Warfare Results 01/16/2023

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 01/16/2023

Post by Ben M »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Warfare!

Nigel McGuinness: Tonight, we are live from Austin, Texas and kicking things off, we’ve got Gail Kim making her debut as she goes one on one with Liv Morgan!

Gail Kim made her way to the ring first to a warm reception from the crowd, followed by Liv Morgan. When both women were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Kim went to hit Morgan with a kick, but Morgan blocked it and took Kim down with a clothesline, then as Gail Kim got back to her feet, Liv Morgan hit her with a series of punches. Morgan then whipped Kim against the ropes, before hitting her with a running crossbody!

Mauro Ranallo: Impressive display of athleticism there by Liv Morgan!

Morgan hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Kim kicked out! Morgan pulled Kim to her feet and went to whip her into the corner, but Kim reversed it, sending Morgan into the corner. Kim then hit Morgan with a series of kicks, before pulling Morgan away from the corner and hitting her with a snapmare. As Morgan sat up, Kim caught her with a low dropkick, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Morgan kicked out! Kim pulled Morgan to her feet and hit her with a knee to the midsection, before putting her in an abdominal stretch. Morgan was able to fight out of it, and she whipped Kim against the ropes before hitting her with a running single leg dropkick. Both women got to their feet and Morgan hit a sitout facebuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Kim kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Liv Morgan was close to getting the win there, but Gail Kim kicked out just in time!

As Morgan got to her feet, she stomped on Kim several times, then pulled Kim to her feet and set her up for a DDT. Gail Kim blocked it, charging Morgan into the corner. She then sat Morgan on the top rope, before hitting a frankensteiner! Morgan looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Gail Kim grabbed her, hitting Eat Defeat! She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Gail Kim gets the victory!

Kim celebrated, then made her way to the back as a promotional video for EBWF Shop began to play.


The Four Horsemen theme hit and the crowd cheered as Brock Anderson made his way to the ring for the next match.

Nigel McGuinness: Here comes Brock Anderson, who scored an impressive victory in his EBWF debut last week against Max Caster. How will he fare tonight when he goes one on one with Ricky Starks?

When Anderson was in the ring, Ricky Starks came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Ricky Starks, who actually lives here in Austin. Will the hometown advantage work in his favor?

After Starks had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Starks immediately hit Anderson with a series of punches, but Anderson fought back with some right hands of his own, then applied an arm twist. Starks tried to break free, but Anderson dragged him down to the mat, then stretched Starks’ arm out and stomped on his elbow! Starks cried out in pain as he clutched his arm.

Nigel McGuinness: Ricky Starks seems to be in a lot of pain here… Brock Anderson might have injured his arm!

Anderson put Starks in an armbar, but Starks was able to get his foot on the ropes and the referee ordered Anderson to break the hold. As both men got to their feet, Starks went to whip Anderson into the corner, but Anderson reversed it, sending Starks into the corner before hitting him with a corner clothesline. As Starks stumbled out of the corner, Anderson took him down with a hip toss, then stretched out his arms and legs and stomped on them one by one.

Mauro Ranallo: Brock Anderson is so methodical… you can see the influence of his father, the legendary Arn Anderson, when Brock steps into the ring.

Anderson grabbed Starks by the legs and went to set him up for a figure four leglock, but Starks kicked him away then got to his feet. As Starks got up, he ran at Anderson, going for a clothesline, but Anderson ducked underneath it and grabbed Starks, dragging him towards the corner before slamming his head off the top corner. After trapping Starks in the corner, Anderson hit him with a series of kicks to the midsection, before sitting Starks on the top rope. Anderson set Starks up for a superplex… but Starks managed to counter it into a sunset flip powerbomb!

Nigel McGuinness: What a counter! That could swing the momentum in Starks’ favor!

