Last Survivor Results - 1/29/2023

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Last Survivor Results - 1/29/2023

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Good evening and welcome to Last Survivor! We are live from the sold out Chase Center in San Francisco, and we are kicking things off with the women’s Last Survivor match!

“Time To Rock & Roll” (with “Bossy” intro) hit and the crowd cheered as Trish Stratus made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: And here comes eight-time Women’s Champion Trish Stratus, who is entering the women’s Last Survivor at number one for the second year in a row!

When Trish was in the ring, “Shadowmaker” by Lovebites hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Arisa Hoshiki headed down the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Arisa Hoshiki, who took the Women’s Champion Tam Nakano to the limit at Christmas Eve of Destruction. Can she earn another title shot tonight?

Once Arisa was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Trish put Arisa in a headlock, but Arisa fought out of it and whipped Trish against the ropes, then hit her with a spinning kick. As Trish got back to her feet, Arisa set her up for a brainbuster, but Trish blocked it, countering with a suplex. Both women got to their feet and Trish whipped Arisa into the corner, then hit her with a handspring back elbow smash! Trish then tried to lift Arisa over the top rope, but Arisa kicked her away, then climbed to the top rope and hit her with a diving knee strike. Arisa then tried to drag Trish towards the ropes, but Trish fought back, hitting Arisa with a series of punches. As the two women exchanged right hands back and forth, the ten second countdown for the next entrant began, and when the clock struck zero, Himeka Arita made her way to the ring. As Himeka entered the ring, her and Arisa began double-teaming Trish, but Trish was able to hold her own against the two women for the next 90 seconds until Liv Morgan entered the match. As soon as she entered the ring, Liv went after Himeka Arita, pummeling her with a series of punches before hitting her with a superkick!

Nigel McGuinness: Queen’s Court have made Liv Morgan’s life hell over the past few months, and Liv is determined to give them some payback tonight!

There were no eliminations over the next few minutes as Gail Kim, Jamie Hayter and Natalya all entered the ring, bringing the total number of women in the match to 7. As Natalya entered the ring, her and Trish worked together to attack Arisa Hoshiki, while Liv Morgan continued to fight Himeka Arita. Jamie Hayter was in control against Gail Kim, but Kim held her own against EBWF’s self-proclaimed “Lord and Savior”. Another 90 seconds passed, and the mood inside the ring seemed to change as Utami Hayashishita entered the match as the 8th entrant.

Mauro Ranallo: All three members of Queen’s Court are in the match now… business is about to pick up, Nigel!

Utami made an impact as soon as she entered the ring, hitting Trish with a running knee lift, then taking down Natalya with a judo throw. Utami turned her attention to Gail Kim next, lifting Kim over her shoulder and hitting her with Koumori Tsuri Otoshi! Utami then threw Gail Kim out of the ring and began shouting directions to Arisa and Himeka. Arisa was able to eliminate Natalya, and a few moments later Himeka eliminated Jamie Hayter, leaving Liv Morgan and Trish Stratus at a 3 on 2 disadvantage against Queen’s Court.

Nigel McGuinness: Liv and Trish might need to form an unlikely alliance here if they want to stand a chance against Queen’s Court!

Liv and Trish did just that, and were able to hold their own against Utami, Arisa and Himeka. Utami appeared frustrated at not being in complete control, and after Trish hit Arisa with a Chick Kick, Utami took Trish with a lariat, then began yelling at Arisa. As Utami and Himeka double-teamed Liv Morgan, “Celtic Invasion” hit and the crowd cheered as Becky Lynch rushed to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Becky Lynch, wrestling for the first time since she was taken out by Allysin Kay six months ago!

As she entered the ring, Becky went after Himeka, punching her several times and knocking her into the corner, where she hit her with a series of kicks. Becky then hit Himeka with an exploder suplex, before going to throw her over the top rope… but Himeka managed to hold onto the ropes! As Becky tried to eliminate Himeka from the match, Utami came to Himeka’s aid, grabbing Becky and slamming her head off the turnbuckle before hitting her with a DDT. Utami then turned her attention back to Liv Morgan, who was charging towards her. Morgan went for a big boot, but Utami side-stepped it, then lifted Liv up and hit Rose’s Thorns! Utami then tossed Liv out of the ring, eliminating her.

Nigel McGuinness: Once again, Queen’s Court have the numbers advantage!

Mauro Ranallo: Not for long, Nigel… we’re about to get entrant number 10!

The ten second countdown for the next entrant began, and as the clock struck zero, “Cosmic Kuduro” began to play. The crowd cheered as Mina Shirakawa made her way to the ring! Upon entering the ring, Mina went straight after Himeka Arita, who she hit with Glamorous Driver Mina, then eliminated her from the match!

Mauro Ranallo: Himeka Arita has been eliminated, and Utami Hayashishita looks furious!

Utami let out a scream, then charged at Mina and hit her with a series of punches. Utami then tried to put Mina in the torture rack, but Mina fought out of it before hitting Utami with an inverted DDT. Mina then set Utami up for the GSS… but Utami broke free, then hit Mina with the BT Bomb! Utami pulled Mina to her feet and lifted her over her shoulders, then threw her over the top rope, eliminating her. Utami then turned her attention to Becky Lynch, leaving Arisa Hoshiki to fight it out with Trish Stratus.

Nigel McGuinness: We’re getting towards the end of this match now, with only two more women left to enter, but Trish and Arisa have been in this from the start! You have to wonder if fatigue will start to set in soon for them…

The ten second countdown for entrant number 11 started, and as the clock struck zero Britt Baker came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Upon entering the ring, Britt went after Trish Stratus, and the two women exchanged right hands back and forth. Britt was able to gain the upper hand, and she set Trish up for a fisherman neckbreaker… but Trish blocked it, then grabbed Britt and ran towards the ropes, hitting Britt with the Stratusfaction! Trish pulled Britt to her feet and pushed her against the ropes, then hit her with a clothesline, sending her over the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Trish Stratus just eliminated last year’s Last Survivor winner, Britt Baker!

