Last Survivor Results - 1/28/2024

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Last Survivor Results - 1/28/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks! It’s time for Last Survivor! Tonight, we are live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and kicking things off, we’ve got the women’s Last Survivor match!

“The Epic” by Downstait hit and the crowd gave a big cheer as Britt Baker made her way to the ring. Rhea Ripley came out next, and once she was in the ring, the bell rang, signaling the start of the match.

Nigel McGuinness: We’re starting off the women’s Last Survivor match with a rematch from Christmas Eve of Destruction! The Doctor, Britt Baker, was victorious that night, but that was a Sadistic Madness match… the circumstances are very different here tonight, but you can bet Rhea Ripley will be out for revenge.

Baker and Ripley locked up, and Baker put Ripley in a headlock, but Ripley broke free and hit Baker with a series of punches, then whipped her against the ropes. As Baker ran back towards her, Ripley went for a clothesline, but Baker ducked underneath it, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Ripley down with a slingblade! As Ripley got to her feet, Baker whipped her into the corner, then ran at Ripley, hitting a step up high knee. Ripley stumbled out of the corner, and Baker climbed to the top rope, then went for a diving clothesline… but Ripley blocked it, catching Baker before lifting her up and hitting a delayed vertical suplex. Ripley stomped on Baker several times, then dragged Baker to her feet and went to throw her over the top rope… but Baker held onto the ropes, then fought Ripley off, hitting her with a series of punches. As Ripley and Baker exchanged right hands, the ten second countdown for the next entrant began, and as the clock hit zero, Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring. As Bliss reached the ring, she climbed the turnbuckle, then hit both Baker and Ripley with a diving crossbody!

Mauro Ranallo: Now that’s a way to make an entrance!

As Bliss got to her feet, she grabbed Rhea Ripley, throwing her shoulder first into the ring post. Bliss then grabbed Britt Baker, setting her up for a DDT… but Baker blocked it, countering with a northern lights suplex. As Baker and Bliss continued their battle, Rhea Ripley remained in the corner, clutching her shoulder. After another minute or so, the countdown clock struck zero once again, and “I’m That Bitch” by Bia and Timbaland hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Jade Cargill stepped out onto the stage.

Nigel McGuinness: It’s Jade Cargill! She is back in EBWF!

Cargill strutted down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, she immediately went after Rhea Ripley, hitting her with a series of punches before lifting her up and hitting a shoulderbreaker. As Ripley got back to her feet, she went to hit Cargill with a big boot… but Cargill ducked underneath it, lifted Ripley onto her shoulders, then threw her out of the ring! Cargill then turned her attention towards Bliss and Baker and ran at both women, taking them down with a double clothesline. Cargill, Bliss and Baker continued brawling one, with none of them able to take control of the match before Nikki Cross came in at number four. Cross ran down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, she charged at Alexa Bliss, going for a spear… but Bliss blocked it, taking Cross down with a snap DDT. Over the next 90 seconds, Bliss fought Cross while Britt Baker exchanged blows with Jade Cargill. As the countdown clock struck zero once more, “Joy” by Santana and Chris Stapleton hit and the crowd cheered as Shaul Guerrero stepped out onto the stage.

Mauro Ranallo: Well this is a surprise… it’s Shaul Guerrero, a former EBWF Women’s Champion and two-time Royal Rumble winner! The last time we saw Shaul was in the Queen of the Ring tournament back in 2022, where she was beaten by Jade Cargill! That might have been a year and a half ago, but you can bet a competitor like Shaul will remember that!

Sure enough, as soon as Shaul entered the ring, she went after Jade Cargill. Several minutes passed without any further eliminations as Allysin Kay, Ava Johnson and Tam Nakano all entered the match. Nakano made an immediate impact upon her arrival though, eliminating Allysin Kay and Shaul Guerrero in quick succession!

Nigel McGuinness: What an impressive start by Tam Nakano! She’s been in the match less than 30 seconds, and she’s already got two eliminations to her name! Just imagine how dangerous she will be when the other members of Oedo Tai enter, Mauro!

Tam then went after Alexa Bliss while Jade Cargill fought Ava Johnson and Britt Baker brawled with Nikki Cross. Another 60 seconds passed, and as the clock struck zero, “Last Voyage” began to play. The crowd cheered as KAIRI made her way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Well this is interesting, Nigel. You mentioned Oedo Tai… KAIRI was an honorary member of Tam Nakano’s group for Warfare Games, but she walked out on Tam a couple of weeks later, slapping the former Women’s Champion in the process! So tension is sure to be high between Tam Nakano and KAIRI here tonight!

As KAIRI entered the ring, she locked eyes with Tam Nakano. The two Japanese women stared one another down, then began exchanging punches furiously. Just when it looked like Tam was gaining the upper hand, KAIRI caught her off guard with a vicious slap. KAIRI then whipped Tam into the corner, before hitting her with a leaping forearm smash! Tam stumbled out of the corner looking dazed, and KAIRI went to throw her over the top rope, but Tam managed to hold onto the ropes and stay in the ring. Tam and KAIRI continued their battle until Jamie Hayter entered the match at number 11, and upon entering the ring, Hayter immediately came to Tam Nakano’s aid. The two members of Oedo Tai were able to overpower KAIRI, and after hitting KAIRI with Hayterade, Hayter threw KAIRI out of the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Well now Oedo Tai have the advantage, and there is still Himeka Arita and Utami left to enter.

Nakano and Hayter continued to target the other women in the ring one by one, but they were unable to make any further eliminations before the countdown clock hit zero once again, and Himeka Arita began making her way down the ramp. Realizing that there were about to be three members of Oedo Tai in the ring at the same time, Britt Baker rounded up the other women in the match - Alexa Bliss, Jade Cargill, Nikki Cross, and Ava Johnson. Baker could be heard telling them “we have the numbers advantage if we work together”. One by one, Bliss, Cargill, Cross and Johnson nodded. Smiling, Baker instructed the four of them to go after Tam Nakano and Jamie Hayter. Britt Baker then rolled out of the ring, going under the bottom rope to avoid eliminating herself, and attacked Himeka Arita before she could enter the ring!

Mauro Ranallo: Great strategy being shown here by Britt Baker! The Doctor is showing everyone why they call her a role model!

As Jade Cargill and Nikki Cross double-teamed Jamie Hayter, Alexa Bliss and Ava Johnson worked together to beat down Tam Nakano. Meanwhile, at ringside, Britt Baker was going after Himeka Arita with some aggressive offense, throwing her into the ringside barrier before throwing her into the ring steps. Baker then dragged Himeka towards the ramp, and hit her with a piledriver on the ramp!

Nigel McGuinness: Oh my word! Britt Baker showing her mean streak there… Himeka might be seriously hurt!

As one of the doctors at ringside checked on Himeka, Baker looked regretful for a moment… but she quickly composed herself, and re-entered the ring. Despite the numbers being against them, Tam Nakano and Jamie Hayter were showing impressive resilience, and the temporary alliance Britt Baker had put in place broke down as the other women in the match turned on each other one by one. Britt Baker entered the match next at number 13, and upon entering the ring, she made a beeline for Alexa Bliss. Becky pointed at Nakano and Hayter, Bliss nodded, then the two members of the Rebellious Angels went after Oedo Tai! Meanwhile, the doctor at ringside had finished checking on Himeka Arita, and although Himeka seemed a little woozy, she was cleared to compete. Himeka entered the ring and went to help Tam and Jamie fight off Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss… but a short while after that, Winter made her way to the ring and came to the aid of the Rebellious Angels!

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Winter, who was the surprise member of the Rebellious Angels at Warfare Games! There are so many interesting dynamics in this match, Nigel!