Starks punched Anderson against the mat several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him into the corner, where he hit Anderson with a series of backhand chops to the chest. Starks then lifted Anderson up, hitting a body slam, before climbing to the top rope. Starks went for an elbow drop… but Anderson moved out of the way! As Starks clutched his elbow in pain, Anderson grabbed him, hitting a DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Starks kicked out! Anderson pulled him to his feet and hit him with a series of punches, then whipped Starks against the ropes before hitting a Spinebuster! He hooked the leg once more - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Another victory for Brock Anderson!

Anderson celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from the commercial break, the camera cut to the backstage area. The appearance of Mina Shirakawa drew loud cheers from the crowd; it was her first official appearance since being stretchered out of the arena the preceding fall. Her attire of jeans and a pink T-shirt with her logo on it confirmed she wasn't in action tonight. Instead she appeared to be finishing a short interview in Japanese, which we only caught the last moment of. As the interviewer expressed thanks, Mina smiled and waved. She then looked curiously at the cameraman.

Mina Shirakawa: Hm? Do you need something else? Want any English comments from the Venus?

She leaned toward the lens.

Mina Shirakawa: All I can say right now is that my actual return isn't official yet. Still a work in progress. But I owe the Crimson Queen something, and it'd be a shame if I didn't pay her back.

She winked as the fans cheered, then began walking down the hall. As the camera turned we saw another cameraman moving into position abruptly for another interview. Mina only made it a few steps before she stopped dead in her tracks - Tam Nakano was there , the EBWF Women's Championship worn across her chest like a sash. While the fans cheered loudly again, Tam looked intensely into the eyes of the woman who'd once been her partner and friend, and Mina's expression was curious. The former Queen's Court member seemed unsure if she should stay, and Tam gave no indication one way or the other. Hesitantly Mina extended her hand, which Tam took in hers slowly. A moment later the crowd popped as Tam pulled Mina into a hug! Was Cosmic Angels reforming?

There wouldn't be an answer at that time, as two more women happened to be walking by. The arrival of Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan drew another pop from the crowd even as they locked eyes with Mina and Tam. Alexa took a step toward the champion, who likewise took a step toward Alexa. The two were just inches away from each other!

Alexa Bliss: Tam.

Tam Nakano: Alexa.

There was a long pause before either of them spoke again.

Alexa Bliss: Look, last week-

Tam nodded in understanding.

Tam Nakano: It was pretty emotional, wasn't it?

Alexa sighed.

Alexa Bliss: You can say that again.

Tam raised an eyebrow.

Tam Nakano: We all get that way. But it doesn't change the fact that we've got unfinished business at Last Survivor.

Alexa's eyes became more intense as she looked down at the championship Tam wore.

Alexa Bliss: And it doesn't change that I'm going to become the new EBWF Women's Champion.

Tam smirked.

Tam Nakano: Or the fact that I'm not letting you take this from me. After Last Survivor, I'll still be the reigning EBWF Women's Champion.

She gave the belt's center plate a pat and the two stared into each other's eyes. A moment later Alexa and Tam both stepped away, seemingly agreeing to settle this in the ring! Liv and Mina remained, however, and there was an awkward tension in the air. Liv hadn't trusted Mina before and Mina's face showed regret for the past.

Liv Morgan: Hey, so - Mina, I appreciate how you tried to protect Lexi.

Mina smiled hesitantly.

Mina Shirakawa: It's the least I could do. I'm sorry I didn't do something sooner.

Liv paused for a long moment, then sighed.

Liv Morgan: Thanks for doing what you could. I- I was wrong about you.

Mina's smile grew.

Mina Shirakawa: Thanks, that - that means a lot. You're pretty brave yourself, Liv.

Liv nodded to her and started to leave. Mina grabbed her by the shoulder.

Mina Shirakawa: One other thing. No matter who leaves Last Survivor as champion - let's make sure Utami stays out of it. If that means we have to beat the hell out of her, I'm good with that.

Liv flashed a smile.

