines him down. Randy reapplied the chinlock. Rock got out, and they exchanged punches. Rock hit him with a high knee, and Randy stumbled back in the corner.

Mauro Ranallo: Randy is between a Rock and a hard place.

Rock hit a clothesline in the corner before having a whip reversed, but he came back with a facebuster. Rock went for The Rock Bottom, but Orton countered into a catapult into the corner. Orton hit the ropes, but Rock clotheslined him down.




Rock tried for the Rock Bottom again, but Orton dropped him on the apron. Orton tried for a hanging DDT, but Rock fought it. Orton then dropkicked him down on the apron. Orton set up for a superplex, but Rock fought him off. Orton went for an RKO, but Rock got out and slammed him down. Rock moved to the outside, and Orton got to his feet and grabbed him. Orton hit a hanging DDT, but he grabbed his shoulder in pain from the earlier attack. Orton got to his feet and signaled for an RKO. Rock shoved off an RKO attempt and hit a spinebuster. The Rock bounced off the ropes and hit The People’s Elbow!

Mauro Ranallo: The cover!




Nigel McGuinness: That close!

Rock was yelling at the referee, and he hovered over Randy to apply a crossface submission. Orton felt around for the bottom rope, and grasped it with his fingers. He held on, and Rock was forced to break the hold. Rock grabbed the arm and went for a suplex, but Orton got out with a back body drop. Rock rolled through and got to his feet, but Orton dropped him with an RKO!




Nigel McGuinness: No! The Rock is still alive.

Orton frustratedly got to his feet and set up for a Punt. Rock blocked the kick and connected with a Rock Bottom!

Mauro Ranallo: Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom!

The Rock scrambled for the cover.



Orton lifted his right foot and put it on the bottom rope. The referee pointed to it and called The Rock off.

Mauro Ranallo: The ring awareness of Randy Orton!

The Rock was frustrated, but Randy was obviously worn down so Rocky helped him to his feet. Randy was staggering and Rock set him up for the The Rock Bottom.

Nigel McGuinness: Orton is gassed Mauro. This could be it.

Rock brought Randy off the ground, but Orton struggled and twisted around for an RKO that brought the crowd to a fever pitch.

Mauro Ranallo: From out of nowhere!

Randy scrambled to cover Rock, and hooked the leg.




Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Randy Orton has done it!

Nigel McGuiness: Randy Orton captures the biggest prize in our business for the third time.

Orton was awarded the title and allowed the referee to raise his arm in victory. He then took a moment to look at the belt, before placing it around his waist. He climbed the turnbuckle and did his signature pose to the adulation of the crowd before a video explaining the Royal Rumble Rules began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: Well we have a new EBWF World Champion, and we are about to find out who Randy Orton will defend the title against at Wrestlemania. It's time for the men's Royal Rumble match!

"Kingdom" by All Good Things hit and the crowd booed as Aiden English made his way to the ring for the next match.

Nigel McGuinness: Aiden English made his EBWF debut in April 2018, and since then he has accomplished so much. He is a former Breakout Champion, Gateway Champion and a two-time EBWF World Champion, as well as a former Royal Rumble winner and the reigning King of the Ring. But despite all those successes, he is not happy with how he has been treated in EBWF, and recently challenged Wes Ikeda to a match at Wrestlemania. Ikeda refused, and instead entered himself into the Royal Rumble match, giving himself the number 30 spot and making Aiden enter at number one.

Mauro Ranallo: Wes didn't give himself the number 30 spot, Nigel... the numbers are drawn at random!

Nigel McGuinness: Sure they are, Mauro. Anyway, Aiden has won the Royal Rumble match from the number one position before... if he can do so again tonight, surely he will cement his legacy as one of the all-time greats in EBWF.

Aiden entered the ring, climbed the turnbuckle and taunted the crowd, then climbed down and stood in the corner, awaiting the arrival of the number two entrant. "Barrel of a Gun (instrumental)" by Depeche Mode hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Colten Gunn made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: What a moment this is for Colten Gunn, son of the legendary Billy Gunn. He only made his pro wrestling debut in November last year, now he's signed a contract with EBWF and is entering the Royal Rumble match. He's going to have his work cut out though tonight... talk about a baptism of fire!