Britt looked stunned, and it was clear that she was extremely disappointed as she made her way to the back. In the ring, Utami had Trish in the corner now, but Trish was holding her own against the Crimson Queen. On the other side of the ring, Arisa Hoshiki had Becky Lynch set up for a brainbuster. She lifted Becky up… but Becky managed to land on her feet behind Arisa, then hit Arisa with the Manhandle Slam! Becky then tried to get Arisa over the top rope, but Arisa was able to hold onto the ropes. As Arisa tried to roll back into the ring, Becky kicked and stomped on her, trying to force her onto the floor. The 10 second countdown for the final entrant started, and the crowd counted down…

Nigel McGuinness: It’s time for the surprise entrant, entering at number 12… but who is it?

As the clock struck zero, “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio hit and Becky immediately turned to face the ramp. There was a look of fury on her face as she locked eyes with Allysin Kay, who had just stepped through the curtain!

Mauro Ranallo: Allysin Kay is back? I thought she’d quit?!

Nigel McGuinness: Well I guess she's un-quit, Mauro? And Becky Lynch has a chance to get revenge for that brutal assault back in August!

As Allysin made her way down the ramp, Becky could be heard yelling “get in the ring bitch!” to her. Once Allysin was in the ring, Becky charged towards her and the two women began exchanging punches furiously! Allysin was able to gain the upper hand, and she lifted Becky up, setting her up for the AK47… but Becky broke free and hit a Japanese arm drag, then followed up with an exploder suplex. As Allysin tried to get to her feet, Becky hit her with a V-Trigger, then pulled Allysin to her feet and threw her over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: Allysin Kay has been eliminated, and we’re down to the final four! Will it be Becky Lynch, Trish Stratus, Arisa Hoshiki or Utami Hayashishita who becomes the Last Survivor?

As the four remaining women stood in the four corners of the ring, Utami pointed at Trish Stratus, then yelled something in Japanese to Arisa Hoshiki. Arisa nodded, then charged towards Trish as Utami ran at Becky. Becky managed to take Utami down to the mat, and went to apply the Dis-Arm-Her, but Utami broke free before Becky could lock it in, then put Becky in a sleeper hold! As Becky tried to fight out of it, the camera cut across the ring to Arisa and Trish. Trish was in control against Arisa, and she had her set up for the Stratusfaction… but Arisa got out of it and pushed Trish towards the ropes, then hit her with a running high knee strike! Trish went over the top rope, but as she tried to hold onto the ropes Arisa caught her with a kick, knocking her onto the floor. Arisa then turned her attention to Utami and Becky on the other side of the ring. Utami had Becky over the top rope, but Becky pulled Utami over with her! The two women landed on the ring apron and exchanged punches, trying to knock each other off. As Utami started to lose her balance, Arisa intervened and went to hit Becky with the Pulsar Kick… but Becky ducked out of the way, and Arisa inadvertently hit Utami instead! Utami fell to the floor.

Nigel McGuinness: Arisa Hoshiki just eliminated Utami Hayashishita… but I don’t think she meant to!

As Becky tried to get back into the ring, Arisa reacted quickly, grabbing her and slamming her head off the top turnbuckle. Becky looked momentarily dazed, and Arisa went for a second Pulsar Kick… this time, she connected with Becky Lynch, knocking her to the floor! As the bell rang, the camera zoomed in on Arisa, who looked both exhausted and emotional. The crowd were cheering, perhaps excited by the possibility of seeing a rematch between Arisa Hoshiki and Tam Nakano.

Mauro Ranallo: An incredible victory for Arisa Hoshiki, who will get the chance to challenge Tam Nakano again if Tam retains the Women’s Championship against Alexa Bliss later tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: That was certainly an impressive performance by Arisa, Mauro… but you have to wonder how Utami feels about being eliminated like that!

Arisa celebrated as a promo for Fallout began to play.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the EBWF Breakout Championship.

The crowd cheered.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, the challenger…

The familiar Four Horsemen theme filled the arena as Brock Anderson came from behind the curtain.

Christy Hemme: From Charlotte, North Carolina… Brock Andeeeeerson!

The crowd applauded as Anderson came from behind the curtain and moved down the ramp to the ring. “The Rising” hit and Seth Rollins came to the stage, holding the Breakout Championship high.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Davenport, Iowa, he is the EBWF Breakout Champion, Seeeeeeth Rolllllllins!

Rollins wasted no time getting in the ring, and stepped up to Anderson, holding the title belt up between them. Brock nodded, and Seth turned to give the belt to the referee, who presented it to the crowd. Christy Hemme left the ring and the referee rang the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: Here we go!

Rollins quickly showed Anderson up by ducking a lock up and taunting him. Anderson hooked a side headlock, but Rollins whipped him off and hit a Sling Blade. Rollins clotheslined him out of the ring and played to the crowd. Rollins hit the ropes and hit a baseball slide. Rollins got Anderson in the ring, but Anderson immediately rolled out. Rollins avoided an attack and hit a knee off the apron. Rollins jumped off the commentary table and kneed Anderson in the back of the head.

Nigel McGuinness: Rollins is manhandling Brock Anderson!