Upon entering the ring, Winter went after Himeka and got her on the ropes… but just when it looked like Winter was about to eliminate Himeka, Jamie Hayter got involved, attacking Winter from behind and throwing her over the top rope! Jamie and Himeka then began to double-team Becky Lynch, while Alexa Bliss fought Tam Nakano. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Britt Baker had Jade Cargill on the ropes, but Cargill was using her strength to stop Baker from lifting her over the top rope, and Nikki Cross was beating up Ava Johnson in the corner. Liv Morgan came out next, and as she entered the ring she went after Himeka Arita, leaving Becky Lynch to deal with Jamie Hayter.

Nigel McGuinness: The ring is getting very full now, Mauro… if my maths is correct, there are ten active women in the ring right now, and five more superstars left to enter!

As the ten second countdown for entrant number 16 began, Nikki Cross set Ava Johnson up for The Purge… but Johnson blocked it, lifted Cross onto her shoulders, and hit her with the Wasteland, throwing Cross out of the ring in the process! Cross looked furious as she made her way to the back. As the clock struck zero, “Hardcore Country” hit, and the crowd cheered as Mickie James headed down to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: This match has been going for over 20 minutes now, and despite entering at number one, Britt Baker is still in it! Can The Doctor make it all the way to the end?

As Mickie entered the ring, Ava Johnson grabbed her and lifted Mickie onto her shoulders, going for another Wasteland… but Mickie wriggled free, then hit Johnson with a backstabber. Meanwhile, the three members of Oedo Tai in the ring were continuing to battle the Rebellious Angels, and on the other side of the ring, Jade Cargill had Britt Baker set up for Jaded… but Baker blocked it, then hit Jade with a Stunner! Cargill stumbled backwards, landing on the ropes, and Baker hit her with a superkick, sending her over the top rope!

Nigel McGuinness: Britt Baker might have been in this match since the beginning, Mauro, but that’s the first elimination she’s made!

Mauro Ranallo: It doesn’t matter how many eliminations you make, Nigel… what matters is whether you’re the last one standing!

As Jade Cargill made her way to the back, the countdown clock struck zero once again. Suddenly, the footage on screen turned black and white, and what looked like an old movie began to play on the tron. “Somewhere in a Dream” hit, and the crowd cheered as Toni Storm stepped out onto the stage.

Mauro Ranallo: Well this is unexpected, Nigel… “Timeless” Toni Storm is here in EBWF!

Nigel McGuinness: I hope she hits you with one of her shoes, Mauro!

Storm was carrying several “scripts” with her, and as she entered the ring, she handed them out to the other women in the match. As the other women began throwing them away one by one, Storm dramatically shook her head, then took off her shoes and threw them! One of the shoes hit Mickie James, and as Mickie stumbled backwards, Storm ran at her, hitting Mickie with a clothesline and sending her over the top rope! Seeming pleased with herself, Storm bowed, said “And, scene”, then climbed over the top rope, eliminating herself!

Mauro Ranallo: I’m not sure that was in the script!

Nigel McGuinness: Toni wanted to go out on her own terms, Mauro… she is a huge star after all, she’s earned that right!

As Toni Storm made her way back up the ramp, Ava Johnson grabbed Britt Baker, setting her up for the Rock Bottom… but Baker blocked it, then hit Johnson with Rainbaker! Johnson looked dazed, and Baker lifted Ava over her shoulder, hitting an Air Raid Crash! As both women got to their feet, Baker hit Johnson with a series of punches, knocking her back against the ropes, then hit a superkick, sending Johnson over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: Ava Johnson has been eliminated! There are seven women in the ring, and three more left to enter… we know two of them will be Utami of Oedo Tai, and Natalya who is entering at number 20, but who will the other entrant be?

Nigel McGuinness: I’ve heard rumors, Mauro, but I wouldn’t want to speculate in case I’m wrong…

The countdown clock struck zero for entrant number 18, and the crowd booed as Utami made her way to the ring. As soon as Utami entered the ring, Britt Baker tried to eliminate her, but Utami fought Baker off and hit Baker with a brainbuster, then joined the other members of Oedo Tai. With Utami finally in the ring, Oedo Tai had the numbers advantage against the Rebellious Angels, and after pummeling Liv Morgan with a series of punches, Jamie Hayter shoved Morgan against the ropes, then hit her with Hayterade, eliminating her. A few moments later, Tam Nakano hit Alexa Bliss with the Violet Screwdriver, then threw Alexa over the top rope. Meanwhile, Utami and Himeka were double-teaming Becky Lynch and had her on the ropes, but Becky fought back, shoving them both in the chest before hitting them with a double clothesline. Becky then went to grab Jamie Hayter, but Hayter hit Becky with a headbutt, then Tam grabbed Becky from behind, hitting her with the Twilight Dream! Jamie and Tam then helped Utami and Himeka to their feet, before the four members of Oedo Tai set their sights on Britt Baker. Baker moved into the corner of the ring, making sure she couldn’t get blindsided, and held up her fists as she waited for the inevitable four-on-one assault.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker is in real trouble here, but we’re about to find out who entrant number 19 is… for Baker’s sake, I hope it’s someone who will help her in the fight against Oedo Tai!

As the countdown clock struck zero for the penultimate time in the women’s Last Survivor match, music unfamiliar to most EBWF fans began to play…

Tam Nakano seemed amused, as if someone was playing a joke on her, but Jamie Hayter looked more concerned than amused. As for the fans inside the arena, even though they may not have recognized the music, when the name IO SHIRAI appeared on the tron, the crowd went crazy!

Nigel McGuinness: The rumors were true! Io Shirai is here in EBWF!

After walking through the curtain, Shirai ran down the ramp and slid into the ring, placing herself between Britt Baker and Oedo Tai. Tam Nakano was no longer amused, but Britt Baker seemed to be. As for Utami, she appeared to be in a state of disbelief. Io began yelling at Utami, and although not everything she said was picked up by the microphone, the words “losing your pride” were audible. As Oedo Tai contemplated their next move, Becky Lynch approached Io Shirai, giving her a hug.

Mauro Ranallo: Well Oedo Tai might still have the numbers advantage, but when you add in the Io Shirai factor, I’m not sure how much of an advantage it is, Nigel!

Britt Baker moved out of the corner, standing on Io Shirai’s right. Becky Lynch was standing on Shirai’s left. The crowd began chanting “this is awesome”, eagerly anticipating the fight they were about to see. Io charged first, going after Utami, while Becky Lynch attacked Himeka Arita. Britt Baker managed to catch Tam Nakano off guard with a superkick, knocking her down, then began trading punches with Jamie Hayter. Io hit Utami with a double underhook backbreaker, then climbed to the top rope, hitting Utami with a moonsault! Meanwhile, Becky Lynch hit Himeka with an exploder suplex, then followed up with the Manhandle Slam! Io eliminated Utami, and a few moments later, Becky eliminated Himeka.

Nigel McGuinness: Utami and Himeka Arita have both been eliminated, and Natalya is about to enter… Oedo Tai’s advantage is no more, and we’re down to the final six!

As Natalya entered the ring, she went after Jamie Hayter, who had just hit Britt Baker with an ushigoroshi. Becky joined forces with Io Shirai against Tam Nakano, but Tam showed impressive resilience and was able to fight both women off. On the other side of the ring, Natalya had just hit Jamie Hayter with a body slam, and she grabbed Hayter by the legs, going for the Sharpshooter… but Hayter kicked Nattie away and got to her feet, then Hayter hit Natalya with a big boot. Natalya stumbled backwards onto the ropes, and Hayter hit her with the Hayterade, eliminating her! Hayter looked pleased with herself, but her celebrations were short-lived, as a few moments later Britt Baker grabbed Hayter from behind, lifting Hayter up by the legs and tossing her over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: Natalya and Jamie Hayter are gone, which means that one of the four women standing in the ring right now - Britt Baker, Becky Lynch, Io Shirai or Tam Nakano - will be the 2024 Last Survivor!