As Gunn entered the ring, the referee called for the bell, starting the match. English extended his hand to Colten Gunn, who looked unsure whether or not to accept the handshake. Eventually, Gunn accepted, and the two men shook hands. Aiden smiled... then pulled Colten Gunn towards him and went for a clothesline... but Gunn ducked out of the way, then hit English with a series of punches! Gunn then whipped English against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet, and Gunn set English up for a suplex, but English blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. English then stomped on Gunn several times before pulling him to his feet and whipping him into the corner. English charged towards the corner, going for a corner clothesline, but Gunn moved out of the way at the last second! English collided with the turnbuckles, then Gunn tried to lift him over the top rope.

Nigel McGuinness: Colten Gunn is holding his own here!

The countdown clock hit zero, "Kingdom" hit once again and Chavo Guerrero ran to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Chavo grabbed Gunn and hit him with a series of right hands. Gunn fought back with some right hands of his own, then hit Chavo with a kick to the midsection and set him up for the Fame Asser... but before he could hit it, Aiden English hit him with a big boot! Aiden and Chavo then beat down Colten Gunn, pummelling him before Aiden English hit Gun with the Director's Cut! Chavo then went to the top rope, and hit Gunn with the Frog Splash! English then pulled Gunn to his feet and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him. As Gunn made his way to the back, the ten second countdown for the fourth entrant began. As the clock hit zero, "Judas" by Fozzy hit and the crowd sang along as Chris Jericho made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here is last year's Royal Rumble winner, Chris Jericho, who will have to be at his very best to repeat that feat tonight. Not only is he entering at number four, but he's got to take on two members of Kingdom all by himself!

When Jericho entered the ring, Chavo charged towards him and went for a clothesline... but Jericho ducked out of the way and hit Chavo with the Judas Effect! Jericho then pulled Chavo to his feet, but before he could throw him over the top rope, Aiden English grabbed Jericho and hit him with a series of punches. English dragged Jericho towards the corner and slammed his head off the turnbuckle, then tried to lift him over the top rope, but Jericho shoved English away, climbed to the second rope and hit English with a dropkick! Both men got to their feet, and Jericho went for the Judas Effect, but English ducked out of the way then hit Jericho with a swinging neckbreaker. English then helped Chavo to his feet and the two men continued to double-team Jericho. The countdown clock struck zero, "Battle Cry" hit, and Kenny Omega came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Nigel McGuinness: Well this an interesting entry, Mauro... the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, who shocked the EBWF universe when he entered and won the 2018 Royal Rumble, is looking to repeat that feat here tonight and become a double World Champion!

As Omega entered the ring, he watched the assault on Jericho and seemed to debate whether or not to get involved. After a brief hesitation, he grabbed Chavo Guerrero and hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes and hit the V-Trigger! Omega continued to battle Chavo Guerrero while Aiden English fought Chris Jericho. When another 90 seconds had passed, the countdown clock hit zero again and the crowd booed as AJ Styles made his way to the ring. Upon seeing Styles, Jericho rolled out of the ring, ran towards Styles and attacked him at ringside! The crowd cheered as Jericho pummelled Styles with a series of punches, then threw him into the ring steps. As Styles got to his feet, Jericho hit him with a powerbomb onto the ramp, then locked him in the Walls of Jericho!

Mauro Ranallo: Chris Jericho is trying to make sure Styles doesn't even make it into the Royal Rumble!

With Jericho taking care of AJ Styles at ringside, Kenny Omega was left to fend for himself against Aiden English and Chavo Guerrero. Omega managed to hit Chavo with the One-Winged Angel, then tried to hit English with it, but English countered it, hitting the Director's Cut! English then threw Omega over the top rope, eliminating him. The crowd booed, which seemed to amuse Aiden English. As Omega made his way up the ramp, he glared at Jericho, who shrugged. Jericho then broke the hold on AJ Styles, slid back into the ring and exchanged punches with Aiden English. A few seconds later, the ten second countdown for the next entrant began, and as the clock struck zero, "What About Me" hit and Raven made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Well here is someone we haven't seen for a long time! Raven is back in EBWF!

As Raven entered the ring, he went after Chavo Guerrero, who was back on his feet. Another 90 seconds passed without any further eliminations, then "Today is the Day" hit and Elias Samson made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes another member of Kingdom... Aiden English, Chavo and Elias can make this match 3 on 2 now!