Rollins took it to Anderson. Rollins got him in the ring and hit a springboard knee to the side of the head. Anderson rolled to the apron and snapped Rollins off the top rope. Anderson hit a rolling thunder dropkick for a two-count. Anderson punched away at Rollins. Anderson hit a snapmare and stomped him. Anderson bounced him off the top turnbuckle. Anderson drove Rollins’ face into the turnbuckle. Anderson whipped Rollins sternum-first into the corner. Anderson hit a backbreaker for a two-count. Anderson cinched in a chin lock and had Rollins grounded. Rollins fought up and hit a back suplex. Anderson avoided an avalanche in the corner for a one-count. Anderson quickly went back to the chin lock. Rollins hit a jawbreaker and booted him back. Anderson quickly sent Rollins over the top rope. Anderson followed him out and bounced him off the commentary table. Anderson drove him into the apron and sent him over the commentary table. Anderson pointed toward the Breakout Championship near the timekeeper. He rolls Rollins back in the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Wait… Rollins is back on his feet!

Before Brock could get back in the ring, Rollins flew forward with a suicide dive to the outside! Rollins landed on his feet and helped Brock up to get him back in the ring. Rollins went for a Pedigree, but Anderson fought it. Rollins countered into a roll-up for a two-count. Rollins kneed Anderson and hit a backbreaker for a two-count. Rollins went to the top rope, but Anderson cut him off. Rollins went for a Buckle Bomb to counter, but Anderson fought it. Anderson elbowed him and went for a suplex, but Rollins countered into an inside cradle for a two-count. Rollins went for a powerbomb, but his knee looked to give out.

Mauro Ranallo: Rollins knee looks to be in bad shape there.

Anderson tries for the rollup, but Rollins kicked out. Anderson knocked Rollins back from the top rope, but Rollins scaled the ropes with a superplex. Anderson countered a falcon arrow into an over-the-knee neckbreaker for a near fall!

Nigel McGuinness: I thought Brock Anderson was taking the title right there and then!
Anderson went for a Spinebuster, but Rollins got out. They traded blows before Rollins hit an enzuigiri. Rollins was clutching his knee on the mat. Anderson and Rollins got to their feet and traded blows. Anderson went for a Pedigree, but Rollins got out and hit a rolling elbow. Rollins teased a neckbreaker before hitting a forearm to the back of the neck. Rollins set up for a Stomp, but Anderson moved and got out of the ring. Rollins limped after him and threw him over the barricade. Anderson got in the ring and swung wildly, but Rollins superkicked him. Rollins hit a frog splash.


Mauro Ranallo: It’s no good!

Rollins gets out of another Spinebuster, but Anderson pushes him. Rollins flipped through a back suplex, and his knee gave out again. Rollins hit a Pedigree and covered.


Nigel McGuinness: Brock Anderson kicks out again!

Rollins set up for a Stomp, but Anderson avoided it. Rollins whirled around, right into the Spinebuster.

Mauro Ranallo: Wait a minute!


Nigel McGuinness: We have a new champion!

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner! And neeeeeeeew Breakout Champion… Brock Anderson.
Brock was awarded the title, and he stared at it in awe before holding it up above his head. The crowd cheered as a promo package for the Women’s Title Match began to play.


We cut backstage to the locker room area, where Alexa Bliss was getting ready for her match. The sound of a door opening was heard and Alexa turned around and smiled.

The camera panned to show that it was none other than The Man herself, Becky Lynch. She approached Alexa with a big grin on her face and pulled her into a hug.

Becky Lynch: Hey, how are ya holdin’ up?

Alexa sighed.

Alexa Bliss: Fine I guess.

Becky Lynch: I know that yer dealin’ with a lot especially after what happened, but I’m plannin’ on tearin’ Christian apart. I know ya got a big title match comin’ up and I want ya to remain focused on that. I know it’s hard fer ya to do that right now, but try yer hardest and don’t let up until ya win.

Alexa smiled.

Alexa Bliss: Thanks Becks, you're right I need to focus on beating Tam and becoming EBWF Women's champion for a third time.

Becky grinned.

Becky Lynch: And I need to focus on doin’ to Christian what Matthew Gerrard MacDonald did to Roch Theriault. When ya win, we’ll go fer a pint.

Alexa nodded.

Alexa Bliss: OK.

Alexa went to leave but stopped.

Alexa Bliss: Becky, thank you for being a true friend.

Becky smiled at Alexa.

Becky Lynch: Thank ya fer bein’ my friend and havin’ my back.

Alexa nodded and left.


The camera cut to the ring with Christy Hemme.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it's for the EBWF Women's championship.

"Papercut" by Linkin Park played and the crowd in the Chase Center cheered as Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: For the first time since back in October at Fanniversary, Alexa Bliss will be competing and you have to wonder about her condition heading into this match.

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, we saw what happened to Alexa at Fanniversary. We saw the damage that had been done to her but it's not just her physical health that's a point of concern, it's also her focus. The betrayal of Christian Cage a few weeks back has clearly hurt her.

Alexa entered the ring and did her signature pose on the ropes. "Twilight Dream" hit and the crowd continued to cheer at the arrival of the EBWF Women's champion Tam Nakano.

Mauro Ranallo: Tam achieved redemption at Fanniversary when she defeated Britt Baker to win the Women's championship and tonight she faces a familiar rival in Alexa Bliss.

Nigel McGuinness: Well Mauro, a lot has changed since the last time these two faced each other. They are two different people now.

Tam entered the ring as her music faded.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first the challenger, representing Liv N Bliss, from Columbus Ohio, Alexa Bliss.

Alexa held out her arms as the crowd cheered.

Christy Hemme: And her opponent, from Tokyo Japan, the EBWF Women's champion,Tam Nakano.