Baker turned her attention to Becky Lynch, leaving Io Shirai to deal with Tam Nakano. Shirai appeared to be in control, and she set Tam up for a German suplex… but as she lifted Tam up, Tam landed on her feet behind Io Shirai, then lifted Shirai onto her shoulders, putting her in an Argentine backbreaker rack! On the other side of the ring, Becky Lynch went to put Britt Baker in the Dis-arm-her… but Baker countered it, dragging Lynch down to the mat and putting her in the Lockjaw! The camera cut back to Tam Nakano, who had just transitioned the Argentine backbreaker rack into a sitout facebuster. As Shirai got to her feet, Tam ran at her, going for the Violet Shoot… but Shirai ducked underneath it, shoved Tam into the corner, then hit Tam with Arcoris de Io! Both women were down for several seconds, and the camera switched back to Baker and Lynch. Lynch had just broken out of the Lockjaw, and as both Baker and Lynch got to their feet, they began exchanging punches back and forth. Baker was able to gain the upper hand, and she set Lynch up for the Baker Buster… but Lynch blocked it, then took Baker down to the mat and put her in the Dis-arm-her! On the other side of the ring, both Tam and Io were back on their feet, and Tam seemed to be feeling the effects of the high bridge German suplex she had just been subjected to. Tam hit Shirai with a series of forearm strikes, but Shirai retaliated with strikes of her own, then hit Tam with a tiger feint kick! Tam stumbled backwards onto the ropes, and Shirai hit her with a clothesline, eliminating her!

Nigel McGuinness: Tam Nakano has been eliminated! And then there were three!

As Tam made her way to the back, Io Shirai turned her attention to Becky Lynch and Britt Baker. Shirai stood in the corner, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Britt Baker had managed to get out of the Dis-arm-her, but Lynch had her trapped in the corner and was hitting her with repeated kicks. Baker managed to shove Lynch away, and she climbed onto the top rope, signaling for the Panama Sunrise… but as she jumped off the ropes, Lynch caught her and hit an Alabama slam! Baker hit the mat hard, and needed to use the ropes to get to her feet… but once she was up, Lynch hit Baker with a dropkick, sending Baker over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker entered the match first and lasted 35 minutes… but it wasn’t to be! Will Io Shirai win the Last Survivor match on her EBWF debut… or is Becky Lynch about to earn another shot at the Women’s Championship?

As soon as Lynch turned around, Shirai ran at her, going for a clothesline… but Lynch ducked underneath it, then grabbed Shirai from behind, hitting a hammerlock inverted DDT. As Shirai got back to her feet, Lynch threw her over the top rope… but Shirai landed on the ring apron and held onto the ropes. Lynch hit Shirai with a series of punches, trying to knock her off the apron, but Shirai caught Lynch with a kick to the knee, then re-entered the ring. Shirai then grabbed Lynch, hitting a snap suplex, and as both women got to their feet, Shirai ran at Lynch, going for a big boot… but Lynch side stepped it, and Shirai landed on the ropes! As Shirai tried to free herself, Lynch ran against the opposing set of ropes, then hit Shirai with a front dropkick, knocking her over the top rope! Shirai landed on the ring apron, then fell to the floor, and as both of Io Shirai’s feet hit the floor, the referee called for the bell.

Nigel McGuinness: Becky Lynch has done it! The Irish Lass Kicker is the Last Survivor!

Lynch celebrated as a video package began to play hyping the Women’s Championship match between Maika and Sakisama.


Mauro Ranallo: Congratulations to Becky Lynch, the winner of the 2024 EBWF Last Survivor Match! This night is off to an amazing start, and there is still so much more to come!

The camera cut to the ring where Christy Hemme stood. "Flower Party" hit the PA and she raised the microphone to her lips.

Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EBWF Women's Championship! Introducing first, from Fukuoka, Japan! She is the challenger, Maika!

The crowd gave a mixed reaction for Maika, who looked unbothered by the Philly crowd. The sweeping melody of the Rose of Versailles began to play and the crowd moved to their feet while booing the arrival of the women's champion.

Nigel McGuinness: Sakisama is certainly looking elegant tonight!

Christy Hemme: And her opponent, from Versailles, Paris, she is the EBWF Women's Champion, Sakisama!

Sakisama showed off the gold belt around her waist before discarding her fur, and giving the referee the title. He presented it to the audience, and turned it over to the timekeeper before ringing the bell.

Maika avoided a kick to start. They locked up and Maika took the arm, and started to twist. Sakisama countered and they traded more holds, going to the mat with Maika in control of the arm.

Mauro Ranallo: Both of these women are great technical wrestlers. Keeping it on the mat could prove detrimental.

They ran the ropes and traded more counters. Maika avoided a kick, but rolled through and stared Sakisama down.

Nigel McGuinness: We have a stalemate!

Sakisama charged with kicks. Maika landed a shot to the face. Sakisama hit back with a forearm and a flying hip attack. She followed up with a big kick to the head. Sakisama went to hit a hip attack on the apron but Maika moved and she got caught in the ropes. Maika nailed her and went to the second rope for a pin fall that was only good for two. Maika took Sakisama to the corner with shoulder thrusts. Sakisama sent Maika to the apron but Maika went to the top for a crossbody.

Mauro Ranallo: Another pin fall attempt early!

Sakisama kicked out again. Maika dropped a knee and kept control but Sakisama caught her in a Fujiwara armbar. Maika managed to break the hold, but Sakisama unloaded in the corner. Maika ducked a kick in the corner and turned Sakisama upside down. Maika charged with kicks. Maika used the bottom rope to drop an elbow while Sakisama was upside down. Sakisama fell out of the corner and Maika tried to capitalize.

Nigel McGuinness: The champion kicks out at two again!

Sakisama tried to kick the chin, but Maika avoided it. They did some chain wrestling before Sakisama broke through with a big right hand. Sakisama moved in with a shoulder tackle, but Maika countered with a hiptoss. Sakisama avoided a sliding clothesline. Maika avoided a sliding kick.

Mauro Ranallo: These two just can't figure each other out!

Sakisama put in some heavy leg kicks, but Maika took her out with a big forearm. Sakisama came back with one of her own, followed by the running hip attack. A delayed axe kick to the back of Maika’s head sent her onto the apron. Maika avoided another hip attack, and followed up with a second rope back elbow. Maika helped Sakisama to her feet and shouldered her in the ribs before hitting a running back elbow. Maika was funding a rhythm and hit a running knee drop and a sliding back elbow, but Sakisama locked Maika in a Fujiwara Armbar again!

Nigel McGuinness: The champion is trying to get Maika to tap!

Maika struggled to the ropes. Sakisama jumped to her feet and laid in with chest kicks and open-hand strikes in the corner. Maika avoided one and placed Sakisama in the Tree of Woe.

Nigel McGuinness: Sakisama tied up in the ropes again!

Maika hit the running springboard elbow drop to Sakisama. Maika went for the pin, but Sakisama kicked away Maika. Maika nails her on the top. Maika headed back up with Sakisama and hit a Super Rana. Maika didn't let up and put on a neck lock and locked Sakisama in the Front Gulliotine Choke. Sakisama spun free and locked Maika in an ankle lock. Maika got free and sent Sakisama outside. Maika charged with a through-the-ropes rana wiping out Sakisama outside!

Mauro Ranallo: You can't win it out there!