As Elias entered the ring, he grabbed Raven, throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. Elias and Chavo then helped Aiden English triple-team Chris Jericho. The three men managed to get Jericho over the top rope, but Jericho landed on the ring apron and clung onto the bottom rope. Raven then intervened, grabbing Elias and hitting him with the Raven Effect! Raven then grabbed Chavo and hit him with a series of punches, leaving Jericho to deal with Aiden English. Jericho was able to roll back into the ring, and he hit English with a double underhook backbreaker, before locking him in the Walls of Jericho! Elias got to his feet and forced Jericho to break the hold, then fought Jericho in the corner while English recovered. The countdown clock struck zero, "Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads hit, and Tommaso Ciampa made his way to the ring. As he entered the ring, Ciampa grabbed Aiden English, lifting him to his feet and setting him up for Project Ciampa... but English countered with a back body drop. As English battled Ciampa, Chavo continued to battle Raven and Jericho fought Elias, but there were no eliminations for the next 90 seconds. "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora hit, and the crowd cheered as Jungle Boy made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: We are now a third of the way through this match!

As Jungle Boy reached the bottom of the ramp, he was about to enter the ring, but before he could do so, AJ Styles grabbed him, throwing him into the ringside barrier! The crowd booed, Styles shrugged, then entered the ring and immediately went after Chris Jericho. As Styles attacked Jericho, Elias helped Aiden English take care of Tommaso Ciampa. Elias hit Ciampa with the Drift Away, then English threw Ciampa over the top rope, eliminating him.

Mauro Ranallo: Another elimination for Aiden English... there have been three superstars eliminated so far in this match, and English has eliminated all of them!

Nigel McGuinness: He's making a statement, Mauro!

Elias and Aiden English then attacked Jericho and AJ Styles, while on the opposite side of the ring, Raven was trying to get Chavo over the top rope. As the countdown hit zero, "Anvil of Crom" hit and the crowd cheered as Luchasaurus made his way to the ring. As Luchasaurus reached the bottom of the ramp, he helped Jungle Boy to his feet, then the two men entered the ring together. Upon entering the ring, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy locked eyes with Aiden English and Elias Samson. Both English and Elias looked fearful of Luchasaurus, and English ordered Elias to take care of him. Elias charged towards Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up and hitting a Chokeslam! Luchasaurus then went after Aiden English, while Jungle Boy attacked AJ Styles. There were no more eliminations before "Metalingus" hit and Edge came in at number 12.

Mauro Ranallo: The ring is filling up here... there are nine superstars including Edge!

As Edge entered the ring, Raven tried to hit him with The Raven Effect, but Edge blocked it, shoved Raven away, then took him down with the Spear! Chris Jericho then went for Edge, going for the Judas Effect, but Edge ducked out of the way and hit Jericho with the Edgecution! Edge then went after Chavo Guerrero, and the two men exchanged punches back and forth. Another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations, then Bray Wyatt entered at number 13. Upon entering the ring, Wyatt looked around at the competition, then set his sights on Luchasaurus. While Wyatt fought Luchasaurus, English and Chavo double teamed Edge, Jungle Boy continued to attack AJ Styles, while Chris Jericho battled Raven. Elias was still down on the mat, recovering from Luchasaurus' Chokeslam. There were no more eliminations before the countdown struck zero, then "Just Close Your Eyes" hit and Christian made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: And here comes Christian, who could be a force to be reckoned with, especially when the other members of the Coalition enter the ring!

As Christian entered the ring, Elias got to his feet, and he hit Christian with a big boot, then stomped on him several times. With so many superstars in the ring, it was hard to keep track of what was going on, but there were no eliminations in the next 90 seconds. "I Came To Play" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as The Miz made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Miz helped AJ Styles attack Jungle Boy. As Miz and Styles double-teamed Jungle Boy, the three members of Kingdom – Aiden English, Chavo and Elias – surrounded Luchasaurus. Working together in unison, the three men were able to overpower Luchasaurus, and get him over the top rope, eliminating him from the match.

Mauro Ranallo: That is Aiden English's fourth elimination... albeit with the assist from Chavo and Elias!