Liv Morgan: You've got it.

With a cheer from the crowd, the two went their separate ways. The scene faded into a graphic for the next match.


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we’ve got Jamie Hayter versus Arisa Hoshiki!

Jamie Hayter made her way to the ring first, followed by Arisa Hoshiki. When both women were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. The two women exchanged right hands back and forth, but Hayter was able to gain the upper hand and she lifted Hoshiki up, hitting her with a suplex. Hayter stomped on Hoshiki several times, then dragged her to her feet and threw her out of the ring. As Hoshiki got to her feet outside the ring, Hayter ran against the ropes before hitting a suicide dive! Hayter then threw Hoshiki back into the ring, where she hit her with a series of hammer and anvil elbow strikes.

Nigel McGuinness: An aggressive start by Jamie Hayter… she’s dominating these early stages!

Hayter put Hoshiki into a dragon sleeper hold, but Hoshiki was able to get her foot on the ropes and the referee ordered Hayter to break the hold. Hayter did so, but then she dragged Hoshiki away from the ropes and set her up for a powerbomb. Hoshiki blocked it, countering with a back body drop, then as Hayter got back to her feet, Hoshiki hit a dropkick. Both women got to their feet and Hoshiki whipped Hayter into the corner, then hit her with a running double knee strike.

Mauro Ranallo: Arisa Hoshiki mounting a comeback here!

As Hayter stumbled out of the corner, Hoshiki hit her with a superkick, then followed up with a knee drop. She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Hayter kicked out! Hoshiki pulled Hayter to her feet and hit her with a series of punches, then went to whip her against the ropes, but Hayter reversed the Irish whip, sending Hoshiki into the ropes before taking her down with a shoulder block. Hayter then grabbed Hoshiki by the legs, putting her in a Boston crab!

Nigel McGuinness: Arisa Hoshiki could be in trouble here… is she going to tap?

After a struggle, Hoshiki was able to get to the ropes, and Jamie Hayter let out a sigh of frustration as the referee ordered her to break the hold. Hoshiki used the ropes to pull herself up, but Hayter trapped her against the ropes then hit her with a series of forearm smashes. Hayter then pulled Hoshiki away from the ropes and set her up for the Ushigoroshi… but Hoshiki blocked it, then broke free and caught Hayter with the question mark kick! Hayter looked dazed, and Hoshiki ran against the ropes then went for a clothesline… but Hayter caught Hoshiki with a clothesline of her own at the same time! Both women fell to the mat, and as the camera zoomed in on them, you could see that both Hayter and Hoshiki were breathing heavily.

Mauro Ranallo: There’s a lot of history between Jamie Hayter and Arisa Hoshiki, and you can tell this is a match neither woman wants to lose… they’re both leaving everything in the ring here tonight!

Both women slowly got to their feet, then exchanged right hands back and forth. This time, Arisa Hoshiki was able to gain the upper hand, and after hitting Jamie Hayter with a series of punches in quick succession, she took her down with a roundhouse kick. She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Hayter got her shoulder up just as the referee was about to count the 3! Hoshiki screamed, clearly frustrated, then pulled Hayter to her feet. Hoshiki set Hayter up for a neckbreaker… but Hayter countered with the Ushigoroshi! She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Hoshiki kicked out! Hayter pulled Hoshiki to her feet and hit her with a stiff forearm smash, then whipped her against the ropes. As Hoshiki ran back towards her, Hayter went for the Lariat… but Hoshiki ducked underneath it, then spun around and hit Hayter with the Pulsar Kick! She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Nigel McGuinness: It’s over! We might have just seen a match of the year candidate, Mauro… that was incredible!

The referee called for the bell and raised Hoshiki’s arm in victory. Hoshiki celebrated, looking exhausted but pleased with herself, as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare returned from the commercial break, Lucha Bros were on their way to the ring for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Still to come we’ve got Chris Jericho versus Adam Cole in our main event, but up first we’ve got tag team action as Ray Fenix and Pentagon Jr take on Matt Riddle and the EBWF World Champion, The Miz!

When Lucha Bros were in the ring, “I Came To Play” by Downstait hit and the crowd cheered as The Miz and Matt Riddle headed to the ring. Miz and Pentagon Jr started the match, and Penta hit Miz with a series of kicks, then took him down with a drop toe hold. Penta then went for an armbar, but Miz fought out of it then hit Penta with a neckbreaker. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Penta kicked out! Riddle called for the tag and Miz tagged him in as Penta tagged in Ray Fenix. Riddle ran at Fenix, going for a knee strike, but Fenix ducked underneath it, then caught Riddle with an enzuigiri. Riddle rolled out of the ring and Fenix followed him to the outside, then went for a powerbomb on the floor… but Riddle countered with a back body drop! Riddle threw Fenix back into the ring, then applied a kneebar, but Fenix was able to get to the ropes. Riddle pulled Fenix to his feet and set him up for a suplex, but Fenix countered with a suplex of his own then climbed to the top rope. Fenix went for a splash… but Riddle got his knees up and blocked it!

Nigel McGuinness: Instinctive reaction there by Riddle!

Riddle tagged Miz in as Fenix crawled towards his corner, tagging in his brother Penta. As Miz entered the ring, he ran at Penta, going for a clothesline… but Penta ducked underneath it, then hit Miz with a pumphandle slam. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Miz kicked out! Penta pulled Miz to his feet and hit him with a series of chops, then whipped him against the ropes before hitting a slingblade. As both men got to their feet, Penta went for a superkick… but Miz sidestepped it, then whipped Penta into the corner and hit him with the Awesome Clothesline! As Penta stumbled out of the corner, Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz hooked the leg as Riddle ran across the ring, blocking off Fenix so he couldn’t break up the pin. The referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Miz and Riddle get the victory!

Miz and Riddle celebrated, then made their way to the back as Ray Fenix helped his brother to his feet.


“Celtic Invasion” hit the PA System and the lighting in the area turned to different shades of orange and green. The crowd came alive with a thunderous ovation. The ovation only intensified once the entrance curtain opened and Becky Lynch walked out onto the stage. She didn’t waste any time making a beeline for the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! Becky Lynch is back!

Nigel McGuinness: And listen to this ovation!

Becky climbed up onto the apron and entered the ring. She approached Christy and took the microphone from her. As“Celtic Invasion” faded out, the cheering from the crowd completely overtook the arena while Becky paced around the ring like a caged animal. Becky stopped pacing for a moment and raised her microphone.

Becky Lynch: I ain’t here to do much talkin’! I’m here lookin’ fer a foyt!

The crowd cheered. Becky turned her head toward the entrance with malicious intent.

Becky Lynch: So, Christian…

The cheering from the crowd instantly turned to booing once his name was mentioned.

Becky Lynch: Ya snivelin’, sneaky, creepy little shite. It’s real easy to attack someone that isn’t ready fer it. Let’s see what happens when ya come face to face with someone that is ready. So, what I’m tellin’ ya is ya get yer arse out here so I can kick it all the way back to Toronto.

The crowd cheered at Becky’s intentions.

Mauro Ranallo: She’s calling Christian out!

Nigel McGuinness: We knew this was coming. Becky, Alexa, and Liv are thick as thieves. With what happened to Alexa at the hands of Christian, there wasn’t any doubt that Becky was going to want retribution.

Becky Lynch: I haven’t got the patience to wait around. If ya aren’t out here in ten seconds, I’m comin’ back there and I’m rippin’ ya a new arsehole.

The crowd chanted, “Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

Becky Lynch: Time’s up and yer not out here getting’ yer arse kicked, so I’m comin’ back there and I’m tearin’ ya apart!

With that said, Becky walked toward the ropes facing the entrance. "My Last Breath" hit which caused Becky to stop in her tracks.

Nigel McGuinness: I guess the Instant Classic is gonna come out after all.

Christian Cage walked out on stage laughing as his music cut.

Christian Cage: You've got to be kidding me, you actually decided to challenge me.

Christian shook his head.

Christian Cage: Becky you fail to realize that my business with Alexa has absolutely nothing to do with you, so why don't you just move on to more important things like trying to see if you can actually win the Women's championship for once.

The crowd booed loudly.

Christian Cage: As far as your challenge goes the answer is no. I'm not gonna risk getting arrested but I do have a little gift for you.

Christian pulled out a little box of Lucky Charms and tossed it into the ring.

Becky looked down at the small box of Lucky Charms and punted it. She kicked it right into Christian’s face.

Becky Lynch: This isn’t about the numerous times I got screwed outta the Women’s Title. This is about ya bein’ a a sneaky, creepy, cowardly little shite. When ya attack one of my best friends, it has everythin’ to do with me. Ya attacked her, and I’m beatin’ ya senseless fer it.

Becky dropped the microphone before she removed her leather jacket and left the ring to confront Christian. Before she could get her hands on Christian, officials poured out of the locker room in order to get between her and Christian. The crowd booed as Christian smiled and backed away.

Mauro Ranallo: This crowd is not happy.

Nigel McGuinness: It might be for Becky’s own good that she's being prevented from fighting Christian Cage.

Mauro Ranallo:Well one thing is for sure Christian Cage is gonna get what's coming to him.

The crowd broke out into chants of “Kick his ass! Kick his ass! Kick his ass!” as the show went to a break.


As Warfare returned from the final commercial break of the evening, “All About Tha (Boom!)” hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Adam Cole made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! It’s time for our main event, and the stakes are high… the loser of this match will forfeit their place in the Last Survivor match!

When Cole was in the ring, “Judas” by Fozzy hit and the crowd sang along as Chris Jericho headed to the ring. Once Jericho had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Cole charged at Jericho and hit him with a series of punches, but Jericho fought back, taking Cole down with a clothesline before stomping on him several times. Jericho pulled Cole to his feet and set him up for a suplex, but Cole blocked it then hit Jericho with a dropkick to the knee. As Jericho stumbled, Cole took him down to the mat and applied a kneebar. Jericho was able to fight out of it, and as both men got to their feet, Jericho hit Cole with a double underhook backbreaker! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Cole kicked out! Cole rolled out of the ring, trying to give himself a moment to recover, but Jericho climbed onto the ring apron, then hit Cole with a flying forearm!

Nigel McGuinness: Jericho landed awkwardly there… I think he might have hurt himself!

The referee checked Jericho was okay and Jericho nodded, then grabbed Cole and threw him back into the ring. Jericho climbed to the top rope and went for a double axe handle… but Cole countered with a superkick! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Jericho kicked out! Cole then went for the Panama Sunrise, but Jericho avoided it and hit a Codebreaker out of nowhere! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Cole kicked out just in time!

Mauro Ranallo: I thought that was it for sure, Nigel!

Jericho pulled Cole to his feet and hit him with a series of backhand chops, then ran against the ropes and hit a bulldog. Jericho went for the Lionsault… but Cole got his knees up and blocked it! Cole then kicked Jericho in the ribs several times, then moved to the corner and started removing the turnbuckle pad! The referee stopped Cole, then began re-tying the turnbuckle pad. While the referee’s back was turned, Cole hit Jericho with a low blow! Jericho fell to his knees and Cole ran against the ropes, then hit The Boom! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Nigel McGuinness: It’s over! Adam Cole wins, which means Jericho will NOT be in the Last Survivor match!

Mauro Ranallo: This isn’t right, Nigel! Cole cheated!

Cole celebrated, taunting the fans who were booing him as Warfare went off the air.