Tam took her belt off and held it in the air as the crowd cheered. She handed it to the referee. The referee called for the bell and the two locked up. Alexa forced Tam into one of the corners and broke the hold upon the referee's order. The two locked up again and this time Tam sweeped Alexa's legs out from under her. Alexa looked up at Tam and smiled before she got back up. Tam went to grab Alexa but Bliss ducked under her and grabbed her from behind. Tam broke free and kicked Alexa in the gut before hitting a Fisherman's Suplex and kept the leg hooked.


Mauro Ranallo: It's gonna take more than that to put Alexa down.

Alexa hit Tam with a dropkick that sent her out of the ring. Alexa went to the top turnbuckle and jumped off with a Crossbody to the outside. After a few moments the two got back in the ring and Alexa hit Insult to Injury. Alexa went back to the top turnbuckle but Tam got up and punched Alexa before she grabbed her and hit a German Suplex off the top rope.

Nigel McGuinness: OH MY GOD!

Alexa's body flipped over from the force of the move and she started clutching her midsection. The referee went over to check on her and Tam looked concerned. Alexa could be seen saying she was ok and the match resumed. Tam grabbed Alexa and hit a few forearm strikes before she ran the ropes only to get taken down with a clothesline. Alexa picked Tam up for a DDT but Tam slipped out and went for Twilight Dream but Alexa slipped out of that. The two knocked each other down with forearm shots.

Mauro Ranallo: This match has been tremendous so far.

Nigel McGuinness:It sure ha- wait a minute.

Mauro Ranallo:Oh no.

The crowd started to boo as Arisa Hoshiki and Himeka Arita made their way to the ring but were suddenly attacked from behind by Liv Morgan and Mina Shirakawa.

Nigel McGuinness: As promised Liv and Mina are making sure Queen’s Court is not gonna ruin this match.

The two sides fought to the back. In the ring, both competitors got to their feet and Tam went for a kick but stopped. Alexa pushed Tam and could be seen saying "Quit holding back". Tam nodded her head and kicked Alexa in the gut before trying Twilight Dream again. Alexa slipped out and hit a DDT. Alexa went to the top rope. She smiled at the crowd before going for Twisted Bliss…but Tam moved out of the way.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa crashed and burned on that one.

Both women were down and the referee checked on Tam. Alexa was leaning on the bottom rope when out of nowhere she was struck.

Mauro Ranallo: What the hell?

The camera turned to reveal Christian Cage with brass knuckles in his hand.

Nigel McGuinness: You've got to be kidding me!

The crowd booed as Christian ran to the back. Tam got up unaware of what just happened and picked Alexa up to hit Twilight Dream.


Mauro Ranallo: I don't think Tam saw what Christian Cage did.

Nigel McGuinness: You're right Mauro.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction as Tam was handed the title. Christian Cage came out on stage clapping. Tam saw him and then looked down at the unconscious Alexa before she shook her head.

Mauro Ranallo: That scumbag Christian Cage has successfully cost Alexa Bliss the EBWF Women's Championship.

Christian laughed and continued clapping as a promo for the main event began to play.


After a video package showing highlights from previous Last Survivor / Royal Rumble matches, interspersed with comments from some of the 30 men entering this year’s Last Survivor match, the camera cut to Christy Hemme, who was standing in the center of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is the 30 man Last Survivor match! This match begins with two men inside the ring; every 90 seconds, another man will enter. Eliminations will occur when superstars are thrown over the top rope, with both feet hitting the floor. The Last Survivor will be declared the winner of the match, and will earn an EBWF World Championship match at Fallout! We will soon find out which superstar has drawn entry number one… but first, allow me to introduce your special guest commentator for this match…

“Judas” by Fozzy hit and the fans inside the arena went wild as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage. As Jericho joined Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside, he shook both men’s hands before taking a seat and putting on his headset.

Mauro Ranallo: Great to have you with us, Chris!

Chris Jericho: Well I’ve got to be honest with you Mauro, I’m still a little bitter about the fact that Adam Cole cost me my spot in this match… but it is what it is. At least joining you on commentary, I get the best seat in the house!

Jericho’s music was cut, and the camera cut back to Christy Hemme in the ring… but before Christy Hemme could say anything, “I Came To Play” by Downstait hit and the EBWF World Champion The Miz made his way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Wait a second, Miz isn’t entering this match at number one is he?

Chris Jericho: Of course not, Nigel, look at what he’s wearing - that’s a $5,000 suit! I think he just wants to get a closer look at the action; after all, he’ll be facing the winner of this match, assuming he’s still the World Champion come March 26th.

Miz joined Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness and Chris Jericho at the announce table, placing his World Title in front of him.

The Miz: Hey Chris, is it me or did we just make this announce team 1000% more awesome? Honestly Mauro, Nigel, you can probably take the rest of the night off! I’m kidding, it’s great to see you both. Man, I am excited!

After Miz’s music had been cut, the camera cut to Christy Hemme once again.

Christy Hemme: It is now time to reveal which superstar has drawn entry number one!

“Moments” by Sevendust hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Aiden English made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: It’s Aiden English! We haven’t seen him since the King of the Ring tournament last May!

Chris Jericho: Aiden English won the EBWF men’s Royal Rumble match back in 2019, and he entered at number one that year… is it going to be a case of history repeating itself tonight?

After Aiden English had entered the ring, “Hey Bro” hit and the crowd cheered as Matt Riddle headed to the ring.

The Miz: Aiden English doesn’t have a chance of winning tonight, Chris… My bro Riddle is going alllll the way!

Once Riddle was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Riddle got in English’s face and the two men began exchanging right hands back and forth. English gained the upper hand and went to whip Riddle against the ropes, but Riddle reversed the Irish whip, sending English into the ropes. As English ran back towards him, Riddle hit a knee strike, then tried to throw English over the ropes, but English held on before fighting back, taking Riddle down with a clothesline. As English stomped on Riddle several times, the countdown clock hit zero and D-Von Dudley made his way to the ring.