When the countdown clock struck zero, Doc Gallows made his way to the ring as the 16th entrant. As Gallows entered the ring, Kingdom tried to triple team him, but Gallows was able to fight them off! He hit Chavo with a headbutt, took Elias down with a big boot, then lifted Aiden English up, hitting the fallaway slam. Gallows then went after Miz and AJ Styles, throwing both men into the corner then hitting them with an avalanche! Gallows continued to attack anyone and everyone, but despite his dominance, there were no eliminations for the next 90 seconds. "Better Than You" hit, and the crowd booed as MJF made his way to the ring. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, MJF looked at the chaos that was happening in the ring, then shook his head and walked around the ring, joining Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at the announce table.

Nigel McGuinness: Welcome MJF... it’s a pleasure to have you here with us!

Mauro Ranallo: It's certainly nice to see you, Maxwell, but aren't you planning to enter the Rumble?

MJF: First of all Michael, it's Mr Friedman to you. How dare you disrespect me.

Mauro Ranallo: Actually it's Mauro, not Michael.

MJF: Do I look like I give a damn? Second of all, of course I'll be entering the Royal Rumble, I'm just biding my time. The people want to see MJF, and they're not going to see much of me if I get lost in amongst all those jobbers currently filling the ring.

MJF continued to talk trash for the next 90 seconds, and unbelievably there still weren't any more eliminations! When the clock struck zero, "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven hit and flames blasted out of all four turnbuckles as Kane made his way to the ring. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Kane walked around the ring, grabbing MJF and throwing him into the ring. As soon as MJF was in the ring, Christian grabbed him, hitting the Unprettier! Christian then threw MJF over the top rope, eliminating him.

Mauro Ranallo: Well Mr Friedman's EBWF debut was short lived! He's become a victim of The Coalition!

Kane grabbed two steel chairs from underneath the ring, handed one to Christian, then entered the ring with the other chair. Kane and Christian attacked everyone in the ring with the chairs, taking them down one by one. However as Christian went to hit Doc Gallows with the chair, Gallows blocked it, snatching the chair away from Christian. Gallows then grabbed Christian by the throat, setting him up for a Chokeslam, but before he could hit it, Kane hit Gallows across the back with a steel chair! Kane then placed the chair on the mat, lifted Gallows up, and Tombstoned him onto the chair! Christian then grabbed the other chair, and hit Gallows with the Con-Chair-To!

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Despicable behaviour by Christian and Kane!

Gallows was out cold, and the other superstars in the ring seemed concerned for him. Kane dragged him to his feet, grabbed him by throat and lifted him up, Chokeslamming him over the top rope. Kane then picked up his steel chair again, and Kane and Christian continued to attack everyone in the ring with the chairs. As the countdown clock struck zero, "My World" by Dale Oliver hit and the crowd cheered as Jeff Jarrett headed to the ring with a guitar.

Nigel McGuinness: Well at least Jeff Jarrett has a weapon! Maybe he can put a stop to The Coalition!

As Jarrett entered the ring, he locked eyes with Kane and Christian, who stared right back at him. Suddenly, all three men began to smile, then Jarrett turned around and smashed his guitar over Elias Samson's head! Jarrett unzipped his jacket, revealing a Coalition t-shirt.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh no... Jeff Jarrett is part of The Coalition too!

Jarrett then tried to eliminate Elias, but Aiden English and Chavo came to his aid. Christian went after Edge, while Jungle Boy and Raven worked together to try and take out Edge. AJ Styles and The Miz had both rolled out of the ring, giving themselves a break from the carnage, while Bray Wyatt was attacking Chris Jericho in the corner. The buzzer for the next entrant sounded, "Tattoo (Around the Stars)" by Mercy Drive hit, and the crowd booed as Maven headed to the ring with a baseball bat.

Nigel McGuinness: Just when you thought this match couldn't get any more chaotic, here comes the other member of The Coalition!

As Maven entered the ring, he hit Bray Wyatt over the head with the baseball bat, then swung the bat at Chris Jericho. Jericho blocked it, snatched the baseball bat away from Maven and whacked him in the ribs with it. Jericho then began swinging the bat wildly, making sure none of The Coalition could get near him. As Jericho swung the bat, Edge tried to rally the other superstars in the ring.

Edge: Come on... let's get rid of these losers! They're ruining this match.