Maika struggled to get Sakisama back in the ring, and hooked the leg. Sakisama kicked out at two! Maika would not let up, and moved in with shots, but each one fired Sakisama up. The crowd was booing as Sakisama hit a running dropkick, a spin kick, a leg kick, a chest kick, then sprung to the second rope and hit a missile dropkick. More chest kicks by Sakisama, but Maika blocked one and hit a forearm. Sakisama came back with an Academy Award Kick, and went for the pin. Maika kicked out, and countered with a jackknife pin. Sakisama was caught by surprise, and barely kicked out at two and a half! Sakisama knew she had to gain momentum, and moved in with forearms, but Maika caught the hip attack and hit a German suplex. Sakisama hit a head kick, and the crowd roared as she landed a series of slaps. She then went for an enziguri, but Maika caught her in mid-air with a kneebar into an ankle lock!

Mauro Ranallo: What an absolute showcase this has been!

Sakisama tried for the ropes, but Maika pulled her back and drove her knee into the mat. Maika continued to punish the leg, followed by a kneebreaker and a Dragon Screw. Another Dragon Screw, but Sakisama caught her off guard with a Flying Armbar! Maika tried to block, but Sakisama tried to lock in the triangle choke! Maika countered out with a roll-up for two! Maika avoided two head kicks, and hit her knees for an inside cradle for another two count.

Nigel McGuinness: Maika is getting desperate.

Mauro Ranallo: What else does she have to do?

Sakisama tried for the triangle choke again, but Maika avoids it. Maika landed a suplex and a sliding clothesline for two. Maika grabbed at the arm, setting up an armbar, but Sakisama blocked it. Sakisama blocked the attempted Sakura, then drilled Maika with a spin kick! A Neck Lock Suplex by Sakisama moved into the Cross Armbreaker, then switches into the Versailles Choke. Maika tried to block it by reaching the ropes, but Sakisama scissored her down to the mat! Maika tried to fight out. Maika got to her feet, but Sakisama took her back down in the choke hold, cinching it in more. Maika finally makes it to the ropes. Sakisama goes to the top but Maika rocks her with forearms.

Mauro Ranallo: Maika knows she's fighting for her life here. She can't let Sakisama get up there!

Maika grabbed Sakisama by the ankle and pulled her down. Sakisama fell to her back. Maika went up top with a top rope hurricanrana but it was only good for a two count. Maika ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, and crawled over to Sakisama. Maika locked in the guillotine choke. She tightened it in the middle of the ring. Sakisama broke it and applies the ankle lock.

Nigel McGuinness: Maika's ankle has taken so much punishment in this match!

Maika rolled through and sent Sakisama out to the floor. Maika grabbed at her ankle but dug deep and dove through the ropes and took Sakisama down with a scissors. Maika brought it back in the ring for a two count.

Nigel McGuinness: Sakisama is not human! How did she kicked out.

Maika rocked Sakisama with shots but Sakisama just yelled at her. They ran the ropes and Sakisama hit a dropkick. Sakisama went wild with kicks. She countered in the corner and nailed a missile dropkick. Maika was on her knees, but the kicks kept coming. Maika countered and hit a forearm. Sakisama dropped her again and hit a running knee for a two count.

Mauro Ranallo: Maika wants this too!

A "This is awesome" chant went up as both women struggled to their feet. They got up and both went for dropkicks at the same time. They got up trading forearms. Sakisama nailed a big one to the face. Maika got mad and fires back. Maika dropped her into a knee bar. Sakisama made it to the bottom rope but Maika pulled her back and slammed the knee. Sakisama fought to her feet but Maika elbowed her other knee. Maika continued working on the legs as the fans cheered.

Nigel McGuinness: This one is so close Maika can taste it!

Sakisama caught Maika in an armbar out of nowhere. Maika fought it but Sakisama reversed it and sit on her. Maika rolled her up for a two count. Maika ducked kicks and rolled Sakisama up for a two count. Maika avoided the Versailles Choke and nailed a suplex. Maika got in a low clothesline for another two count. Maika struggled to get a submission applied as the women went back and forth. Sakisama escaped and blocked the Sakura. She whipped Maika into the corner. Sakisama backed up, and as Maika charged out of the corner, Sakisama hit the Academy Award Kick.

Mauro Ranallo: Sakisama just turned Maika inside out!

Sakisama scrambled for pin.


The bell rang, and Maika stayed on the mat. Sakisama gasped for air, exhaustion taking over her features. The referee helped her to her feet and handed her the title.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, and STILL the EBWF Women's Champion, Sakisama!

Sakisama held the championship above her head as the crowd applauded the effort and a preview video for the EBWF World Championship match began to play.



The crowd was on their feet, and Adam Cole came to the stage. Christy Hemme announced him as the challenger for the upcoming match, as the camera focused on the announce table.

Mauro Ranallo: Congratulations once again to Sakisama for retaining the EBWF Women's Championship. Still to come is the Men's Last Survivor Match. But right now, Damian Priest will defend his World Championship against this man, Adam Cole!

Cole had just thrown up his signature taunt as the crowd chanted Bay-Bay! "To The Wolves" by Stitched Up Heart hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction to the Word Champion who came to the ring without Paul Heyman. He stopped mid-way down the ramp to hold up his championship, and then slid in under the bottom rope. He went to the corner opposite Adam Cole as the announcements finished up.

Nigel McGuinness: Adam Cole has earned this opportunity, and really showed his tenacity since the beginning of the year.

Mauro Ranallo: This one is sure to be a barn burner!

The bell rang, and Cole started peppering Priest with some punches. Priest pushed him back, but Cole ducked him and kept jabbing him. Priest eventually hit him with a spin kick. Cole got out of a sidewalk slam and went for a neck breaker, but Priest took him out. Priest punched him down, got him to his feet, sent him into the ropes, and hit a jumping back elbow for a two count. Priest applied a wrist lock to Cole and started to climb the ropes. Cole kicked the knee and went for a sunset flip powerbomb on the floor, but Priest held the ropes. Cole then grabbed the leg and flipped him off the apron to the floor! Cole quickly followed up with a suicide dive into the barricade and sent him headfirst into the steel steps.

Mauro Ranallo: Adam Cole knows the best way to get ahead of Damian Priest is to keep the bigger man down.

Cole got into the ring for a few moments before going to get Priest. Priest punched back and put him in the ring. Cole attacked him as he got on the apron and tied him up in the ropes. Cole attacked before hitting the ropes and hit him with a dropkick. Cole then came off the second rope with a flying elbow for a two count. Cole applied a single leg crab, but Priest turned over and kicked him off. Cole was knocked out of the ring. Cole got in and went after him with kicks to the leg. Priest shoved him off, but Cole stayed on the leg. Priest eventually kicked him off. Priest attacked Cole’s arms and kicked away at him before hitting a flatliner. Priest hit him with a pair of avalanche elbows in the corner. Priest backed up and hit a third one. Priest followed up with a Broken Arrow for a near fall.

Nigel McGuinness: Priest thought he had it there!

Priest signaled for the end and went for a Razor’s Edge, but Cole got out and elbowed him in the face. Cole went for a roll-up into a kick, but Priest blocked it. Priest punched Cole and hit a wild full nelson facebuster that moved the crowd to their feet! Priest went for the Razor’s Edge again, but Cole countered into a roll-up for a near fall.

Mauro Ranallo: Priest went back to the well, but it was dry!

Cole attacked the knee again, and Priest was writhing on the mat in pain. Cole punched away at him before hitting the ropes, but Priest rocked him with a right hand. Cole bounced back with a clothesline, but Priest wouldn't go down. They traded punches before Cole hit an enzuigiri. Priest fought back and went to the ropes. Priest held on to avoid a kick and hit a springboard forearm. Cole quickly countered by throwing him shoulder-first into the ring post and knocked him over the top rope. Cole went for a suicide dive, but Priest caught him with a South of Heaven attempt. Cole got on the apron to got out of it and charged, but Priest took him out. Priest then hit him with a Razor’s Edge on the apron! Priest roled him into the ring and picks up another near fall!