Chris Jericho: And here comes D-Von Dudley, entering at number three… but Bubba Ray Dudley isn’t out until much later, so how will D-Von fare without his alleged half-brother?

The Miz: Have you been listening to The Acclaimed’s latest rap, Chris?

Chris Jericho: Of course, I can’t stop listening to it! Last Survivor, it’s gonna be our night…

As D-Von entered the ring, he hit English with a clothesline, then pulled Riddle to his feet and set him up for a suplex… but Riddle blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. As Riddle got back to his feet, he grabbed Aiden English and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting him with a forearm smash! Riddle tried to lift English over the ropes, and D-Von Dudley came over to help him, but English managed to grab onto the bottom rope and rolled back into the ring. While English was rolling back into the ring, D-Von grabbed Riddle and slammed his head off the turnbuckle, then tried to clothesline him over the top rope, but Riddle ducked underneath it and got behind D-Von, hitting him with a German suplex. “Counting Bodies Like Sheep” hit and the crowd cheered as Randy Orton headed to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Randy Orton, who we haven’t seen much of in recent months, but he is always a threat, particularly in big matches such as this one.

As Orton entered the ring, he locked eyes with Riddle, who grinned and offered him a fist bump. Orton considered whether or not to accept it… then shook his head and grabbed Riddle, hitting him with an RKO outta nowhere!

The Miz: Oh Matt… I thought I’d warned you, Randy only likes about three people in the whole of EBWF, and you’re not one of them!

Before Orton could eliminate Riddle, he was attacked by Aiden English, who hit him with a series of punches. English then lifted Orton up over his shoulders, setting him up for a fireman’s carry spinebuster, but Orton broke free and hit an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton was then attacked by D-Von Dudley, but Orton quickly overpowered him, pummeling him with a series of punches before whipping him against the ropes and hitting a snap scoop powerslam. For a moment, Orton was the only one standing, and he looked towards the stage as the 10 second countdown for the next entrant began. As the clock struck zero, “All About Tha (Boom!)” hit and the crowd booed as Adam Cole headed down the ramp.

Chris Jericho: Ugh, I hate this guy… kick his ass, Randy!

As soon as Cole entered the ring, Orton went for an RKO, but Cole blocked it, shoving Orton away before catching him with a superkick. Aiden English then joined Cole in attacking Orton, but Orton was able to hold his own against both men. Another 90 seconds passed, and Pentagon Jr came in at number 6.

Mauro Ranallo: Penta is the first member of dWo to enter the Last Survivor match this year… thankfully their numbers are a bit more spread out than when all of Dynasty were grouped together last year, allowing them to wreak havoc.

Nigel McGuinness: I’m still not convinced that’s not deliberate rather than coincidental, Mauro!

Chris Jericho: Come on Nigel, stop letting MJF brainwash you with his conspiracy theories.

Upon entering the ring, Penta immediately went after D-Von Dudley, while Riddle sought revenge on Randy Orton, and Adam Cole battled Aiden English. There were no eliminations in the next 90 seconds, and as the clock hit zero once again, Powerhouse Hobbs made his way to the ring.

The Miz: Who’s this guy? He’s huge!

Chris Jericho: That’s Powerhouse Hobbs, Miz… another one of MJF’s goons.

The Miz: Oh, so he’s a lackey for that Miz wannabe? That explains why I didn’t know who he was.

As Hobbs entered the ring, he joined forces with Pentagon Jr, and the two men double-teamed D-Von Dudley. After hitting D-Von with a spinebuster, Hobbs threw him towards the ropes and Penta hit D-Von with a superkick, sending him over the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: We have our first elimination… D-Von Dudley has been eliminated!

A few moments later, Adam Cole hit Aiden English with The Boom, then threw him over the top rope. Cole turned his attention to Matt Riddle as Penta and Hobbs went after Orton. The countdown clock hit zero, and Max Caster came out at number 8.

Chris Jericho: Everybody loves The Acclaimed!

Upon entering the ring, Caster charged towards Penta, taking him down with a clothesline before hitting him with a series of punches against the mat. Meanwhile, Powerhouse Hobbs had Orton set up for a powerbomb… but Orton countered with a back body drop! As Hobbs got to his feet, Orton shoved him against the ropes and hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope.

Nigel McGuinness: Hobbs has been eliminated by Randy Orton!

There were no more eliminations before the next entrant, and as the countdown clock hit zero, “Shocker” began to play. The crowd gave a mixed reaction as PCO made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! It’s Perfect Creation One!

As PCO entered the ring, Orton immediately tried to clothesline him over the top rope, but PCO blocked the clothesline, then grabbed Orton by the throat and lifted him up, hitting a chokebomb! Max Caster then ran at PCO, but PCO lifted him up over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop! Riddle went after PCO next, catching him with a running knee strike. PCO looked momentarily dazed, and Riddle went for another knee strike, but this time PCO blocked it, then hit Riddle with the Michinoku Driver II! As PCO got to his feet, he saw that Adam Cole had Penta on the ropes. PCO charged across the ring to come to Penta’s aid, grabbing Cole and hitting him with a death valley driver!

Nigel McGuinness: PCO is not human!

The Miz: Hey Chris, I thought you were the only guy in his 50s who could still dominate an EBWF ring… this guy looks like he could give you a run for your money!

As the 10 second countdown for the next entrant began, PCO turned to face the ramp. The countdown clock hit zero, and Ricky Starks made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Starks hit PCO with a series of punches, but PCO quickly overpowered him, fighting back with some punches of his own before hitting Starks with a package piledriver! PCO then lifted Starks up and threw him out of the ring!