Jungle Boy nodded, and stood alongside Edge and Chris Jericho. Raven and Bray Wyatt joined them too, and to Edge's surprise, so did all three members of Kingdom. Miz and Styles were still outside the ring, and Styles shook his head, refusing to get involved. Miz shrugged, shouted "you guys have it covered", then snatched some popcorn from a fan in the front row and watched the action unfold. Edge went after Christian, Kingdom went after Kane, Jericho and Jungle Boy double-teamed Maven, and Raven and Bray Wyatt attacked Jeff Jarrett. One by one, the four male members of The Coalition were eliminated from the match. First, Jungle Boy whipped Maven against the ropes, and Jericho hit Maven with the Judas Effect, sending him over the top rope. Next, Edge hit Christian with the Spear, then threw him out of the ring. Then Bray Wyatt hit Jeff Jarrett with Sister Abigail, before picking him up and throwing him over the top rope. Finally, Aiden English, Chavo and Elias were able to lift Kane over the top rope. The Coalition looked like they wanted to keep fighting, but seemed to think better of it, and made their way up the ramp. The crowd began chanting "Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye". With The Coalition taken care of, the temporary alliance was disbanded. Jericho attacked Jungle Boy, Raven and Bray Wyatt attacked Edge, and Kingdom exited the ring to grab Miz and Styles, throwing them back into the ring then beating them down.

Mauro Ranallo: Nigel, those last few minutes might just have been the strangest thing I've ever seen in a Royal Rumble match.

"Cult of Personality" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as CM Punk headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Punk went after Raven, hitting him with a series of punches.

Nigel McGuinness: There's a lot of history between CM Punk and Raven, Mauro... and certainly no love lost between them!

CM Punk whipped Raven into the corner, then hit him with a series of kicks to the chest. He dragged Raven out of the corner, then lifted him up onto his shoulders for the GTS... but Raven countered it, breaking free and hitting Punk with The Raven Effect! Raven then threw Punk out of the ring, eliminating him!

Mauro Ranallo: Well if CM Punk didn’t like Raven before, he likes him even less now... thanks to Raven, Punk lasted less than a minute in the Rumble!

Punk shook his head, and made his way back up the ramp. Raven then turned his attention to Chris Jericho. There were no more eliminations before the buzzer sounded again, and Drew Gulak made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes the master of PowerPoint... Drew Gulak! Will the Royal Rumble be Gulak's presentation of glory?

The crowd cheered for Gulak as he made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Gulak locked up with Jungle Boy, then took him down to the mat and applied a chinlock. There were now eleven superstars in the ring – alongside Drew Gulak and Jungle Boy were Aiden English, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, Raven, Elias, Edge, Bray Wyatt and The Miz. Raven was still battling Jericho, Styles and Miz were still trying to fend off Kingdom, and Edge was trying to get Bray Wyatt over the top rope. Another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations, then Karl Anderson came out as the 23rd entrant.

Nigel McGuinness: Karl Anderson was probably hoping to work together with Kenny Omega and Doc Gallows in this match... but they've already been eliminated!

After looking around the ring, Anderson decided to link up with AJ Styles and The Miz, helping them fight off Kingdom. Miz hit Chavo with the Skull Crushing Finale, Styles hit Aiden English with the Styles Clash, then Karl Anderson hit Elias with the Gun Stun! Anderson then held up his hand, offering to "Too Sweet" Styles... and Styles reciprocated the gesture.

Mauro Ranallo: Lots of history between these two men! They were once co-leaders of the Bullet Club!

Anderson then nodded to Miz, and Styles nodded. Styles and Anderson then turned to face Miz, and Miz stepped back, looking concerned. Styles and Anderson walked towards Miz... but then Styles grabbed Anderson, throwing him over the top rope! Miz breathed a sigh of relief, then high-fived Styles. As Miz and Styles continued to work together, this time turning their attention to Edge, the countdown clock hit zero and Sami Zayn made his way to the ring. Zayn was still carrying his "Stand Against Moral Injustice" sign, which he placed at ringside before entering the ring. As soon as Zayn entered the ring, Jungle Boy hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope! Zayn looked furious, and tried to protest that he wasn't ready, but the referees at ringside made it clear that he had been eliminated. Zayn shook his head, then walked around the ring and grabbed a microphone.

Sami Zayn: This is all part of Wes Ikeda's conspiracy... Aiden English, you know what I'm talking about!

Aiden looked over at Zayn briefly, then decided to ignore him.

Sami Zayn: You might not believe this, Aiden, but I'm on your side. EBWF is immoral, and I am going to exercise by right to peaceful protest by handcuffing myself to the ring!

Zayn pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his tights, then tried to handcuff himself to the bottom rope, but before he could do so, two members of security grabbed him and escorted him up the ramp. Zayn could be heard shouting "I will not be silenced!" as he was taken away from the ringside area. Once Zayn had been dragged through the curtain, the ten second countdown for the next entrant started. As the clock hit zero, "Barrel of a Gun (instrumental)" by Depeche Mode hit and Austin Gunn made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: And here comes the other member of the Gunn Club, Austin Gunn! His younger brother Colten didn't last long earlier... can Austin make more of a statement?

Upon entering the ring, Austin went after Drew Gulak. There were now 12 superstars in the ring, including Austin Gunn and Drew Gulak. Miz and Styles were still trying to take out Edge, Bray Wyatt was battling Raven, while Jungle Boy and Chris Jericho were working together to try and fight off all three members of Kingdom. There were no more eliminations in the next 90 seconds, then "Catch Your Breath" hit, and Finn Balor made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Entering at number 26 is the returning Finn Balor! There are just four more superstars left to enter after this... Rey Mysterio, Paul London, Cameron Grimes and, entering at number 30, the EBWF Chairman and CEO, Wes Ikeda!

As Balor entered the ring, he joined forces with Jericho and Jungle Boy, trying to fight off Kingdom. On the other side of the ring, AJ Styles and The Miz had managed to get Edge over the top rope, but before they could send him to the outside, Edge grabbed both men and banged their heads together, dazing them. Edge then re-entered the ring and hit Miz with a Spear, before turning his attention to AJ Styles. Edge managed to get Styles over the top rope, but Styles held onto the ropes, and was able to get back into the ring. The countdown clock struck zero again, and Rey Mysterio headed to the ring. As Mysterio entered the ring, Balor grabbed him and lifted him up, going for a body slam, but Mysterio countered with a headscissors takedown. Balor landed on the second rope, and Mysterio hit him with the 619! Mysterio then signalled for the West Coast Pop, but before he could hit it, Miz grabbed him from behind, hitting a Skull Crushing Finale! Miz then threw Mysterio over the top rope, eliminating him.

Nigel McGuinness: Well Rey Mysterio was out faster than you could say "Booyaka", but some of the superstars in the ring have been in the Rumble for quite some time. Aiden English entered at number one, and he has been in the ring for almost 40 minutes now. Chavo Guerrero is just behind him at 36 minutes, and last year's winner Chris Jericho has been in the match for just sort of 35 minutes.

Mauro Ranallo: Aiden English has done very well, Nigel, and he knows if he can last just a little longer, he'll be in the ring with Wes Ikeda!

There were no more eliminations before the buzzer sounded for the next entrant. "The Heat Goes On" by Asia hit, and the crowd cheered as Paul London rode down to the ring on a scooter than had been painted to look like a spaceship. As London reached the bottom of the ramp, he climbed off the scooter/spaceship hybrid, then entered the ring. London immediately ran over to help Jungle Boy, who was being double-teamed by Chavo and Elias. As London hit Chavo with a series of punches, Elias lifted Jungle Boy up, setting him up for a powerbomb... but Jungle Boy countered it into a reverse hurricanrana! Paul London then took Chavo down with a superkick, before hitting a standing shooting star press. Just when it looked as though London and Jungle Boy were going to eliminate Chavo and Elias, Aiden English came to their aid, charging towards London and Jungle Boy and hitting them with a double clothesline. While English attacked the Intrepid Traveller and his latest project, Austin Gunn had Drew Gulak on the ropes, Finn Balor was fighting AJ Styles, Edge was still battling The Miz, Wyatt and Raven were exchanging punches back and forth, and Jericho was crouching in the corner of the ring, giving himself a moment to rest.

Nigel McGuinness: The ring is very full right now, Mauro... we're going to have to watch closely to make sure we don't miss any eliminations!