Nigel McGuinness: The frustration is all over Priest's face! He was sure he had Cole dead to rights!

The crowd rallied the two men and they both were slow to their feet. Priest went for an avalanche elbow, but Cole clipped the leg to counter. Cole hit the ropes, but Priest clotheslined him down. Priest got pumped up, but Cole started attacking the arm and tried for a takedown. Priest rolled through, but Cole kicked him in the head. Cole got out of a Reckoning and hit a flipping reverse DDT. Cole attacked him with an elbow for a near fall. Cole angrily got up and mocked the bow and arrow taunt. Priest countered a superkick, but Cole countered into a roll-up for a near fall! Cole rolled to the apron and shouldered Priest. Priest grabbed him by the throat, but Cole kicked out. Cole went for a slam, but Priest countered into South of Heaven. Adam Cole defiantly kicked out at two and a half!

Mauro Ranallo: This crowd cannot believe it! They are bringing down the house here in Philly tonight!

Priest went to the top rope, but Cole rolled out of the ring. Priest got down from the top rope and looked exasperated as the crowd continued their ovation. Priest charged for a somersault plancha, but Cole superkicked him out of nowhere!

Mauro Ranallo: Cole damn near took Priest out of his boots!

Cole covered but Priest unbelievably kicked out! Cole took him down and got him in the crossfire! Priest struggled and clawed his way to the bottom rope, so Cole pulled him into the center of the ring. Cole reapplied the crossfire, but Priest desperately got to the bottom rope to break the hold. The crowd sent up yet another "This is Awesome" chant for the evening, and Cole and Priest both pulled themselves to their knees, and began to exchange desperate punches. Cole powered up to his feet and kneed away at Priest's shoulder. Cole punched away at Priest, but he fought back and hit the Reckoning off the ropes. Priest went for the pin!


Nigel McGuinness: Are you kidding me?

Mauro Ranallo: What a performance from these two men!

The crowd was fired up as Priest struggled to his feet, holding his ribs as he was given the championship.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, AND STILL EBWF World Champion... Damian Priest!

Priest displayed his championship to the crowd, but Adam Cole began to pull himself to his feet. Priest turned toward him, waiting to see the fallen man's next move. Cole stood, and Priest approached him. The smaller man's eyes fell on the title on his shoulder, and Priest came closer extending his hand. Cole looked at it, disbelieving. He paused for a moment as the crowd cheered. Cole briefly took Priest's hand, shaking it as the crowd's roar grew louder. Cole left the ring through the second rope, and Priest held the championship over his head again as a preview for the Last Survivor Match began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: It is time for the men’s Last Survivor match!

“Booyaka 619” hit and the crowd cheered as Rey Mysterio made his way to the ring, entering the match at number one. When Rey was in the ring, “The Chairman’s Intent” by Action Bronson hit, and the crowd continued cheering as Hook headed to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Quite the clash of styles between these two men, Mauro… it will be interesting to see how this plays out!

When Hook was in the ring, one of the referees at ringside called for the bell, officially starting the match. Hook immediately charged towards Rey, going for a clothesline, but Rey ducked underneath it, then hit Hook with a dropkick. Hook stumbled backwards, and Rey hit him with a series of kicks, knocking Hook back against the ropes. Rey then tried to lift Hook over the top rope, but Hook managed to fend him off and got behind Rey, hitting him with a release German suplex. As both men got to their feet, Hook hit Rey with a series of punches, then took him down to the mat with a hip toss. Hook then stomped on Rey’s knees, before putting him in a kneebar.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook targeting the knees of Rey Mysterio there… he knows Rey Mysterio has a history of knee problems.

Hook released Rey, then dragged him to his feet and lifted him over his shoulder. Hook carried Rey towards the ropes… but Rey managed to wrap his legs around Hook’s head, hitting him with a headscissors takedown! Hook landed on the middle rope, and Rey ran against the opposite set of ropes, then went for the 619… but Hook moved out of the way at the last second! Hook then caught Rey with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Rey Mysterio has been eliminated!

As Rey made his way to the back, Hook began pacing back and forth, awaiting the arrival of his next opponent. A few seconds later, the 10 second countdown for the entrant number three began, and when the clock hit zero, “Medal” began to play. The fans inside the arena erupted as Kurt Angle stepped out onto the stage.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! I know we’re in Pennsylvania, but I still can’t believe it… Kurt Angle is here!

Nigel McGuinness: Hook has already eliminated one veteran of the ring, and now he’s up against a man who won an Olympic gold medal before Hook was even born!

As Angle made his way down the ramp, the camera cut to Hook, who was smiling, as if he was relishing the challenge of taking on the Olympic gold medalist. When Angle entered the ring, he locked up with Hook. Hook put Angle in a headlock, but Angle broke free and hit a double leg takedown, then went for an Ankle Lock… before he could lock it in, Hook kicked Angle away and got to his feet. The back and forth continued between Hook and Angle, with neither man seemingly able to get the upper hand… until Hook managed to put Angle in Redrum!

Mauro Ranallo: Redrum locked in! Is Hook about to choke Kurt Angle out?

Just when it looked as though Angle was fading, he managed to break out of the hold, then hit Hook with an Angle Slam! Both men were down on the mat, and the ten second timer for the next entrant began counting down. When the clock hit zero, “Glass Shatters” by Disturbed hit and Stone Cold Steve Austin made his way down to the ring. As Austin entered the ring, Kurt Angle had just got back to his feet, and the two men locked eyes before exchanging right hands back and forth.

Nigel McGuinness: A lot of history between these two men, Mauro!

Austin, Angle and Hook battled one another over the next 90 seconds, but there were no eliminations before the countdown clock hit zero and Richard Holliday came out at number five. Rather than enter the ring, Holliday paced around at ringside, letting another 90 seconds pass. When the countdown clock hit zero, “A Soul for a Soul” hit and Powerhouse Hobbs headed down to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Now I see what Richard Holliday was waiting for, Nigel… he didn’t want to enter the match without backup! What a coward.

Nigel McGuinness: You call it cowardly, Mauro… I call it smart strategy!

As Holliday and Hobbs entered the ring, Hobbs charged at Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle, taking the two veterans down with a double clothesline. Meanwhile, Holliday went after Hook, hitting him with a series of punches, but Hook fought back with several punches of his own, then hit Holliday with a t-bone suplex. Hook then tried to eliminate Holliday, but before he could do so, Powerhouse Hobbs came to Holliday’s aid. Hobbs and Holliday began to double team Hook, but as Austin and Angle got to their feet, they joined the fight, going after Hobbs! Austin and Angle hit Hobbs with a double suplex, then Angle hit Hobbs with an Angle Slam before Austin hit Hobbs with a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin then threw Hobbs over the top rope, and a few moments later, Hook did the same to Richard Holliday.

Mauro Ranallo: That’s two members of dWo gone already, Nigel… and MJF will not be happy!

Nigel McGuinness: You sound pretty happy about that, Mauro… talk about schadenfreude.

As Holliday and Hobbs made their way to the back, “Phenomenal” by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as AJ Styles made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Styles went after Kurt Angle, leaving Stone Cold and Hook to do battle. Another 90 seconds passed, and out came Randy Orton as the eighth entrant.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Randy Orton who is a three time EBWF World Champion, and also holds the record for the longest World Title reign in EBWF history!