Chris Jericho: I can’t believe it! PCO just eliminated Ricky Starks less than 30 seconds after he entered the match!

Nigel McGuinness: Like I told you, Chris… PCO is not human!

Realizing that PCO was a threat, Orton, Cole and Riddle began working together and beat the Perfect Creation down. Meanwhile, across the ring, Penta had Max Caster on the ropes. Penta went for a superkick, but Caster moved out of the way, then hit Penta with a DDT. Caster pulled Penta to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then hit a corner clothesline, before trying to throw him over the top rope. As Penta held onto the ropes, the countdown clock hit zero again and Ray Fenix ran down the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: Ray Fenix moving quickly here to try and save his brother from being eliminated!

Upon entering the ring, Fenix immediately went after Max Caster, hitting him with a series of punches and kicks, which allowed Penta a chance to recover. Fenix and Penta then tried to set Caster up for the LB Driver… but Caster broke free before they could hit it, before hitting both Lucha Brothers with a double clothesline! Caster then grabbed Fenix, lifting him up and suplexing him over the top rope! Penta then ran at Caster, going for a clothesline, but Caster ducked underneath it and pulled down on the ropes, sending Penta to the outside!

Chris Jericho: Impressive double elimination there by Max Caster, eliminating both Lucha Brothers in quick succession!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, PCO had fought off Adam Cole and Matt Riddle, and was exchanging punches with Randy Orton. PCO was able to overpower Orton and he whipped him against the ropes, then went for a lariat… but Orton ducked underneath it, then hit PCO with an RKO! Orton then threw PCO out of the ring, eliminating him.

Mauro Ranallo: PCO eliminated too now, and MJF will not be happy… there will be none of the dWo in this match when he enters!

Nigel McGuinness: Try not to sound so pleased about that, Mauro!

As Orton turned his attention to Max Caster, the countdown clock struck zero and Brock Anderson entered at number 12. There were no eliminations in the next 90 seconds, and as the clock struck zero once again, “Glass Shatters” by Disturbed hit and the crowd cheered as Stone Cold Steve Austin headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Austin went after Adam Cole, while Riddle fought Brock Anderson and Orton continued battling Max Caster. Another 90 seconds passed, the countdown clock hit zero, and “Glass Shatters” began playing again.

The Miz: What’s going on? Did someone in the production truck play the wrong music?

The camera cut to the stage, and out walked Al Snow, wearing a bald cap and dressed like Stone Cold Steve Austin! Jericho could be heard laughing on commentary.

Chris Jericho: We’ve had Stone Cold Steve Austin… now it’s time for SNOW Cold Steve Austin!

As Al Snow approached the ring, he caught the eye of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was glaring at him. Before entering the ring, Snow pulled a beer cooler out from underneath the ring, grabbing two beers. Snow chucked one of the beers to Austin, then entered the ring with the other beer. Austin raised his beer to “cheers” Al Snow, and Snow looked relieved. The two men then began drinking their beers… but before Al Snow could finish his beer, Austin hit him with a Stunner! Austin then threw Al Snow out of the ring, eliminating him. A few moments later, Brock Anderson hit Matt Riddle with a spinebuster, then threw him over the top rope!

The Miz: Oh no! Not Riddle! Damn you Brock!

As Riddle made his way to the back, “Electrifying” hit and the fans inside the arena went wild as The Rock entered at number 15. Several minutes passed without any further eliminations, with Seth Rollins and Rey Mysterio Jr both entering the ring in that time. The countdown clock hit zero once again, and Bray Wyatt stepped out onto the stage. Upon seeing Wyatt, Orton slid under the bottom rope and ran up the ramp, charging towards Wyatt! The two men began exchanging punches at the top of the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: Orton didn’t want to wait for Wyatt to enter the ring… and if the Viper gets his way, Bray Wyatt might not even be able to enter the Last Survivor match!

After hitting Wyatt with a DDT, Orton set Wyatt up for the RKO… but Wyatt blocked it and hit Sister Abigail! Wyatt then headed towards the ring, leaving Orton laid out on the stage. As Wyatt entered the ring, he eliminated Rey Mysterio and Stone Cold Steve Austin in quick succession, then turned his attention to The Rock. Meanwhile, Max Caster was battling Adam Cole, and Seth Rollins had Brock Anderson trapped in the corner, where he was hitting him with a series of kicks.

Nigel McGuinness: Brock Anderson and Seth Rollins going at it for the second time this evening… Rollins wants revenge after Anderson beat him for the Breakout Championship earlier tonight!

“My Last Breath” by Evanescence hit and the crowd booed as Christian Cage made his way to the ring. While Christian was heading down the ramp, the camera cut to Rollins and Anderson. Rollins had Anderson set up for the Curb Stomp… but Anderson moved out of the way at the last second, then hit Rollins with a back drop! As both men got to their feet, Anderson lifted Rollins over his shoulder, then threw him over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: Brock Anderson eliminates Seth Rollins!

Rollins complained to one of the referees at ringside, then shook his head and made his way to the back. As Christian entered the ring, he went after Brock Anderson, but there were no further eliminations before Anthony Bowens entered at number 20.

Chris Jericho: Only ten more entrants to go now!

The Miz: Thank god, I’m hungry! Hey Chris, do you think if I order us some pizza they’ll deliver it to the announce table for us?