Another 90 seconds passed, then "Diamonds and Rust" by Judas Priest hit and Cameron Grimes headed to the ring. As Grimes entered the ring, Paul London ran towards him, going for a clothesline... but Grimes countered with a clothesline of his own, then lifted London up and threw him out of the ring! Grimes looked pleased with himself, and began to celebrate as if he had won the Royal Rumble... but then Jungle Boy attacked him from behind, lifting his legs up and throwing him over the top rope! Grimes landed on the ring apron and tried to fight his way back into the ring, but Jungle Boy hit him with a dropkick, sending him to the outside. As Grimes landed on the floor, Paul London applauded Jungle Boy.

Paul London: Thank you, JB-10... you have avenged me!

As London and Grimes both made their way to the back, Austin Gunn hit Drew Gulak with a Fame-Asser, then threw him out of the ring, eliminating him. A few moments later, Raven had Bray Wyatt set up for the Raven Effect... but Wyatt broke free, then hit Raven with Sister Abigail! Wyatt then threw Raven over the top rope. Wyatt held out his arms triumphantly, but then AJ Styles and The Miz grabbed him from behind, lifting him over the top rope and bundling him to the outside!

Mauro Ranallo: Well there you go, Nigel... we've had a bit of a clear-out! Paul London, Cameron Grimes, Drew Gulak, Raven and Bray Wyatt have all been eliminated! And now it's time for entrant number 30...

The ten second countdown began for the final time, and as the clock struck zero, "Sound of Madness" began to play. The fans in the arena erupted as Wes Ikeda made his way to the ring. The camera cut to Aiden English, who was glaring at Ikeda, then to AJ Styles, who was also giving Ikeda daggers. As soon as Ikeda entered the ring, Aiden English charged towards him and the two men began exchanging punches back and forth. AJ Styles tried to get involved, but before he could do so, Jericho grabbed him and hit him with a series of chops to the chest. As Styles staggered backwards, Jericho went for the Judas Effect, but Styles ducked out of the way, then hit the Pele Kick. Jericho fell onto the ropes, and Styles charged towards him, hitting a clothesline and sending Jericho over the top rope! The crowd booed and Styles laughed cockily, then waved goodbye to Jericho... however as Styles turned around, Edge hit him with a Spear! Edge then dragged Styles to his feet and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him.

Nigel McGuinness: Two former Rumble winners, Jericho and Styles, have both been eliminated! Nine superstars remain!

After eliminating Styles, Edge went after Elias, whipping him into the corner then hitting him with a series of punches. In the opposite corner, Austin Gunn was battling Chavo Guerrero, while Aiden English and Wes Ikeda were brawling in the center of the ring. The Miz had rolled out of the ring and was crouched down by the ring apron, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Jungle Boy had Finn Balor on the ropes and was trying to eliminate him. Jungle Boy lifted Balor's legs up, trying to get him over the top rope, but Balor kicked him away, then took him down with a sling blade. As both men got to their feet, Balor kicked Jungle Boy in the midsection, then hit the 1916! Balor then threw Jungle Boy over the top rope, eliminating him.

Mauro Ranallo: A solid debut for Jungle Boy... he lasted over 30 minutes in the Rumble! Paul London's latest project might just have a bright future ahead of him in EBWF!

As Jungle Boy made his way to the back, Miz re-entered the ring, attacking Balor from behind and beating him down. Across the ring, Chavo Guerrero had just hit Austin Gunn with a brainbuster, and he turned his attention to Wes Ikeda, who was in control against Aiden English. Chavo ran towards Ikeda, but Ikeda was ready for him, and he lifted Chavo over his shoulder, hitting It's Time To Go! Chavo used the ropes to pull himself up, and Ikeda hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope! Elias Samson then ran at Ikeda, going for a big boot, but Ikeda ducked out of the way and Elias landed on the ropes. Ikeda then hit Elias with a front dropkick, knocking him to the outside! Aiden English then grabbed Wes Ikeda from behind, setting him up for the Director's Cut, but Ikeda countered it into a Stunner! Ikeda then grabbed Aiden English, running towards the corner and hitting him with the Sliced Bread #2!

Nigel McGuinness: Ikeda calls that "It Came From Detroit!"

Ikeda stomped on English several times, then threw him over the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Wes Ikeda just eliminated all three members of Kingdom, and they do not look happy!

There were now five superstars remaining in the Rumble – Edge, Miz, Austin Gunn, Finn Balor and Wes Ikeda. Miz was fighting Finn Balor, while Austin Gunn was brawling with Edge. As Ikeda took a moment to contemplate his next move, Elias and Chavo climbed onto the ring apron, trying to get back into the ring! Ikeda hit Chavo with a right hand, knocking him back down to the outside, then Elias grabbed Ikeda, trying to pull him over the top rope. Ikeda was able to fight him off by hitting a guillotine onto the top rope, but then Aiden English slid back into the ring and grabbed Wes from behind, locking him in the Cobra Clutch. He then lifted Ikeda up over the top rope and hit him with the Director's Cut, slamming Ikeda onto the edge of the ring! The crowd booed, and one of the referees checked on Wes as another referee ordered Kingdom to leave the ringside area. English exited the ring and retreated with Chavo and Elias, looking pleased with himself. Wes looked like he was in pain, but when a medic came out with a stretcher, he shook his head and got to his feet. Ikeda then made his way to the back.

Mauro Ranallo: Well in controversial circumstances, Wes Ikeda has been eliminated... that means we're down to the final four!

The camera cut back to the ring, where Austin Gunn had Edge set up for the Fame-Asser. Before he could hit it, though, Edge lifted him up onto his shoulders, hitting an electric chair drop! As Austin got to his feet, Edge whipped him against the ropes, then hit him with the Spear! Austin clutched his ribs in pain, and Edge pulled him to his feet, throwing him out of the ring. Edge then turned his attention to Finn Balor and The Miz, who were fighting on the other side of the ring. Miz had Balor in the corner, and he ran towards him, going for the corner clothesline... but Balor moved out of the way! As Miz stumbled backwards, Balor tried to throw him over the top rope, but Miz held onto the ropes, then grabbed Balor and slammed his head off the turnbuckle. Miz then grabbed Balor and hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale, before throwing him out of the ring!

Nigel McGuinness: Finn Balor has been eliminated! We're down to the final two! Edge or The Miz will challenge Randy Orton for the EBWF World Title at Wrestlemania!

As Miz turned around, he locked eyes with Edge, who was standing in the corner, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Miz smirked, then yelled "let's do this". The two men met in the center of the ring and locked up. Miz put Edge in a headlock, then punched him in the head several times. Miz then whipped Edge against the ropes, and as Edge ran back towards him, Miz went for a clothesline. Edge ducked out of the way, then hit Miz with a neckbreaker. As both men got to their feet, Edge set Miz up for the Edgecution... but Miz blocked it, then hit an inverted facelock backbreaker, followed by a neckbreaker slam. Miz stomped on Edge several times, then grabbed him by the legs, going for the figure four... but Edge kicked him away and got to his feet. Edge then whipped Miz against the ropes, and went for the Spear... but Miz moved out of the way at the last second, then grabbed Edge from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz then dragged Edge towards the ropes, and tried to lift him over the top rope, but Edge held onto the ropes! Miz looked frustrated, and he began kicking Edge repeatedly, but Edge still held on. Miz took several times back, then charged towards Edge, going for a big boot... but Edge pulled down on the ropes, sending Miz over the top rope! Miz landed on the ring apron, and he was able to pull himself back to his feet... but then Edge hit him with a Spear through the ropes! Miz fell to the outside, and the referee called for the bell.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the 2021 Men's Royal Rumble... Edge!

"Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hit and Edge fell to his knees in disbelief. He got to his feet as the referee raised his hand in victory, then walked to the corner and climbed the turnbuckle, celebrating with the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: I can't believe it... Edge wins the Royal Rumble, and he will challenge his best friend and tag team partner Randy Orton for the World Title at Wrestlemania!

Nigel McGuinness: You have to wonder if that will drive a wedge between Rated RKO, Mauro... how can it not.

As Edge continued to celebrate, Randy Orton stepped out onto the stage, the World Title wrapped around his waist. Edge looked up, saw Orton on the ramp and grinned. Orton smiled back, and applauded Edge. Edge beckoned Orton towards the ring to celebrate with him, but Orton shook his head and mouthed "this is your moment". Orton then walked back through the curtain, and Edge continued to celebrate as the show went off the air.