Upon entering the ring, Orton hit Hook, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle and AJ Styles with RKOs one by one. Orton then dragged Styles to his feet, throwing him over the top rope and eliminating him. Orton went to do the same to Hook… but as he pulled Hook to his feet, Hook hit Orton with a northern lights suplex! As both men got to their feet, Hook went to hit Orton with a clothesline, but Orton ducked underneath it, then grabbed Hook and hit him with an Olympic Slam! As Orton got to his feet, Kurt Angle grabbed him, hitting Orton with an RKO! Angle then tried to pull Orton to his feet and eliminate him… but before he could do so, Stone Cold Steve Austin grabbed Angle, and hit him with a Stone Cold Stunner! As Angle fell backwards, he landed on the ropes, and after giving him the middle finger, Austin hit Angle with a clothesline, sending him to the outside. The crowd booed, disappointed to see Angle eliminated. The countdown clock hit zero once more, and Christian Cage headed down to the ring. Before entering the ring, Christian grabbed a steel chair, and then as he entered the ring, Christian began hitting Hook with the chair!

Mauro Ranallo: Come on, this isn’t right!

Nigel McGuinness: There are no disqualifications in a Last Survivor match, Mauro… Christian Cage is well within his rights to use that chair!

After hitting Hook with the chair several times, Christian placed the chair on the mat and grabbed Hook, placing his head on top of the chair. Christian then exited the ring (going under the bottom rope to avoid eliminating himself) and went to grab a second steel chair… but before Christian could bring the second chair into the ring, Hook got to his feet and picked up the other chair, throwing it at Christian and catching him in the face! Hook then slid under the bottom rope and began brawling with Christian at ringside! Meanwhile, inside the ring Orton had Austin in the corner and was trying to get him over the top rope, but Stone Cold was showing resilience and fighting back, refusing to let Orton eliminate him. As the countdown clock hit zero, the Terminator theme began to play and Lexis King made his way down to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes the tenth entrant, Lexis King… we are a third of the way through this match!

As King reached the bottom of the ramp, he grabbed Hook and threw him back into the ring, then entered the ring and tried to throw Hook over the top rope… but Hook blocked it, hit King with a knee to the midsection, then lifted King up, hitting a gut wrench suplex. As both men got to their feet, Hook lifted King over his shoulders, then threw him out of the ring, eliminating him!

Nigel McGuinness: A short lived Last Survivor appearance for Lexis King… that can’t have been more than 30 seconds!

Over the next few minutes, Matt Riddle and Trent both entered the Last Survivor match, meaning there were six active competitors - Hook, Stone Cold, Orton and Christian, along with Riddle and Trent. Another 90 seconds passed without elimination, then as the countdown clock hit zero for entrant number 13, out walked a monster of a man who was over 7 feet tall and covered in bandages.

Nigel McGuinness: Is that…?

Mauro Ranallo: It is, Nigel! The Yet-ay!

As The Yeti stumbled down the ramp, the six men in the ring seemed dumbfounded. Upon entering the ring, The Yeti looked around at all six men, as if daring them to come at him. Riddle made the first move, charging towards The Yeti and going for a knee strike… but The Yeti sidestepped it, then grabbed Riddle and lifted him up, putting him in a bearhug! The Yeti then threw Riddle out of the ring, eliminating him. Trent then went after The Yeti, hitting him with a series of punches, but the punches seemed to have little effect. Trent then went for an elbow smash, but The Yeti blocked it, then grabbed Trent by the throat, lifting him up and hitting a double handed chokeslam! After slamming Trent on the mat, The Yeti dragged Trent to his feet and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him.

Nigel McGuinness: What an impact The Yeti is having! He’s eliminated two men already!

Mauro Ranallo: You’re not saying it right, Nigel! It’s The Yet-ay!

Perhaps fearing the power of The Yeti, Christian, Hook, Randy Orton and Stone Cold all began working together, beating down the big man. Hook hit The Yeti with a Saito suplex, then as The Yeti got to his feet, Austin hit him with a Stone Cold Stunner! The Yeti was still on his feet, albeit looking dazed, and Orton followed up with an RKO! Orton then began dragging The Yeti to his feet, but as he did so, Christian Cage grabbed The Yeti, hitting him with The Unprettier! Christian then eliminated The Yeti, before playing up to the crowd as if he’d single-handedly defeated the monster.

Mauro Ranallo: Christian Cage with delusions of grandeur once again…

Nigel McGuinness: What are you talking about, Mauro? He just achieved the impossible, and eliminated the Yet-ay!

Mauro Ranallo: That’s more like it, Nigel!

Christian’s celebrations were cut short as “Rebel Heart” hit and Johnny Gargano ran down to the ring! Upon entering the ring, Gargano immediately charged towards Christian, hitting him with a series of punches and knocking him backwards into the corner of the ring. Hook then worked with Gargano to try and eliminate Christian, but Christian was able to fight both men off. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Austin and Orton were exchanging blows. There were no eliminations in the next 90 seconds, and as the countdown clock hit zero, “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge hit and Edge made his way to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: This Last Survivor match is about to get Rated R!

As Edge entered the ring, Stone Cold Steve Austin had Randy Orton on the ropes, but Edge came to his tag team partner’s aid, pulling Austin away from Orton and hitting him with some right hands. Austin fought back with right hands of his own, then went for a Stunner… but Edge blocked it, whipped Austin against the ropes, then hit him with a Spear! As Austin hit the mat, he rolled to the edge of the ring and grabbed onto the bottom rope to try and protect himself from elimination. There were no eliminations over the next three minutes as Alex Shelley and Seth Rollins entered the ring. When the countdown clock hit zero for entrant number 18, “Moments” by Sevendust hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Aiden English stepped out onto the stage.

Nigel McGuinness: It’s Aiden English! He was one of the surprise entrants in the Last Survivor match last year, and he’s back again this year!

Mauro Ranallo: Given that his wife Shaul was in the women’s Last Survivor match earlier, could this be a sign that they’re back in EBWF full time?

As English entered the ring, he went after Seth Rollins. Meanwhile, Edge and Randy Orton were trying to eliminate Stone Cold Steve Austin, while Alex Shelley was battling Hook. On the other side of the ring, Christian had Johnny Gargano on the ropes, and after taking a couple of steps back, Christian went to hit Gargano with a clothesline… but Gargano ducked underneath it and pulled down on the ropes, sending Chrstian over the top rope and eliminating him!

Mauro Ranallo: Christian Cage has been eliminated… and he does not look happy!

After taking down English with a slingblade, Rollins went after Johnny Gargano, trying to avenge Christian’s elimination. After another minute or so, “Judas” by Fozzy hit and the crowd cheered as Chris Jericho made his way to the ring. As soon as Jericho entered the ring, Seth Rollins went to hit him with a superkick, but Jericho ducked underneath it, then spun around and hit Rollins with the Judas Effect! Rollins fell backwards onto the ropes, and Jericho followed up with a clothesline, sending Rollins over the top rope and eliminating him. Jericho then turned his attention to Aiden English, and the two men began exchanging right hands back and forth furiously.

Nigel McGuinness: There is a lot of history between Jericho and Aiden English… these two men have been at war with one another in the past!

Another 90 seconds passed, and as the countdown clock hit zero, “Invasion” began to play.

Mauro Ranallo: It can’t be… can it?

The fans inside the arena who recognised the theme popped, and the video on the tron cut to the backstage area. A locker room door opened, and out stepped Al Snow, wearing a bald cap and black shorts.

Nigel McGuinness: It is, Mauro! It’s SNOWBERG!