As Bowens entered the ring, he went after Adam Cole, helping his tag team partner Max Caster, while Christian Cage continued to fight Brock Anderson. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, The Rock had Bray Wyatt set up for the Rock Bottom… but Wyatt blocked it, then put Rock in the mandible claw! While The Rock tried to fight out of it, the camera cut to the top of the stage. Randy Orton was back on his feet, and heading towards the ring! The camera cut back to Bray Wyatt, who threw The Rock over the top rope then rolled out of the ring. Orton and Wyatt exchanged punches once more, but this time Orton was able to overpower Wyatt and he threw him into the ring steps, then dragged him around the ring towards the announce table. Mauro, Nigel, Jericho and Miz stepped away from the table as Orton cleared it, then set Wyatt up on the table. Orton climbed up onto the table with Wyatt, then hit an RKO through the table!

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA!

Chris Jericho: I’d cancel that pizza order, Miz… we don’t have a table to eat it off now!

Orton re-entered the ring as EMTs checked on Wyatt. A few seconds later, “Motorcity” hit and the crowd cheered as Alex Shelley made his way to the ring. As Shelley was making his way to the ring, The Acclaimed eliminated Adam Cole, then began beating down Randy Orton. Upon entering the ring, Shelley came to Orton’s aid, going after Max Caster and leaving Orton to deal with Bowens. There were no more eliminations before the countdown clock hit zero and “The Chairman’s Intent” by Action Bronson began to play. The crowd cheered as Hook walked through the curtain, but their cheers quickly turned to boos as Powerhouse Hobbs followed him through the curtain, attacking Hook from behind! Hook tried to fight Hobbs off, but Hobbs was joined by Lucha Bros, who hit Hook with the LB Driver at the top of the ramp. Hobbs then picked Hook up and hit a spinebuster before the three dWo members headed to the back.

Mauro Ranallo: Well Powerhouse Hobbs and the Lucha Brothers might not be in this match, but clearly MJF still wanted them to make sure Hook wasn’t a hundred percent!

Nigel McGuinness: How do you know that was anything to do with MJF, Mauro? Hobbs might have just been looking for revenge after what happened at Christmas Eve of Destruction!

It wasn’t long before the countdown clock struck zero again, and “Better Than You” began to play. The crowd booed as MJF walked out onto the stage, wearing a suit rather than his ring gear.

The Miz: I told you MJF was a Miz wannabe… he’s wearing what appears to be a cheap knockoff version of my suit!

Mauro Ranallo: The real question is, why is MJF wearing a suit rather than his ring gear?

MJF stepped over Hook, making sure to stomp on his face as he did so, then headed down the ramp. He walked around the ring, and was about to approach what was left of the announce table… but upon seeing Bray Wyatt, thought better of it and walked towards the timekeeper’s area instead. As the camera zoomed in on him, MJF could be heard yelling “sorry, I’m not ready yet! My flight was delayed, I’ve only just got here!”

Chris Jericho: That’s BS… I had the misfortune of seeing MJF backstage hours ago!

MJF slowly began “getting ready” for the match, removing his suit jacket and folding it up neatly, then taking off his cufflinks and unbuttoning his shirt. MJF then removed his suit trousers, revealing that he was already wearing his ring trunks underneath, then put on his kneepads and began tying his ring boots. By the time the ten second countdown for the next entrant began, it looked like MJF was just about ready… but then he started doing stretches!

Mauro Ranallo: Oh come on, this is ridiculous!

Nigel McGuinness: He has to warm up for this match, Mauro, otherwise he risks getting injured! Anyway, let’s find out who is entering at number 24…

As the clock struck zero, “Symphony of War” hit, and the crowd erupted with noise as Wardlow stepped out onto the stage! The camera cut back to MJF, who looked both fearful and angry. He could be heard yelling “Oh come on! This is a conspiracy!”

Chris Jericho: MJF again calling out a conspiracy… maybe he’s a Jericho rip-off, Miz!

Before heading down the ramp, Wardlow helped Hook to his feet. He asked Hook if he was okay, Hook nodded, and then the two men charged down the ramp! As they reached the bottom of the ramp, Hook ran around the left side of the ring, while Wardlow ran around the right side… but MJF hopped over the ringside barrier, and escaped through the crowd! Instead of going after him, Hook and Wardlow entered the ring, joining Orton, Caster, Bowens, Brock Anderson, Christian Cage and Alex Shelley.

Mauro Ranallo: Well there are eight men in the ring right now, but ten in the match currently… Bray Wyatt is laid out at ringside but he hasn’t technically been eliminated, and MJF hasn’t been eliminated because he hasn’t actually entered the match yet!

Wardlow went after Orton and Hook locked up with Anthony Bowens, while Alex Shelley fought Christian and Max Caster battled Brock Anderson. Another 90 seconds passed, and as the countdown clock hit zero, “Danhausen Theme Song” began to play and the crowd cheered as Danhausen made his way to the ring!

Chris Jericho: It’s Danhausen! Love that Danhausen!

The Miz: Dan who?!

Chris Jericho: Danhausen, Miz! He’s very nice, very evil… I can’t believe you don’t know who Danhausen is.

The Miz: Does he work here?

Chris Jericho: No…

The Miz: Chris, I have a hard enough time keeping track of who’s on the EBWF roster, so I hardly have time to pay attention to guys we haven’t signed.

As Danhausen entered the ring, he locked eyes with Christian, who had just hit Alex Shelley with a neckbreaker. Christian shoved Danhausen in the chest, and Danhausen responded by pointing his fingers at Christian, cursing him! A moment later, Alex Shelley grabbed Christian from behind and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him.

Chris Jericho: That’s why you should never mess with Danhausen, Miz! If he curses you, you’re finished!

The Miz: Sorry, am I missing something? He didn’t do anything!

