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Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:39 pm
by Billy

----------On Camera----------
----------Chicago History Museum : After Hours----------
----------Uploaded to EBFW’s social media accounts----------

The camera opens on Aiden English standing in front of a black backdrop with red EBWF logos forming dozens of diagonal rows. Aiden is wearing light blue jeans and a matching denim vest with the red stars of the Chicago flag spray painted on it. He holds the Breakout Championship over his right shoulder, using his hand to brace the bottom of the main plate. He shifts his weight from left to right, his head turning and tilting to look at the surroundings off camera.

-=Aiden English=-
It’s hard to tell because of the backdrop provided by the company and the tight focus of the shot but I’m standing in the middle of the Chicago Museum of History. For those who don’t know, who haven’t been around long enough, I am a native of Chicago. I’m standing a stone’s throw from my childhood home and mere miles from where my wife and I are raising our beautiful daughter. I’m standing here surrounded by countless historic artifacts because for the last few weeks I’ve had history living rent free in my head. I’ve had a lot of time to consider the gravity of everything that has happened since Last Survivor. Of my interactions with those backstage and in the ring. And I find myself considering how interesting it is that history has a way of coming around, repeating itself and making a mockery of those unprepared for the future. And, history is indeed repeating itself in the EBWF. The signs are everywhere you look. Starting right here with the EBWF Breakout Championship on my shoulder!

Aiden emphasizes his words by patting the title gently with his left hand.

-=Aiden English=-
It feels good to hold but man has it been too long since I felt the weight of gold. The weight of a crown on my head. I had forgotten the feelings both good and bad! History, at Warfare I’m going to square up with someone whom I have a lot of that with. Seth Rollins is the man who first dropped this title to me way back in 2018! The man who kicked off my meteoric rise to greatness. I may have forgotten the weight of this title but I’ll never forget how Seth spent weeks disparaging me, dragging up the details of our history in other companies, talking about how great he was and how little he thought of me. He told everyone how easy it was going to be to retain the title against someone so unimpressive. He told the Universe that I was a joke he was about to tell the world. Unfortunately for Seth, while I may be from the Second City that doesn’t make me second rate! I’m a top tier competitor and I’ve proven that time and time again in the EBWF. First by pinning him to claim the Breakout Championship and most recently by reclaiming the Breakout Championship from Adam Cole. Adam, who is an incredible competitor with a long future ahead of him.

Aiden holds up an open palm.

-=Aiden English=-
Sorry, I’m not here to talk about Adam and what the future holds for him and I. No, I’m still talking about history and the mark it leaves upon us all as we travel through it. I’m here to talk about how we can never fully escape our past. No, I’m sure Seth wants to portray himself as having grown since our first interactions. I’m certain he wants to treat this like he’s a completely different person with nothing in common with that history we share together. And I urge you all to believe it when you see it. I urge the Universe to guard itself against those that want to pull the wool over your eyes. Have I changed since then? Absolutely! Has Seth? Undoubtedly! Are we completely different people? No. Not even close. You think all those dark thoughts, wicked tendencies and that mean streak have vanished from my heart? I hate to tell you but you’d be wrong if you do. I may have reformed. I may be here for the betterment of the fans that make up the EBWF Universe. I may want to do things the right way or not at all. But, it’s all still there. People don’t let go of their pasts when they change, they just learn to bear that luggage on their backs.

Aiden nods to himself, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.

-=Aiden English=-
Let me speak directly to you. Seth, that luggage you bear. The history you and I share with one another is going to weigh you down in this tournament. That added weight is going to pull you under the current of my history. You’re going to find yourself in my undertow, drug out to sea and lost in the dark just like the first time we stood across the ring from one another in EBWF. And, even if you have become a mostly different person, you deserve every second of the defeat you’ve got coming to you. For too long you’ve paraded yourself in front of the Universe as a savior, their messiah, as someone who can shine a bright light on the people who put money in your pocket and mine. But, the only person you care about shining a light on is yourself! The only person you care about the betterment of is yourself! You care about nothing and no one not named Seth Rollins and that is why your time in this tournament is coming to an end just as quickly as it started.

Aiden drops the title off his shoulder, allowing it to dangle out of frame but maintaining a grip just above the main plate. He narrows his focus on the camera and smiles.

-=Aiden English=-
At the end of this tournament history is going to repeat itself, I promise that. The EBWF Universe is going to see me crowned the Gateway Champion while I’m still wearing the Breakout Championship around my waist. But things are going to be different this time. I’m not going to relinquish my hold on this title in my hand. I’m not going to vacate. Instead, I am going to hold the Breakout and Gateway Championships and become what this company, this Universe and all our fans need and deserve. I’m going to become a true Gatekeeper to the EBWF. I am going to protect the fans, I’m going to protect the company and I am going to protect the prestige of both the EBWF Breakout and Gateway Championships. Like our first meeting Seth, you’re going to be little more than a footnote on my rise back to the top. On my history! Because history is coming back around and it’s time for your fall and my rise, again! The Drama King is back to reclaim his Kingdom and that means Warfare is about to get brutal!

Aiden takes hold of the lapel of his vest with his free hand and gives it a quick tug. The denim snaps taught as a vignette slowly begins to fill the screen. Aiden smiles and gives the camera a wink as the screen goes completely black.