Snow (or Snowberg) was accompanied by two “security guards” - Steve Blackman, and a man wearing a black morph suit who was holding Head. Before heading to the ring, Al Snow tried to hand Steve Blackman a cheese hat, but Blackman kicked it away, glaring at Snow as he did so. Snow then began making his way towards the ring, but he seemed to have trouble knowing which way to go. The first door he walked through took him to a catering area. Shaking his head, Snow exited the room and continued working down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, Snow turned left and walked down another hallway, but this time, he ended up in the parking lot. Looking visibly confused, Snow retraced his steps and found a crew member, who directed him towards the ring. However, by the time Snow had stepped out onto the stage, the ten second countdown for the next entrant had started. As Snow stood posing at the top of the ramp, the clock hit zero and out walked Penta El Zero. Snow turned around to confront Penta, then went to hit him with a right hand… but Penta blocked it, and headbutted Al Snow, knocking him down! Penta then hit Steve Blackman with a superkick, before snatching Head off the guy in the morph suit and hitting him over the head with Head. At this point, Al Snow got back to his feet, and Penta continued to hit Snow with punches, knocking him down the ramp towards the ring. At the bottom of the ramp, Penta grabbed Snow and threw him into the ring, then climbed in the ring after him… but as soon as Penta entered the ring, Snow hit him with a clothesline, sending Penta over the top rope!

Mauro Ranallo: I don’t believe it! Al Snow just eliminated Penta… Penta’s time in the Last Survivor match can’t have been more than two seconds!

Nigel McGuinness: Show some respect, Mauro! It’s not Al Snow, it’s Snowberg!

As Penta made his way to the back, Al Snow looked around the ring at his opponents. He locked eyes with Hook, pointed at Hook, then charged towards Hook, going for a Spear… but Hook blocked it, then hit Snow with a gutwrench suplex! As Snow got to his feet, Edge charged towards him, hitting the Spear! Edge then pulled Snow to his feet and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him. Over the next few minutes, the ring began to fill up as Matt Cardona, Anthony Bowens and Rey Fenix entered the match. As Max Caster made his way to the ring as the 25th entrant, Aiden English set Chris Jericho up for the Director’s Cut… but Jericho blocked it, turned to face English and hit him with a Codebreaker, followed by the Judas Effect! Jericho eliminated English, and a few moments later, Stone Cold Steve Austin eliminated Alex Shelley.

Mauro Ranallo: Aiden English and Alex Shelley have both been eliminated, and with Max Caster entering the ring there are now ten active superstars in the Last Survivor match, with five more still to enter.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook has been in the match since the start, which means he’s been active for 35 minutes, Mauro. That’s impressive! And Stone Cold Steve Austin isn’t far behind him… he entered at number four, meaning he’s been in the Last Survivor match for over 30 minutes!

As Caster entered the ring, Rey Fenix had managed to get Anthony Bowens over the top rope, but Bowens was on the ring apron and holding onto the ropes. Caster grabbed Fenix, pulling him away from Bowens and hitting him with a series of punches, allowing Bowens time to re-enter the ring. Bowens and Caster then hit Fenix with Critically Acclaimed, before eliminating Fenix! As Fenix made his way to the back, The Acclaimed went to help Matt Cardona, who was being double-teamed by Rated RKO. Meanwhile, Jericho was brawling with Auston, while Hook was battling Johnny Gargano. There were no further eliminations before the countdown clock struck zero, and The Big Show made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Big Show immediately went after Johnny Gargano. Gargano hit Big Show with a series of punches, but Big Show overpowered Gargano, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up, Chokeslamming Gargano over the top rope! Gargano landed on the ring apron, then rolled onto the floor.

Mauro Ranallo: That looked painful!

Nigel McGuinness: Well Mauro, Seth Rollins might not have been able to avenge what Johnny Gargano did to Christian earlier, but The Big Show certainly did! Now how will the other competitors in this match cope with this giant?

As Big Show turned around, Matt Cardona ran at him, but Big Show reacted quickly, hitting Cardona with a knockout punch! Big Show then charged towards The Acclaimed, taking down both Caster and Bowens with a double clothesline, before turning to face Austin and hitting the Texas Rattlesnake with a big boot. Hook then grabbed Big Show, setting him up for a suplex… but he was unable to lift him! Big Show grabbed Hook by the throat, setting him up for a Chokeslam, but as he lifted Hook up, Hook managed to get on Big Show’s back and apply Redrum!

Mauro Ranallo: I don’t believe this… is Hook going to choke out The Big Show here?

As Big Show tried to fight Hook off, Jericho approached Edge and Randy Orton and said something to them. Both members of Rated RKO nodded, then the three men watched as Big Show fell backwards, crushing Hook on the mat. As Big Show got back to his feet, Jericho, Edge and Orton began triple-teaming him! The three men worked together to lift Big Show up, and hit him with a triple powerbomb! Edge then hit Big Show with the Edgecution, before Orton dragged him to his feet and hit an RKO. Finally, Jericho pulled Big Show to his feet and hit him with the Judas Effect, and then with Rated RKO’s help, Big Show was lifted over the top rope and eliminated. With Big Show eliminated, Edge and Orton immediately nullified their temporary alliance with Jericho and began to attack him! As Jericho tried to fight off both members of Rated RKO, Matt Cardona grabbed Stone Cold and set him up for a neckbreaker… but Austin blocked it, hit Cardona with a Stunner, then eliminated him.

Nigel McGuinness: Matt Cardona says he’s “Always Ready”... but he wasn’t ready for Stone Cold there!

MJF came out next as the 27th entrant, but refused to enter the ring. Instead, he stood at ringside, as if waiting for the opportune moment to enter. Another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations, and Dominik Mysterio made his way to the ring. As Dominik reached the bottom of the ramp, MJF offered to form an alliance with him… but Dominik shoved MJF aside, and entered the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: All the other members of the dWo have already entered the match and been eliminated, so it looks like MJF wants to find someone else to have his back before he gets into the ring… he’s a coward, and one that can’t be trusted!

MJF waited at ringside for a further 90 seconds, and the crowd cheered as “I Came To Play” hit and The Miz made his way to the ring. As he had done with Dominik, MJF offered to form an alliance with Miz… but Miz laughed at him, then entered the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: There are nine men in the ring right now, plus MJF at ringside, and one more superstar left to enter. Who will have the coveted number 30 spot… and will they be willing to make a deal with the devil, Maxwell Jacob Friedman?

As MJF waited for the 30th entrant at ringside, in the ring Max Caster and Anthony Bowens worked together to eliminate Dominik Mysterio. The Acclaimed then turned their attention to The Miz and Hook. Meanwhile, Jericho was fighting Edge, and Austin was exchanging blows with Randy Orton. There were no more eliminations before the 10 second countdown for the final Last Survivor entrant began. The excitement in the arena was palpable, and as the clock hit zero, the lights in the arena went out.

Mauro Ranallo: What happened to the lights?

The fans inside the arena erupted as Sting’s name appeared on the tron! Snow (or something that looked a lot like snow) began to fall from the rafters, and a spotlight shone on Sting as he stepped out onto the stage.

Nigel McGuinness: This is unbelievable, Mauro! Sting hasn’t been seen in EBWF since Fanniversary 2021, and the last time he wrestled in an EBWF ring was six years to the day when he entered the 2018 Royal Rumble match!

Mauro Ranallo: Sting is due to retire from professional wrestling in March, and I didn’t think we’d ever see him in EBWF again… we’ve had a few surprises tonight, Nigel, but this might just be the biggest one yet!

The arena lights went back to normal as Sting made his way down the ramp. As Sting reached the bottom of the ramp, MJF grinned, applauded him, and bowed. MJF then offered Sting his hand, and could be heard telling Sting he was a “big fan”. Sting nodded, and shook MJF’s hand, which seemed to surprise everyone including MJF… but Sting then pulled MJF towards him, and hit MJF with an uppercut! As MJF stumbled backwards, Sting grabbed him, throwing MJF into the ring. Sting then entered the ring himself and grabbed MJF once more, hitting him with a Scorpion Death Drop! Sting then pulled MJF to his feet, and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him!