Over the next few minutes, Dominik Mysterio, Johnny Gargano and Bubba Ray Dudley all entered the ring, but there were no further eliminations in that time. After Bubba Ray had entered the ring, the lights in the arena flickered. The camera then cut to the ringside area, where Bray Wyatt had just sat up! As Wyatt entered the ring, Danhausen tried to curse him, but Wyatt laughed and grabbed Danhausen, lifting him up and throwing him out of the ring! Wyatt then began pummeling any superstar that got in his path as he made his way across the ring towards Orton! As he finally got to Orton, the two men exchanged punches back and forth. Orton managed to get Wyatt over the top rope, but Wyatt landed on the ring apron, and as Orton tried to knock him off, Wyatt caught Orton with a headbutt. Orton stumbled backwards, and Wyatt went to re-enter the ring… but as he did so, Orton grabbed him, hitting a rope-hung DDT! On the other side of the ring, Hook suplexed Dominik Mysterio over the top rope, eliminating him. A few moments later, Brock Anderson eliminated Johnny Gargano by clotheslining him over the top rope, and then Caster and Bowens eliminated Bubba Ray Dudley.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s three more eliminations… and there are just two more superstars left to enter!

Mauro Ranallo: Three if you count MJF, who I’m betting will be out with Richard Holliday! He daren’t enter the Last Survivor match without backup!

The ten second countdown for entrant number 29 began, and as the clock struck zero, “Diamonds Are Forever” began to play. The crowd booed as Richard Holliday made his way down the ramp, who sure enough was accompanied by MJF. Both men were carrying steel chairs, and as they entered the ring MJF went after Hook, while Holliday went for Wardlow. MJF managed to hit Hook with a steel chair several times, but when Holliday went to hit Wardlow with the chair, Wardlow blocked it and snatched the chair off Holliday, throwing it out of the ring. Wardlow then grabbed Holliday, hitting him with a powerbomb! Wardlow followed up with a second powerbomb, then a third, this time powerbombing Holliday over the top rope. As Wardlow was standing by the ropes, MJF got behind him and grabbed him by the legs, lifting him over the top rope! As MJF sarcastically waved goodbye to Wardlow, Hook ran at MJF, going for a clothesline… but MJF saw him in time and pulled down on the ropes, eliminating Hook!

Nigel McGuinness: MJF eliminates both Wardlow and Hook! He’s outsmarted his rivals once again!

Mauro Ranallo: Try not to sound so pleased about that, Nigel!

Chris Jericho: Number 30 about to enter, and we know who that is!

For the final time of the evening, the countdown clock hit zero and Roman Reigns made his way to the ring. As he entered the ring, Reigns hit Caster and Bowens with a double clothesline, then hit Brock Anderson with a Samoan drop. Alex Shelley then went to hit Reigns with a superkick, but Reigns sidestepped it, then hit Shelley with a Superman Punch! As Shelley got back to his feet, Reigns hit him with a Spear, then threw him over the top rope, eliminating him! Caster and Bowens then attacked Reigns, while on the other side of the ring, MJF had Anderson in a headlock and was punching him in the head. Meanwhile, Wyatt had Orton trapped in the corner and was hitting him with a series of shoulder thrusts.

Mauro Ranallo: We’re down to the final seven… one of these men will be challenging you for the World Title at Fallout, Miz!

The Miz: And I can beat any of them… I’m not worried, Mauro.

Wyatt pulled Orton out of the corner and set him up for Sister Abigail… but Orton broke free, then hit an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton then began pounding the mat, and when Wyatt got to his feet, Orton hit him with the RKO! Orton then threw Wyatt over the top rope, eliminating him. Orton turned his attention to MJF, who had just hit Brock Anderson with a hammerlock DDT. Orton and MJF exchanged punches, and after gaining the upper hand, Orton whipped MJF against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. As both men got to their feet, Orton set MJF up for a T-Bone Suplex… but MJF blocked it, then hit Orton with a low blow! MJF followed up with the Double Cross, then threw Orton over the top rope! A few moments later, Caster and Bowens had Roman Reigns set up for a double suplex… but Reigns countered with a double suplex of his own! Reigns then hit Bowens with a Superman Punch, before hitting Caster with a Spear! Reigns eliminated Bowens, then eliminated Caster.

Nigel McGuinness: And then there were the final three… MJF, Brock Anderson and Roman Reigns!

Roman looked across the ring at MJF and Brock Anderson, and crouched down in the corner, leaving his two opponents to go at it. MJF had Anderson against the ropes, and he set him up for the Heat Seeker… but Anderson countered with a back body drop, sending MJF over the top rope!

Chris Jericho: MJF just got eliminated by Brock Anderson… and he looks furious!

As MJF protested with the referees at ringside and accused Anderson of cheating, Reigns went to clothesline Anderson over the top rope… but Anderson ducked out of the way, then grabbed Reigns from behind, hitting him with a German suplex. As both men got to their feet, Anderson set Reigns up for a DDT… but Reigns blocked it and charged Anderson into the corner, where he hit him with a series of punches. Reigns then sat Anderson on the top rope and tried to push him to the outside, but Anderson kicked him away, then jumped off the top rope, hitting a missile dropkick! As both men got to their feet, Anderson whipped Reigns against the ropes, then went for a spinebuster… but Reigns blocked it, countering with a knee smash! Anderson stumbled backwards, and Reigns leapt in the air, catching Anderson with the Superman Punch! Anderson fell backwards onto the ropes, and Reigns ran back against the ropes, then charged towards Anderson, hitting him with a huge clothesline! Anderson went over the top rope, and as both of his feet hit the floor, the referee called for the bell.

Christy Hemme: Your winner of the 2023 men’s Last Survivor match… Roman Reigns!

Chris Jericho: Well there you have it, Miz… your opponent at Fallout is the Tribal Chief!

Roman locked eyes with Miz, who stood up and held up his World Championship. Miz and Reigns stared one another down as Last Survivor went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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