Fallout Results 04/21/2024

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Ben M
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Fallout Results 04/21/2024

Post by Ben M »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Fallout! Tonight, we are live from Dallas, Texas, and kicking things off we’ve got a mixed tag match!

“My Last Breath” by Evanescence played and the crowd booed as Christian Cage and Nikki Cross made their way to the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following Mixed Tag Team contest is set for one fall. Introducing first representing Team Cage, Nikki Cross and The Instant Classic Christian Cage.

Mauro Ranallo: This match was made weeks ago after Christian and Nikki's plan to take out Alexa Bliss was stopped by Johnny Gargano who then made the challenge for this match tonight.

After Team Cage entered the ring and “My Last Breath” faded out, “Immortal” played and the crowd cheered the arrival of Alexa Bliss.

Christy Hemme: And their opponents, first, representing the Rebellious Angels, from Columbus Ohio, The Goddess Alexa Bliss.

Alexa stopped at the stage and soon “Rebel Heart” played and the crowd continued to cheer as Johnny Gargano walked out.

Christy Hemme: And her partner, from Cleveland Ohio, Johnny Gargano.

Gargano and Bliss looked at each other and nodded before sprinting to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Here we go!

The two teams started slugging it out as the bell rang, Gargano and Cage on one side, Bliss and Cross on the other. Eventually the Ohio natives got the upper hand and Christian rolled out of the ring, pulling Nikki out with him. Alexa and Johnny exchanged another look before running the ropes and hitting stereo Suicide Dives on their adversaries.

Mauro Ranallo: So far Team Cage is struggling in this match.

The referee told the competitors to get back to the ring and Gargano rolled Christian into the ring and followed him into it as Bliss and Cross got on their respective sides of the apron. Gargano went to attack Christian but The Instant Classic pulled the ref in front of him stopping Johnny Wrestling. As the referee moved out of the way, Christian hit Gargano with a Low Blow and immediately went over to tag in Nikki Cross.

Nigel McGuinness: The referee didn't see the Low Blow but he did see the tag and now both women have to be in the ring.

Both Alexa and Nikki entered and ran at each other with Bliss hitting a Lou Thesz Press and raining down punches. Alexa dragged Cross to the corner and slammed her head off the top turnbuckle. Bliss pulled down the zipper on Nikki's vest a little bit and delivered a few Knife Edge Chops to the chest.

Mauro Ranallo: That'll sting.

Alexa went for a running attack in the corner but Nikki moved out of the way and Bliss ate nothing but turnbuckle. Nikki took advantage and nailed Alexa with a running splash in the corner followed by a Running Bulldog and went for the pin but Alexa quickly kicked out. Nikki grabbed Alexa by the hair and slammed the back of her head against the mat over and over again.

Nigel McGuinness: Cross is showing that psychotic nature she's known for.

Nikki remained on offense for the next several minutes, wearing Alexa down using a series of strikes and signature moves. Finally Nikki went for a Crossbody from the top rope but Alexa moved out of the way. The crowd began to cheer and urge Alexa to make the tag to Gargano while Christian was urging Nikki to stop her. Alexa crawled over and finally lept forward making the tag.

Mauro Ranallo: There's the tag.

Gargano entered the ring and sprinted over to the opposite corner and Hip Tossed Christian into it. Christian stumbled to his feet and walked into a Superkick causing him to fall to his knees before being hit with a Roundhouse Kick. Johnny went to the apron and waited for Christian to get up again, when he did Gargano launched himself into Cage with a Slingshot Spear. Gargano went to the apron again, this time next to Christian and hit One Final Beat, then he rolled Christian over and locked in the Gar-Gan-no Escape.

Nigel McGuinness: Is Christian gonna tap? Is Christian gonna tap?

Mauro Ranallo: He may have no choice.

Suddenly just as it seemed Christian was gonna tap out, The Big Show ran out and pulled the referee out of the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Big Show just pulled the referee out.

Nigel McGuinness: It's Christmas Eve Of Destruction all over again.

The crowd booed especially when Christian started taping out with the referee distracted. As Big Show was arguing with the referee, Alexa Bliss walked up behind him and hit him in the back with a Kendo Stick she had gotten from under the ring. Show turned around and stared Bliss down.

Nigel McGuinness: That might not have been the best idea.

Before Show could do anything to Alexa, Gargano knocked him down with a Suicide Dive. Meanwhile Christian tagged Cross back in and the two women went at it again. Nikki got the upper hand and set up for the Purge but Alexa stopped her with a few shots to the stomach. Alexa grabbed Nikki for a DDT but Cross pushed her up against the ropes causing the referee to separate them but as he did Christian snuck up behind and hit Alexa in the back with a lead pipe.

Mauro Ranallo: What the hell?

The crowd booed loudly as Nikki grabbed the stunned Alexa and set her legs on the top rope before hitting The Purge, going for the pin.

Mauro Ranallo: No not like this.


The crowd booed louder as “Hunt You Down” by Saliva played.

Christy Hemme: Here are your winners, Christian Cage and Nikki Cross.

Mauro Ranallo: This is a damn crime.

Gargano ran into the ring and checked on Alexa who was holding her back in pain as Christian and Nikki bailed.

Nigel McGuinness: Well thanks to The Big Show and a lead pipe, Team Cage has won the match tonight at Fallout.

Gargano continued to check on Alexa as the three Team Cage members laughed on the ramp.


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we will crown a new Gateway Champion as Aiden English battles Stone Cold Steve Austin in the Championship Tournament Final!

Aiden English made his way to the ring first, followed by Stone Cold Steve Austin. When both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. As the bell rang, Austin gave English a middle finger salute, then hit him with a series of punches. English fought back with some right hands of his own, then put Austin in a headlock. Austin fought out of the headlock, whipped English against the ropes, then took English down with a Lou Thesz Press! The crowd cheered as Austin hit English with mounted punches against the ring mat.

Nigel McGuinness: A strong start by the Texas Rattlesnake! Could tonight be the night Stone Cold wins a title in EBWF for the first time in 22 years? If he does, that must be some kind of record for the longest time between title reigns, Mauro!

Austin pulled English to his feet and set him up for a suplex, but English blocked it, then grabbed Austin by the arm and put him in a hammerlock. Austin managed to fight out of it, and went to hit English with a clothesline… but English ducked underneath it, then rolled Austin up with a schoolboy pin! The referee counted - 1… 2… Austin kicked out! As both men got to their feet, English whipped Austin into the corner, then hit him with a series of punches and kicks. English then sat Austin on the top rope, and went to set him up for a superplex… but as English climbed the turnbuckle, Austin shoved him away before hitting a diving double axe handle! Austin then stomped on English repeatedly, before hitting him with a knee drop.

Mauro Ranallo: Stone Cold Steve Austin is showing so much aggression tonight, Nigel! He is determined to get his hands on that Gateway Championship.

Austin hooked the leg, and the referee counted - 1… 2… English kicked out! Austin pulled English to his feet and set him up for a piledriver, but English countered with a back body drop, then followed up with a leg drop. English hooked the leg, and the referee counted - 1… 2… Austin kicked out! As Austin sat up, English hit him with a series of kicks to the back, then put him in a sleeper hold. Austin was able to fight out of it, and as both men got to their feet, Austin hit English with a suplex. Austin then signaled for the Stunner… but English blocked it, then hit Austin with a backbreaker! He hooked the leg once more - 1… 2… again Austin kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Another near fall! What is it going to take to end this?

English looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and as he got to his feet he continued to target Austin’s back, turning the Texas Rattlesnake over and stomping on his back several times. English then pulled Austin to his feet and went to whip him into the corner… but Austin reversed the Irish whip, sending English into the turnbuckles! Austin then climbed to the second rope, and hit mounted punches as the crowd counted along - 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… before Austin could hit a tenth punch, English grabbed him and hit a powerbomb! English hooked both legs and the referee counted - 1… 2… Austin kicked out just before the 3! English looked momentarily stunned, but he quickly regained his composure, dragging Austin to his feet and hitting the Director’s Cut! He hooked the leg once more and the referee counted - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s over! Aiden English wins!

The referee called for the bell, then handed English both the Gateway and Breakout Championships! English held up both titles, bowed to the crowd, then made his way to the back as a video package began to play promoting the Women’s Championship match.


Mauro Ranallo: Still to come, we’ve got Chris Jericho challenging Damian Priest for the EBWF World Championship in our main event… but up next, the Irish “Lass Kicker” Becky Lynch goes one on one with Sakisama! Can Becky win the Women’s Championship for the first time in her EBWF career? Or will the reign of “The Rose of Versailles” continue?

“Celtic Invasion” by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Becky Lynch made her way to the ring. When Lynch was in the ring, “Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru” and the cheers turned to boos as Sakisama stepped out onto the stage. Sakisama walked down the ramp and as she entered the ring, she locked eyes with her opponent. After Christy Hemme had introduced both superstars, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up.

Nigel McGuinness: This is the fourth time Sakisama has wrestled Becky Lynch in EBWF, and as Sakisama reminded everyone in the build up to this match, she has beaten Becky in all of their previous meetings. So with all due respect to Becky Lynch, you have to say Sakisama is the favorite tonight.

Sakisama put Becky in a headlock, but Becky fought out of it, then hit Sakisama with a series of punches, knocking her back against the ropes. Becky followed up with a clothesline, sending Sakisama over the top rope, then ran against the ropes and hit Sakisama with a baseball slide! As Sakisama fell to the floor, Becky followed her out of the ring and grabbed Mademoiselle, setting her up for a DDT on the outside… but Sakisama blocked it, charging Becky and knocking her into the ringside barrier. Sakisama then threw Becky into the ring steps, before throwing her back into the ring. Sakisama put Becky in the Lotus Lock, but Becky managed to fight out of it, and as both women got to their feet, Becky whipped Sakisama against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both women got to their feet once more and began exchanging right hands back and forth.

Mauro Ranallo: You can see there is no love lost between these two women, Nigel… this has quickly gone from a technical wrestling contest to an all out brawl!
Sakisama was able to gain the upper hand, and after hitting Becky with a series of punches in quick succession, she went for a big boot… but Becky ducked underneath it, then took Sakisama down with a clothesline. As Sakisama got back to her feet, Becky hit her with several more clotheslines, then whipped her into the corner. Becky went for a flying forearm smash… but Sakisama moved out of the way at the last second, causing Becky to collide with the turnbuckles! Sakisama then hit an inverted hurricanrana, driving Becky’s head into the mat before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Becky kicked out! As Becky got her shoulder up, Sakisama went for the Versailles Choke, but Becky fought her off, then hit a DDT. Becky climbed to the top rope and hit a diving leg drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Sakisama kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Another near fall! The momentum is swinging back and forth in this match, Mauro!

As Becky got to her feet, she dragged Sakisama towards the center of the ring, then went for the Dis-arm-her… but Sakisama rolled her up into a small package! The referee counted - 1… 2… Becky kicked out! As both women got to their feet, Becky set Sakisama up for an exploder suplex, but Sakisama blocked it, countering with an STO. Sakisama stomped on Becky several times, hit a jumping knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Becky kicked out! Sakisama pulled Becky to her feet and went to whip her into the corner… but Becky reversed the Irish whip, sending Sakisama into the turnbuckles. Becky then charged at Sakisama, hitting a flying forearm smash before following up with an exploder suplex. Becky then turned Sakisama over, putting her in the Dis-arm-her!

Mauro Ranallo: Dis-arm-her locked in! Can Becky Lynch make Sakisama submit?

Sakisama cried out in pain, but she was able to get to the ropes, and the referee ordered Becky to break the hold. As Becky released Sakisama, she looked frustrated, and she dragged Sakisama to her feet, punching her against the ropes several times. Becky then went to whip Sakisama against the opposing set of ropes… but Sakisama reversed the Irish whip, sending Becky into the ropes, then ran at Becky, hitting the Academy Award Kick! She hooked the leg, and the referee counted - 1… 2… Becky kicked out just before the 3!

Nigel McGuinness: I can’t believe it, Mauro! Becky Lynch kicked out! I thought for sure the match was over right there!

Sakisama looked stunned, but she quickly regained her composure, and pulled Becky to her feet. Sakisama then set Becky up for Quetzalcoatl… but Becky blocked it, lifted Sakisama onto her shoulders, and hit a fireman’s carry slam! Both women were down for several seconds, then as they got to their feet, Becky grabbed Sakisama once more, this time hitting the Manhandle Slam! Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Sakisama kicked out! Becky then went for the Dis-arm-her, but Sakisama rolled out of the ring before she could lock it in.

Nigel McGuinness: A smart move by Sakisama there… she’s getting herself out of harm’s way!

Becky followed Sakisama to the outside and hit her with a series of punches, but Sakisama fought back with some right hands of her own, then grabbed Becky and slammed her head against the ring post. Becky looked dazed, and Sakisama threw her back into the ring, then climbed to the top rope. As Becky got to her feet, Sakisama hit a diving crossbody, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1… 2… Becky kicked out! Sakisama then put Becky in the Versailles Choke!

Mauro Ranallo: Versailles Choke locked in! Becky could be in trouble here!

Becky tried to break free, but was unable to do so. Becky then began to fade… but just when it looked like she was about to pass out, she stretched out and managed to get to the ropes! The crowd cheered, and began chanting Becky’s name, trying to rally her. Sakisama dragged Becky to her feet and threw her into the corner, then hit her with a series of kicks. Sakisama then sat Becky on the top rope, setting her up for a superplex… but Becky countered with a sunset flip powerbomb! She hooked both legs and the referee counted - 1… 2… Sakisama kicked out! As Sakisama sat up, Becky ran against the ropes, then hit Sakisama with a Straight Fireball! Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1… 2… Sakisama kicked out just before the 3! Becky cried out in frustration, sat Sakisama up, then hit a second Straight Fireball! She hooked the leg once more - 1… 2… 3!

Nigel McGuinness: It’s over! We have a NEW Women’s Champion, Mauro!

The referee called for the bell and handed Becky the Women’s Championship, then raised her arm in victory. As confetti fell from the sky, Winter, Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan ran out to celebrate with her. They each hugged Becky, and as Winter embraced the new champion, she kissed her on the cheek. The four women continued their celebration as a video package began to play for the main event.


The camera panned over the packed American Airlines Center in Dallas.

Mauro Ranallo: The atmosphere here is electric with anticipation for the main event of the evening, the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship match.

Mauro Ranallo: We are about to witness a clash of titans for the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: That's right, Mauro! The stakes couldn't be higher tonight as the undefeated, EBWF World Heavyweight Champion, Damian Priest puts his title on the line against the legendary, most decorated EBWF World Heavyweight Champion of all time Chris Jericho. This one is going to be talked about by fans for a long, long time.

The lights dimmed as the crowd erupted into cheers and chants. The familiar entrance music of Chris Jericho hit, and as Judas filled the arena, and flashing lights bathed the crowd, Jericho made his way to the ring, to an excited serenade.

Mauro Ranallo: Listen to this ovation for Chris Jericho! The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla looks determined tonight, Nigel. He's hungry to add another championship to his already illustrious career.

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. Jericho is a master strategist, and you can bet he's got a game plan to dethrone Damian Priest here tonight. But let's not count out the champion. Priest has been on an absolute tear since capturing the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship, and he's undefeated in his EBWF career.

The cheers turned to a mix of boos and cheers as Damian Priest's entrance music "To The Wolves" by Stitched Up Heart hit, and the champion emerged from the curtain, the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship gleaming around his waist.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes the champion, Damian Priest! This man has been a dominant force in EBWF since capturing the gold, Nigel. But tonight, he faces perhaps his toughest challenge yet in the form of Chris Jericho.

Nigel McGuinness: No doubt about it, Mauro. Priest may have the size and strength advantage, but Jericho's experience and cunning could prove to be the difference-maker in this match.

The referee held the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship high above his head, signaling that the title is on the line. Both Priest and Jericho stared each other down, the tension palpable in the air.

Mauro Ranallo: And here we go! The bell has rung, and this EBWF World Heavyweight Championship match is officially underway!

Nigel McGuinness: Look at the intensity in the eyes of both men, Mauro. They know what's at stake here tonight.

The match began with a cautious approach from both competitors, circling each other in the ring, looking for an opening.

Mauro Ranallo: Both Priest and Jericho showing a lot of respect for one another here in the early goings of this match.

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro. But don't let that fool you. These two are as competitive as they come, and they'll do whatever it takes to walk out of here with the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Jericho struck first, launching into a flurry of punches and kicks, trying to catch Priest off guard.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho wasting no time here, Nigel! He's taking the fight right to the champion!

Nigel McGuinness: That's vintage Jericho for you, Mauro. He's always been known for his aggressive offense.

But Priest quickly regained his composure, countering Jericho's attacks with a series of powerful strikes of his own. Jericho with a drop down right hand. He slammed Priest and Priest rolled to the outside of the ring. Jericho went after Priest but Priest threw him into the barricade. He threw Jericho back into the ring and followed up with a huge right hand. Priest hit Jericho with a flat liner. He went for the cover but Jericho kicked out.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho not going away that easily.

Priest got Jericho in the corner and hit him with a splash. He went for another splash but Jericho hit him with a dropkick. Jericho piled on some left hands but Priest landed a kick. Priest went to the ropes and Jericho stopped him with a right hand, before following up with a snap bodyslam. He jumped off the second rope and hit him with a disaster kick. He went for the cover but Priest kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: This match is so fast paced! This crowd is on their feet keeping up!

Priest rolled to the outside to try to slow him down, but Jericho slammed him face first into the ring steps. Jericho cleared the announce table and Priest hit him with a big clothesline. Priest went for the Razor’s Edge but Jericho landed on his feet. Priest ran towards Jericho but Jericho moved out of the way and Priest hit face first onto the ring post. Jericho placed Priest on the announce table. Both men were on the table but Priest with a right hand and he hit Jericho with the Reckoning.

Mauro Ranallo: But you can't end it out there, Priest.

Priest threw Jericho back into the ring. Priest went for the Reckoning once again, but Jericho reversed it into a Codebreaker! Jericho then hooked the leg, but Priest kicked out after 2. As both men got to their feet, Jericho took Priest down with a bulldog, then came off the ropes with a Lionsault! He went for the cover once more, but again Priest kicked out at 2. Jericho then went for the Judas Effect, but Priest blocked it and countered with a snap mare followed by a kick to the head. Priest moved out to the ring apron and he hit Jericho with a kick. Priest jumped off the second rope but Jericho stopped him with a kick, and hit another Codebreaker. He went for the cover but Priest kicked out just before the 3 count!

Nigel McGuinness: This is what championship wrestling is all about, Mauro! Two warriors laying it all on the line for the richest prize in the game!

The match continued with both men trading momentum, each refusing to give an inch. Jericho targeted Priest's knee, trying to weaken the champion's base.

Nigel McGuinness: Smart strategy by Jericho, Mauro. If he can keep Priest grounded, he'll neutralize a lot of the champion's power game.

But Priest fought through the pain, summoning his strength to mount a comeback. Jericho went on the offense, laying in some punches on Priest, who responded with a display of power leading to a big slam for a near fall! When Jericho kicked out yet again, Priest followed up with a powerbomb. Then with another one, and another for good measure!

Mauro Ranallo: This crowd is quickly turning on the Champion!

Nigel McGuinness: The champion just wants Jericho to do the wise thing and stay down.

Priest hit Jericho with a headbutt, and then drove his boot into Jericho, holding the ropes for leverage before being forced to break it up. He followed up with another big drop for Jericho! Priest brought him back to his feet, and Jericho saw his chance to fight back with some strikes. Priest threw him into the corner! Priest charged, but Jericho evaded and hit a Judas Effect! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Priest got his shoulder up just as the referee was counting the 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Priest kicks out! Priest kicks out! Are you kidding me?

Jericho then went for the Walls of Jericho, but Priest kicked him away and got to his feet. Priest stayed on the attack with some kicks and punches, much to the crowd’s chagrin before driving Jericho into the canvas again with a spinebuster! Priest yelled at Jericho to quit before hitting another boot to his body. Priest finally brought Jericho back to his feet once more, lifting him up, but Jericho escaped, and started fighting back! He sent Priest to the canvas before looking for the Walls of Jericho, turning the big man onto his stomach to cinch the hold in!

Nigel McGuinness: Could this be it?

Mauro Ranallo: Will Damian's first loss in EBWF be from the man of 1,004 holds?!

Priest was struggling now, but soon found a way to power out of the hold getting back to his feet for a front slam on the legend! Priest scrambled for the cover, and Jericho kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Why is Mr. Ikeda screaming "The Moss Covered Three Handled Family Gradunza" in our ears.

Mauro Ranallo: It's no armbar, Nigel, but he's fighting through the pain!

Nigel McGuinness: That's the heart of a champion right there, Mauro! Both men refusing to stay down!

The match reached its climax as both men trade near falls, the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Mauro Ranallo: What a match we're witnessing here tonight, Nigel! This is what it's all about, folks!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro! These two are leaving it all in the ring, and the Dallas crowd is eating it up!

In the final moments of the match, Priest summoned his finishing move, the Reckoning, connecting with Jericho.

Mauro Ranallo: Reckoning! Reckoning by Priest! This could be it!

Nigel McGuinness: He's got him, Mauro! We could be looking at the end of the match right here!

The referee counted to three, and the bell rang, signaling the end of the match.

Mauro Ranallo: He did it! Damian Priest retains the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship!

Nigel McGuinness: What a performance by both men, Mauro! But in the end, Damian Priest proved why he's the champion!

Mauro Ranallo: Priest is unstoppable! He's beaten everybody! There's no one who can pin him!

As Priest celebrated his hard-fought victory, Jericho extended his hand in a show of respect, which Priest accepted. The two still stood with clasped hands when a familiar melody blasted from the speakers and the crowd jumped to their feet as the lyrics kicked in.

"Look in my eyes... what do you see?"


Nigel McGuinness: It can't be!

Mauro Ranallo: When did... I hadn't even heard a rumor about this, Nigel!

Nigel McGuinness: Believe it, Mauro...

CM Punk, wearing his signature jeans and a Second City Saint t-shirt came from around the curtain and stood on the stage, glaring down at both Jericho and Priest. He tapped his watch, but stayed where he was.

Nigel McGuinness: That can only mean one thing!

Mauro Ranallo: It's clobbering time, Nigel! What is he doing here?

Nigel McGuiness: Clearly setting his sights on the main event picture.

Mauro Ranallo: And changing the narrative on Damian Priest's win tonight, and an incredible showing from Chris Jericho.

The crowd cheered louder as Punk gave a sarcastic wave. Punk turned his attention to the Dallas Crowd, gesturing for the crowd to get louder as the camera followed his ovation and Fallout went off the air.