Nigel McGuiness: What is Sting doing? How can he disrespect MJF like that?

Mauro Ranallo: He’s teaching MJF a lesson, Nigel!

As Sting looked around the ring at the other competitors, Max Caster and Anthony Bowens approached him, offering to scissor “The Icon”. Smiling, Sting scissored both members of The Acclaimed, but then banged their heads together before hitting them with a double DDT. Austin then went for Sting next, going for a Stunner… but Sting blocked it and lifted Austin up, hitting a back drop. As Sting got to his feet, Hook grabbed him from behind, going for Redrum… but Sting fought Hook off and whipped him into the corner, then hit a Stinger Splash! As Hook stumbled out of the corner, Sting hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope… but Hook managed to grab onto the ropes and roll back into the ring. The Miz then grabbed Sting from behind, trying to throw him over the top rope… but Sting caught Miz with an elbow, then turned around and took Miz down to the mat, putting him in the Scorpion Deathlock! The crowd chanted “You’ve still got it” as Miz cried out in pain.

Mauro Ranallo: Sting is rolling back the years here! If he ends up being the Last Survivor, he might have to postpone his retirement!

Nigel McGuinness: Well Mauro, he’s one of nine superstars left in this match… apart from Sting and The Miz, who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else right now, there’s Rated RKO, The Acclaimed, Chris Jericho, Hook, and Stone Cold Steve Austin still in contention. And speaking of Hook and Stone Cold… they’ve both been in this match for over 40 minutes now!

After releasing Miz from the Scorpion Deathlock, Sting pulled Miz to his feet, lifted him up, and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him. Sting then turned his attention to Chris Jericho, and the two men nodded towards one another respectively before exchanging right hands back and forth. Meanwhile, Edge was trying to eliminate Max Caster, Anthony Bowens was battling Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Hook had Randy Orton in the corner, where he was hitting Orton with a series of knee strikes. Hook tried to lift Orton over the top rope, but Orton fought back, hitting Hook with an uppercut before taking him down with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton then began pounding the mat, before hitting Hook with an RKO! As Hook lay motionless on the mat, Orton pulled him to his feet, then threw him over the top rope, eliminating him. A few moments later, Austin shoved Bowens against the ropes, then hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope to the outside.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook and Anthony Bowens have been eliminated! We’re down to the final six now!

Austin and Orton then began brawling. Meanwhile, Max Caster had Edge set up for a DDT, but Edge countered with a northern lights suplex, while on the other side of the ring, Sting had just dodged a Judas Effect from Chris Jericho and hit him with a powerslam. As Sting got to his feet, he locked eyes with Edge, who challenged The Icon to come at him. Sting obliged, running at Edge and taking him down with a clothesline before stomping on him several times. As Sting pulled Edge to his feet, he set him up for the Scorpion Death Drop, but Edge broke free and whipped Sting against the ropes, then charged towards him, hitting the Spear! Edge then pulled Sting to his feet… but as he did so, Sting pushed him away and yelled “is that all you’ve got?” Edge looked momentarily stunned, but as Sting went to hit him with a big boot, Edge reacted quickly, ducking underneath it and running against the ropes before hitting Sting with a second Spear. This time when Edge pulled Sting to his feet, Sting had no comeback, and Edge threw Stinger over the top rope, eliminating him. Edge then made his way towards Orton, but he didn’t notice Chris Jericho coming towards him, and Jericho caught Edge off guard with the Judas Effect! Edge landed on the ropes, and Jericho hit him with a dropkick, sending him over the top rope. As Jericho got back to his feet, Randy Orton was charging towards him… but Jericho reacted quickly, pulling down on the ropes! Orton went over the top rope, landing on the outside next to Edge!

Nigel McGuinness: Sting, Edge and Randy Orton have all been eliminated in quick succession! We’re down to the final three… will Chris Jericho, Max Caster, or Stone Cold Steve Austin be the Last Survivor?

Mauro Ranallo: Stone Cold just turned 59 last month, and he has been in this match for over 50 minutes. As impressive as that is, you have to wonder how much he’s got left in the tank.

Nigel McGuinness: You know Mauro, Chris Jericho isn’t that much younger than Stone Cold… he’s in his 50s too. So you have to wonder whether Max Caster is the favorite, being younger and fresher, or whether their experience gives Jericho and Stone Cold the upper hand.

Realizing they were the final three, Jericho, Caster and Austin stood still for a moment, looking at one another and contemplating their next move. Showing the defiance that had perhaps defined his entire career, Austin gave both Jericho and Caster a middle fingered salute each, as if daring them both to come after him. Jericho and Caster looked at one another, nodded, then began to double team Austin! Despite being at a disadvantage, Austin was able to fight both men off, and after throwing Jericho shoulder first into the ring post, Austin whipped Max Caster against the ropes. As Caster ran back towards him, Austin took Caster down with a Lou Thesz press, before hitting him with mounted punches against the mat. Austin then pulled Caster to his feet, and set him up for a piledriver, but Caster countered with a back body drop. As Austin got to his feet, Caster grabbed him, hitting an Olympic Slam! Caster then pulled Austin to his feet, lifted him over his shoulder and ran towards the ropes… but as Caster got near the ropes, Austin wriggled free and shoved Caster into the ropes. Caster managed to grab the ropes and stop himself from going over the top rope, but as Caster turned around, Austin hit him with a stiff clothesline, sending him to the outside.

Mauro Ranallo: And Max Caster is eliminated! It’s down to Jericho and Austin!

As Caster made his way to the back, Austin turned to face Jericho, who was clutching his shoulder in pain but ready to fight. Jericho and Austin exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Jericho took Austin down to the mat, putting him in the Walls of Jericho! Austin cried out in pain, then instinctively began moving towards the ropes, before realizing this would potentially increase his risk of being eliminated. Austin stopped himself, and managed to roll over, loosening Jericho’s grip on him. Austin was then able to pull his legs free, and as he got to his feet he whipped Jericho into the corner before stomping on him repeatedly. Jericho managed to fight out of the corner, and he went for the Judas Effect… but Austin moved out of the way! Austin then kicked Jericho in the midsection and set him up for the Stone Cold Stunner… but Jericho blocked it, grabbed Austin from behind and hit a Backstabber!

Nigel McGuinness: That’s not a move we see Jericho normally use, but it’s a smart play… after being in the Walls of Jericho and now taking a Backstabber, Stone Cold’s back must be in agony!

Sure enough, Austin seemed to struggle to get to his feet, and when he was up, Jericho grabbed Austin and whipped him hard into the corner. Austin cried out in pain as he hit the turnbuckles, and Jericho ran towards the ropes, hitting Austin with a springboard dropkick. Austin stumbled out of the corner, and Jericho hit a Judas Effect, which knocked Austin onto the ropes. Jericho continued spinning his body around, using his other arm to hit Austin with a clothesline! Austin went over the top rope, but he landed on the ring apron, and Jericho hit a second springboard dropkick… this time, Austin fell to the floor, and the referee called for the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Chris Jericho is the Last Survivor, and he’s just become the first person in EBWF history to win the Last Survivor / Royal Rumble match three times!

Nigel McGuinness: An impressive feat by the 12-time EBWF World Champion, Mauro… but can he end Damian Priest’s undefeated streak, and win the World Title for a 13th time?

As confetti fell from the rafters, Jericho dropped to his knees, out of breath but visibly delighted. “Judas” by Fozzy began to play, and Jericho celebrated as Last Survivor went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote