Total Supremacy Results 06/30/2024

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Total Supremacy Results 06/30/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Total Supremacy! Tonight, we are live from the sold out Moda Center in Portland, Oregon!

After panning around the arena, the camera cut to Christy Hemme, who was standing in the center of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a Barbed Wire Match and it is for the EBWF Women’s Championship!

The camera did a close up on the ring ropes to show that they had been completely replaced with barbed wire.

Mauro Ranallo: This match won’t be for the faint of heart. If you’re squeamish or can’t handle the sight of blood, then by all means, look away.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, either look away or have a barf bag on you, because this will likely be the most brutal match of the evening.

“Hunt You Down” by Saliva hit the PA System and the crowd immediately began booing as Nikki Cross burst through the entrance curtain and ran down the entrance ramp in frenzied fashion.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, the challenger... From Glasgow, Scotland… NIKKI CROSS!!!

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki Cross became the number one contender by beating Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan in a triple threat match.

Nigel McGuinness: Becky then challenged Nikki to one of the most brutal match types there is with the stipulation being that if Becky wins, she gets five minutes alone in the ring with Christian. Christian and Nikki were more than happy to accept.

Nikki rolled into the ring under the bottom rope. In the ring, Nikki turned her attention toward the entrance as her theme faded out and was replaced by the crowd that chanted “We Want Becky!”

“Celtic Invasion” by CFO$ hit the PA System and the lighting in the arena changed to shades of orange and green. A huge ovation that could be heard for the next ten miles only intensified once Becky walked out onto the stage with the Women’s Championship resting on her shoulder. After a few moments, Becky began making her way down the entrance ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: At Fallout, Becky did what so many thought was impossible for her to do.

Nigel McGuinness: That was a textbook case of perseverance, and with tonight’s match, we can say the exact same.

Becky threw the belt over toward the timekeeper’s table and entered the ring. Right when Becky slid into the ring under the bottom barbed wire rope, Nikki immediately started attacking her. This caused “Celtic Invasion” to abruptly cut off.

Mauro Ranallo: Not even letting Becky get fully into the ring, Nikki is attacking her already.

Nigel McGuinness: Take every advantage you can. That’s what I say.

Nikki backed off momentarily and let Becky up to her feet. Once Becky got to her feet, Nikki charged at Becky and attempted a clothesline. However, Becky had the wherewithal to not only duck, but to also send Nikki to the outside with a back body drop. As luck would have it, Nikki managed to miss the ropes. Becky climbed up onto the top turnbuckle. Right when Nikki turned around, Becky dove off of the top turnbuckle right onto Nikki – taking Nikki down with a Diving Crossbody as the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: I never thought I’d ever see Becky use a diving crossbody.

Nigel McGuinness: In a match like this, you have to do things that you normally wouldn’t do.

On the outside, Becky was the first to get to her feet and then Nikki got to her feet. When Nikki got to his feet, her back was facing Becky. So, Becky turned her around and slapped her chest while the crowd let out a collective “WOO!” After that, Becky punched Nikki in the stomach and grabbed her by the head. With Nikki’s head in her hands, she rammed Nikki face-first into the steel steps, which knocked her for a bit of a loop. Becky slapped Nikki’s chest again and the crowd let out another collective “WOO” as Nikki stumbled and found herself propped up against the ring apron. With Nikki propped up against the ring apron, Becky grabbed her by the hair and her tights just to roll her into the ring before she slid into the ring after Nikki.

Mauro Ranallo: As one would expect, this match is starting off aggressively.

Nigel McGuinness: Why wouldn’t it? Becky and Nikki have been wanting to get at each other in the worst way. That feeling was only heightened once Nikki revealed herself to be aligned with Christian.

After Becky slid into the ring and got to her feet, Nikki got to her feet. As Becky approached Nikki, the latter backed away – in fact, she backed away so much that she backed herself into a corner and she pleaded with Becky as Becky approached her. However, it was only a ploy as Nikki kicked Becky in the stomach. Nikki went for another kick, but the kick was caught by Becky and Nikki hopped on one foot out of the corner because Becky pulled her to the center of the ring. With Nikki in the center of the ring – and while Becky held Nikki’s foot, causing her to hop – Becky swept Nikki’s free leg out from under her, causing her to drop to her back on the mat. With Nikki in such a position, Becky set her leg on the mat and dropped her knee from an elevated position onto Nikki’s leg as the crowd gave her a positive reaction. After the knee drop to her leg, Nikki screamed in pain as she rolled over and sat up. She tried to back away from Becky, but Becky grabbed the leg that she just attacked – Nikki’s left leg to be exact – and she placed Nikki into the spinning toe hold and transitioned it to an Indian Deathlock, causing Nikki to continue screaming in pain.

Mauro Ranallo: Indian deathlock!

Nigel McGuinness: This is smart on Becky’s part. Just wear down those legs.

While in excruciating pain, Nikki sat up only to be knocked back down with a hard slap to the face from Becky. Again, Nikki sat up only to be knocked back down with another hard slap to the face from Becky. The referee asked her if she wanted to quit and Nikki yelled “NO!!!” Becky continued to apply pressure to the hold. The hold stayed on for another few moments until Nikki raked Becky across the eyes thus effectively getting Becky to release the hold. Becky was the first to her feet, and Nikki got to her feet not too long after Becky – albeit Nikki’s hopping on one foot, feeling the effects of the punishment that her leg took. Nikki hobbled over to the barbed wire ropes and propped herself upright. Becky approached her and attempted to whip her to the ropes, but Nikki reversed and sent Becky to the ropes instead. After Becky’s back hit the ropes, she stumbled toward Nikki who pulled her into a sleeper hold as the crowd booed. Becky started flailing a little once she was put into the sleeper hold, but the flailing toned down after a few moments as the circulation to her brain was cut off.

Mauro Ranallo: Becky was the first to hit those ropes, and now Nikki is in a prime position.

Nigel McGuinness: Choosing this match type was a big mistake on Becky’s part, because it has likely cost her the Women’s title.

Nikki continued to apply pressure to Becky with the sleeper hold, and it looked as though that she drifted in and out. Just when Nikki thought that she was out, Becky surprised Nikki by turning the sleeper hold into a side headlock before she ran Nikki to the corner and rams her head into the top turnbuckle – effectively severing the hold that Nikki had her in. After being rammed into the turnbuckle, Nikki limped out of the corner and continued to hop on one leg. Becky came up behind Nikki and kicked her bad leg. This sent Nikki to the mat while screaming in pain as the crowd gave Becky a positive reaction. Becky grabbed the ankle of Nikki’s bad leg – her left leg – and slid out of the ring with it. With Nikki’s left ankle in her grasp outside of the ring, Becky elevated it and dropped it. This forced the back of Nikki’s knee to bang against the apron and caused Nikki to yell in pain.

Mauro Ranallo: Becky has shown in the past that she can be quite dangerous when she’s in control, especially if her opponent is at less than 100%.

Nigel McGuinness: She’s very smart to go after Nikki’s legs.

Becky slid back into the ring under the bottom rope and the referee chided her. Becky ignored the referee as she approached the corner that Nikki had just seated herself in. With Becky approaching, Nikki tried to get her to back off, but to no avail. Becky grabbed Nikki’s bad leg while Nikki used her hands to climb to the top turnbuckle and Becky pulled Nikki’s bad leg, forcing Nikki out of the corner and Nikki dropped to her back on the mat. Becky ran at Nikki while Nikki sat up. Becky caught Nikki with a big boot and it dropped her back to the mat. With Nikki back on the mat, Becky immediately grabbed Nikki’s bad leg and she placed Nikki into a Single-Leg Boston Crab and Nikki started yelling in pain once again as the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: Now, Becky has Nikki in the half-crab.

Nigel McGuinness: This can’t feel good for Nikki.

Becky applied pressure to the Single-Leg Boston Crab as Nikki continued yelling in pain. The referee asked Nikki if she wanted to give up and she yelled out “NO!”

Nikki found a way to grab Becky’s long orange hair and she gave it a tug as the referee yelled at her. Nikki backed off momentarily after Becky applied more pressure. Nikki grabbed Becky’s hair again and this time, Becky turned Nikki back over onto her back. Becky placed Nikki into another spinning toe hold and it forced Nikki to relinquish the hold that she had on Becky’s hair. Nikki wasn’t in the move for long as she used her free leg to kick Becky off of her. Nikki got to her feet and hopped around before Becky grabbed her bad leg – her left leg – and she dropped to the mat again. Using Nikki’s bad leg, Becky placed her into the Figure Four leglock and Nikki again screamed in pain while the crowd let out a “WOO!”

Mauro Ranallo: A figure four leglock from Becky?

Nigel McGuinness: She’s trying to do anything she can to hurt Nikki Cross, but how do you hurt someone that feels no pain?

The referee asked Nikki if she wanted to give up and she yelled out “NO” as she made a reach for the barbed wire ropes. Nikki continued to writhe in pain while Becky continued to apply pressure to the hold. Nikki inched herself closer and closer until she ultimately grabbed the bottom rope with both hands. The referee physically loosened the hold Becky had Nikki trapped in. Becky got to her feet, and she got right into the referee’s face. She yelled at him before approaching Nikki. As she approached Nikki, Nikki grabbed Becky and sent her through the ropes to the outside. Becky managed to get cut again by the barbed wire. This time, Becky’s forehead was caught on the barbed wire before she landed on all fours outside of the ring. Nikki rolled out of the ring and dropped to a seated position.

Mauro Ranallo: Both women are on the outside. Becky’s face is becoming a crimson mask while Nikki’s legs have to be in rough shape.

Nigel McGuinness: The first to get to their feet will have the advantage.

Nikki hobbled to her feet right at the same time that Becky made it to her feet. With one leg, Nikki grabbed Becky by the head and rammed her face-first into the steel steps. After being force-fed the steel steps, Becky dropped to the floor while Nikki dropped to her knees. They showed a replay of how violently the face of Becky hit the steel steps. When brought back to the live action, Nikki rammed Becky face-first into the steel steps once again. Nikki backed off and rolled into the ring at the count of seven before rolling back out of the ring. When she returned to the outside, Nikki – with the aid of the apron – hobbled over to Becky and rammed her face-first into the steel steps again. With Becky reeling for the moment, Nikki rolled back into the ring and hobbled over to the corner in order to keep herself upright.

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki has begun fighting back with one leg.

Nigel McGuinness: An animal is most dangerous when it’s injured.

Becky used the bottom rope to climb up onto the apron and she slid into the ring. Once Becky slid into the ring, Nikki was ready for her as he brought Becky to her feet and backed her into the ropes. With Becky leaning over the top rope, Becky was writhing in pain, feeling the barbed wire in her back. Nikki clobbered Becky with a forearm to her chest and Becky dropped to all fours. Nikki brought Becky to her feet and grabbed her by the head. While holding Becky by the head, Nikki hopped over to the corner and rammed Becky’s face into the top turnbuckle – causing Becky to drop to the mat. Nikki brought Becky back to her feet and placed her into an arm wringer. With Becky in the arm wringer, Nikki pulled her hair and sent her to the mat. With Becky on the mat, Nikki kicked her arm and backed away on one leg to the ropes. Becky moved to the ropes opposite of Nikki and started pulling herself up. Nikki charged at Becky with one leg and clotheslined her over the top rope, sending her to the outside. Becky continued writhing in pain, feeling the barbed wire rip at her skin again before she crashed to the floor.

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki has gained control of this match, one leg and all.

Nigel McGuinness: By the time this match is over, Becky might need a blood transfusion.

With Becky on the outside, the referee could only stand there and wait for the match to continue. Becky started to stir after four seconds. Becky was on all fours and made it up to her feet after five seconds. Nikki grabbed Becky by the hair and pulled her back into the ring, thus Becky was caught on the barbed wire again. With Becky in her clutches in the ring, Nikki dropped her with a snapmare and grabbed the arm that she was working on earlier. With Becky’s arm in her grasp, Nikki placed her arm into an armbar and Becky started screaming in pain. The referee asked her if she wanted to give up and Becky colorfully yelled “FOOK NO!” Nikki took this as her cue to apply more pressure to the hold. Nikki applying more pressure to the armbar was what caused Becky to roll out of the move. Both competitors got to their feet with Becky’s arm still in Nikki’s grasp, and Nikki performed an arm wringer only for Becky to punch her in the face – causing Nikki to release Becky’s arm. Nikki threw a punch to Becky’s face and Becky returned the gesture by punching Nikki in the face. Nikki threw another punch to Becky’s face and Becky returned the gesture by punching Nikki in the face again.

Mauro Ranallo: Now, we have a slug fest. Neither Becky nor Nikki are giving an inch.

Nigel McGuinness: Nor should they if they want to win.

Becky and Nikki continued to go back and forth with their punches, but Nikki got the upper hand when after a right punch, she hit Becky with a left punch, and it knocked Becky for a loop. One more right handed punch from Nikki sent Becky to the mat and the crowd booed. Becky rolled over onto her feet and was on wobbly legs as she punched Nikki in the face again. The punch to Nikki knocks her for a loop as well. Nikki punched Becky in the face only for Becky to punch her in the face again as well. The two continued to throw punches at each other with Becky getting the edge this time. Nikki threw a right punch and Becky ducked. Nikki threw a left punch and Becky ducked again only to catch Nikki with another punch to the face, and the punch sent Nikki to the mat. However, Nikki was smart enough to roll out of the ring before Becky could take advantage.

Mauro Ranallo: Right when Becky’s about to get the ball rolling again, Nikki rolls out of there.

Nigel McGuinness: People keep saying that Nikki’s crazy. I think she’s crazy like a fox. She knows what she’s doing, and she knows how to get results.

Becky approached the side of the ring where Nikki was, but before she could do anything, Becky was pushed into the barbed wire ropes from behind and then dropped with the Killswitch while the crowd booed. A replay showed that it was none other than Christian Cage that attacked Becky Lynch. Nikki Cross slid into the ring while Christian slid out. Nikki crawled into the pinfall.

Mauro Ranallo: Don’t tell me that Nikki’s gonna win this thanks to Christian Cage.

Nigel McGuinness: It looks that way. I wouldn’t put it past him. He has something to lose, too. If Becky wins, she gets five minutes alone in the ring with Christian.

Christian put enough distance between himself and the ring on the entrance ramp. ONE! TWO! THR-NO! Becky got the shoulder up much to the delight of the crowd and the chagrin of Christian and Nikki. Christian started chucking a fit and decided to approach the ring once more.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, no. Christian’s coming back for more.

Nigel McGuinness: This can’t bode well for Becky.

In the ring, Becky managed to get the upper hand as she finally threw Nikki into barbed wire ropes. Nikki stumbled toward Becky, and Becky dropped Nikki with the Straight Fireball (V-Trigger). With Nikki down, Becky went for the pin.

THR-NO! Christian pulled Becky off of Nikki.

Mauro Ranallo: Once again, Christian is sticking his nose into Becky’s business.

Nigel McGuinness: You stick your nose into someone’s business one too many times, it ends up getting cut off.

Becky got up to her feet and turned to face Christian, who had already backed up several feet. Right when she turned to face Nikki, Becky was dropped by The Purge as the crowd let out a collective gasp. Nikki went for the pin as Christian approached the ring again.

THR-NO! Becky got the shoulder up and Christian started throwing another fit.

Christian was about to get involved again, but this time, he was stopped by not only Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan, but he was also stopped by Winter. Winter slid a sack into the ring and Becky grabbed it after she took Nikki down with a Japanese Arm Drag. Becky emptied the sack onto the mat, and it was the Foley special, thumbtacks.

Mauro Ranallo: Uh oh. This won’t be good.

Nigel McGuinness: One of these women is about to become a glorified pin cushion.

Nikki looked to drop Becky with a second Purge, this time in the thumbtacks, but to no avail. It was Becky that ended up dropping Nikki into the thumbtacks with the Manhandle Slam as the crowd cheered wildly. Becky went for the pin.


“Celtic Invasion” by CFO$ could barely be heard as the crowd gave another ovation to the woman that was still the Women’s Champion.

Christy Hemme: Here’s your winner and STILL EBWF Women’s Champion, BECKY LYNCH!!!

Mauro Ranallo: That was a brutal match.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah. No kidding. Maybe we should stop doing these types of matches.

Mauro Ranallo: Not only does Becky retain, but let’s not forget the other part of the deal.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s right. She gets five minutes alone in the ring with Christian Cage.

It dawned on Christian that he now had to be in the ring with Becky Lynch for five minutes, and he decided to exit stage left. He figured that he could walk straight up the entrance ramp and backstage.

Mauro Ranallo: Christian’s trying to get out of this.

Nigel McGuinness: Why am I not surprised?

Christian continued making his way up the entrance ramp, that was until he was stopped by none other than Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley. Hayter and Ripley each grabbed a shoulder of Christian’s and forced him back to ringside. Once at ringside, Jamie and Rhea pushed Christian into the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: An unlikely assist from Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley.

Nigel McGuinness: Christian gets on everyone’s nerves. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nikki ends up having enough of him.

There was Christian, alone in the ring with someone that has been wanting to beat him senseless for nearly two years. Yes, Becky Lynch was now finally alone with Christian, to do whatever she wanted for a full five minutes.

Mauro Ranallo: Now, Christian is in enemy territory, so to speak.

Nigel McGuinness: He shouldn’t have wronged so many people.

Christian turned to face Becky. Becky punched Christian in the face. Alexa slid a trash can lid into the ring and Becky picked it up. Becky cracked Christian’s skull with the trash can lid. Becky grabbed Christian by the back of the head and rammed him face-first into a barbed wire rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Well, it didn’t take long for the barbed wire to come into play in the post match either.

Nigel McGuinness: Christian thought he was a mastermind but his plan blew up in his face.

Becky whipped Christian, who was now wearing a crimson mask, into the ropes on the west side of the ring. Christian winced once he hit the barbed wire, and Becky then slammed her body against his, thus she forced more of the barbed wire into his back. Liv slid a trashcan into the ring and Becky happily picked it up. Christian got back up to his feet and Becky smashed the trash can against Christian’s bloodied face.

Mauro Ranallo: Becky’s just going to town right now.

Nigel McGuinness: Can you blame her? Becky’s been wanting to beat Christian for a long time.

Winter slid ring steps into the ring and Becky picked them up. When Christian approached her, Becky viciously slammed the steel steps against Christian and this knocked him back down. Winter slid a folded chair into the ring, and Becky picked it up. Christian stumbled to his feet and slowly turned to face Becky. Once they locked eyes, Becky dented the seat of the chair irreparably after it collided with Christian’s face.

Mauro Ranallo: The handsome features of Christian being rearranged by Becky Lynch.

Nigel McGuinness: I’m not sure he’ll even have a face after this.

Jamie and Rhea pulled a table out from under the ring, and they slid it into the ring. In addition to that, Jamie and Rhea also entered the ring. They helped Becky by setting up the table. Jamie doused the table in lighter fluid and Rhea dropped a book of lit matches onto the table, thus the table ignited. Winter, Alexa, and Liv also entered the ring to help Becky with this next stunt. Winter, Alexa, Liv, Rhea, and Jamie helped place Christian onto Becky’s shoulders in the powerbomb position. Then, Becky dropped Christian with a vicious powerbomb through the flaming table. A mixture of cheers and “Holy shit” chants could be heard throughout the arena.

Mauro Ranallo: Right through a flaming table! MAMMA MIA!

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t think Christian will ever forget the lesson he learned here.

EMTs rushed to the ring to check on Christian as a video package began to play recapping the Queen of the Ring tournament.


After the video package, the camera cut back to the ring, where the ropes and canvas had been replaced following the Barbed Wire match. "Shining Star" by Unlimited Dream Navigator hit to a mixed reaction from the Portland crowd, heralding the arrival of Arisa Hoshiki. She stepped out onto the stage without entrance gear, fully ready to go to war with Tam Nakano once again. Arisa was focused enough that she didn't react to the outstretched hands of fans along the entrance ramp, instead making her way down to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Here comes one of the biggest surprise stories of EBWF in the last year. Hoshiki came back from career-ending injuries and fought her way into the main event within a year.

Mauro Ranallo: Her accomplishments speak for themselves. 2023 Last Survivor. 2023 Queen of the Ring. EBWF Women's Champion. But tonight, she faces the woman she dethroned, the Final Boss of EBWF, Tam N-

Mauro was cut off as there was a frantic buzz from the crowd. As Arisa made her way towards the ring, a blur of pink and black charged up behind her. WHACK! The assailant nailed the Shining Star right in the knee with a chair. Arisa immediately crumpled to the floor in pain. Her agonized cries just seemed to fuel the assailant further as she slammed the chair into Arisa’s knee joint again and again and again.

Arisa screamed furiously as the assault continued, desperate to find any escape. The attacker wore a pink and black tracksuit and a skull-shaped mask that obscured her face. As she tossed the chair aside and seized the same leg, the Shining Star fought back like a wildcat. With nowhere else to go, Arisa clubbed the woman repeatedly with forearm strikes and then grabbed her by the mask. Her fingers clawed at the approximate location of the attacker’s eyes, threatening to blind her.

Mauro Ranallo: What the hell is this? Who the hell is this? We need someone out here now!

Nigel McGuinness: Someone doesn't want her to even make it to the ring tonight! The question is who!

Arisa managed to fight her way back to her feet, nailing the attacker with closed fist punches all the way. Once she was on her feet, it was clear that her right knee was in bad shape. Though she was wobbly, she still managed to unload a few nasty kicks to the woman. With each one, the crowd got a little more behind her.

Her wild-eyed rally was interrupted as the masked woman grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face-first into the ringside barrier. Arisa fell to her knees and the attacker booted her hard in the head, knocking her to the floor. After rolling Arisa down the ramp, the attacker grabbed her leg again - and locked in a figure four!

Arisa screamed at the top of her lungs, which just drove the attacker to wrench the hold. Knowing that her chances of competing at all were fading more and more the longer she stayed in the hold, Arisa threw all her strength into her effort to sit up. She glared at the attacker and grabbed the woman by both hands, desperately pulling at anything she could reach. The woman wrenched the hold just as Arisa fell back to the floor with something in her hands - the skull mask! Immediately we discovered who the assailant was.

Mauro Ranallo: WHAT THE HELL? Mina Shirakawa is back! Why is she attacking Arisa Hoshiki?

Nigel McGuinness: I've got a very bad feeling about this, Mauro.

Mina continued to increase the torque as Himeka vaulted over the ringside barrier with Rhea Ripley.

Mauro Ranallo: This is already an absolute mugging and now Oedo Tai is here?!

Mina quickly turned the figure four over right after Oedo Tai arrived. Now she clutched her head in agony as Arisa did whatever she could to save herself. WHACK! Rhea brought a kendo stick down on Arisa’s back, breaking the hold. Oedo Tai was relentless, pulling Arisa up off the floor to continue the beat down. Rhea whipped Arisa towards Himeka, who flattened Arisa with a big boot. Himeka then deadlifted Arisa off the floor and nodded to Rhea. With a sadistic grin, Rhea CRACKED the kendo stick into Arisa’s head - and then Himeka dropped her injured knee first onto the ring steps!

The pair then backed off with giant matching grins while the ref rushed to check on Arisa. It took several long moments for Arisa to respond, but she managed to somehow claw her way up to her feet. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she waved off the ref and slowly rolled into the ring. And that's when "Senbonzakura" by the Wagakki Band hit to the most deafening boos of the night.

Nigel McGuinness: This isn't a mugging, it's a setup! Oedo Tai have rendered Arisa Hoshiki barely able to stand and now Tam is coming to finish her off.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh come on! Arisa is in no condition to continue. Tam Nakano can't seriously be planning to have their match now.

But that's exactly what Tam had in mind as she slowly marched down the ramp. In the ring, we saw two other staff members checking on Arisa as the reigning Queen of the Ring struggled to get to her feet. Each time she almost managed to do so, her right knee proved incapable of supporting her weight. As Tam drew near, Arisa was seen sobbing in agony.

Tam flashed a Cheshire Cat grin as she climbed up the ring steps and entered through the middle rope. Arisa spotted her old enemy and glared at her across the ring. This just made Tam laugh, and the Final Boss approached like a hungry predator. She immediately screamed at the staff to clear the ring, which they reluctantly did.

Arisa howled in pain as she again tried to get up, this time just barely managing it. When the ref checked with her, Arisa nodded that she wanted to go. He reluctantly nodded and called for the bell.

Ding ding ding!

With an almost playful casualness to her step, Tam walked to the center of the ring. She waved mockingly at Arisa, inviting her to come out and play. Arisa gritted her teeth and limped slowly toward Tam, hell-bent on fighting through the pain. As soon as she got close enough, she started machine-gunning half-strength forearm strikes to Tam’s chest. In response, Tam just threw her arms out to either side and asked if that's all she's got.

It took all of Arisa's strength just to stay upright, but she fought on. After another forearm strike, Tam kicked Arisa's knee out from under her. With the Shining Star down, Tam signaled for the end and ran the ropes - Violet Shoot! She reached for Arisa's legs, only to be countered into a pin.

1… 2… Tam kicked out with a shocked look on her face.

Realizing how close she was to losing the match, Tam pressed the attack full force. Just as Arisa struggled to a sitting position, Tam planted her with a penalty kick to the chest. To the horror of the crowd, Tam then reached down and seized Arisa by the waist. With a scream of extreme exertion, she deadlifted Arisa off the mat and nailed a Tiger suplex right onto the neck and back. But she didn't stop there. Tam rolled through and hit a second, then a third, and finally bridged for the pin.

1… 2… Arisa kicked out just before the 3! Tam couldn't believe it!

Mauro Ranallo: Arisa Hoshiki has the heart of a champion! But how long can she delay the inevitable?

Tam signaled again for the end and lifted Arisa up for the Violet Screwdriver - Arisa countered with a modified Star Cutter! Tam was down! Arisa barely managed to cover the Final Boss, fresh tears of pain rolling down her cheeks.

1… 2… Tam kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: She created some space with that counter, but how much can she have left in the tank?

Mauro Ranallo: That might have been her best shot to steal a win. But Arisa Hoshiki refuses to give up!

Tam took a few moments to shake off the cobwebs from Arisa's surprise cutter. This gave Arisa the time to struggle to her feet. She wobbled on them, just barely able to get back up one more time. As Tam staggered to her feet, Arisa let out a desperate battle cry and threw her kill shot - PULSAR KICK! NO!

The injury took its toll and threw off her aim enough that she missed her target. With a savage grin, Tam responded in kind - PULSAR KICK TO ARISA! She got all of it and Arisa went limp, her body falling backward and hitting the mat hard. Tam planted a foot on her chest and nodded emphatically with the count.

1… 2… 3!!!

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, advancing to the Queen of the Ring final… The Final Boss, Tam Nakano!

Tam kicked at Arisa one more time and insisted the ref raise her hand as the boos became deafening. Himeka and Rhea stormed the ring to join Tam’s celebration. Mina eyed them curiously, taking a moment before rolling into the ring. She and Oedo Tai shared defiant looks for a tense moment. But then Tam cracked a cruel smile, which was returned by Mina. The Venus threw her arms out wide and Tam pulled her into a big hug.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh good lord, they're working together! Mina Shirakawa has joined Oedo Tai!

Indeed, the Venus seemed right at home alongside the other members of Tam’s violent family. The fans were losing their minds at the whole sick display. "Senbonzakura" hit again and Oedo Tai stood tall over the unmoving body of Arisa Hoshiki. Tam leaned over her, and the mic picked up the Final Boss saying, "How’s your luck now? That's for stealing MY championship!" We then faded to a hype package for the next match.


Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing a pivotal moment in the King of the Ring tournament as Johnny Gargano takes on Hook in the semi-finals!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Mauro! Johnny Gargano, the master of the Gargano Escape, faces Hook, the young upstart with a vicious streak. It's experience versus youth tonight!

Both men made their entrances, and after introductions by Christy Hemme, the bell rang, and both competitors circled each other cautiously. Gargano extended his hand for a show of sportsmanship, but Hook stared him down coldly. They locked up in the center of the ring, jockeying for position. Gargano used his technical prowess to gain the upper hand with a series of quick arm drags and snap suplexes.

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano displaying his technical acumen early on, Nigel. He's trying to ground the high-flying Hook.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook needs to find an opening here. He can't let Gargano dictate the pace.

As the match progressed, Hook began to showcase his striking ability, landing stiff kicks and elbows that staggered Gargano. Hook attempted a Fisherman Buster, but Gargano countered into a DDT, gaining a near fall. The intensity in the arena built as the momentum swung back and forth.

Mauro Ranallo: This is back-and-forth action at its finest, Nigel! Both men giving it their all for a spot in the finals!

Hook, fueled by the energy of the crowd, mounted a comeback with a series of explosive maneuvers. He connected with a devastating clothesline followed by a brainbuster that left Gargano stunned on the mat. Hook didn’'t hesitate as he climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook looking to capitalize here! He's going for broke!

With the crowd on their feet, Hook launched himself off the top rope, executing a picture-perfect diving elbow drop that connected squarely with Gargano's chest. Hook hooked the leg for the cover as the referee slid into position.

Mauro Ranallo: Elbow drop from the top! Could this be it?!

Nigel McGuinness: Cover!


Mauro Ranallo: Hook has done it! What a victory for Hook in the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: That diving elbow drop was simply sensational, Mauro. Hook showed why he's a force to be reckoned with!

Mauro Ranallo: Indeed, Nigel! Hook advances to the finals where he'll face either Chris Jericho or The Miz! What a night here at King of the Ring!

Hook celebrated his hard-fought victory as the crowd cheered in appreciation of the incredible match. An ad for EBWF Shop played as the scene faded out.


Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back, folks, it is time to move on to the Queen of the Ring semi-final match between Britt Baker and Utami Hayashishita!

Nigel McGuinness: Both Britt Baker and Utami Hayashishita were dominant in their respective paths to the semi-finals. Now, they clashed for a chance to advance to the finals and potentially become Queen of the Ring!

The crowd welcomed both competitors as they made their respective entrances. Once both were in the ring, the bell rang. Britt Baker and Utami Hayashishita circled each other in the ring, each assessing the other's strategy. They locked up in the center, displaying their technical prowess with quick transitions and counters. Hayashishita used her power advantage early on, overpowering Baker with strong grapples and suplexes.

Mauro Ranallo: Hayashishita was showing her strength early on, Nigel. She was looking to impose her will on Britt Baker.

Nigel McGuinness: But Britt Baker was no slouch herself, Mauro. She was known for her resilience and cunning inside the ring.

As the match progressed, Baker started to find her rhythm, countering Hayashishita's power moves with agility and quick strikes. Baker targeted Hayashishita's arm, setting up for her signature Lockjaw submission. Hayashishita fought back with a flurry of strikes and a powerful lariat that nearly took Baker's head off.

Nigel McGuinness: Hayashishita with a devastating lariat! She was looking to end this!

Mauro Ranallo: But Britt Baker rolled to the outside, wisely creating some distance.

Baker regrouped outside the ring, catching her breath and formulating a new strategy. The crowd rallied behind both competitors as they continued to battle fiercely inside the ring. Baker managed to regain control with a series of knee strikes and a sling blade that rocked Hayashishita.

Mauro Ranallo: Baker with the momentum now! Can she capitalize?

With the crowd on their feet, Baker locked in the Lockjaw submission in the center of the ring. Hayashishita writhed in pain, trying desperately to reach the ropes or find a way to escape. Despite her best efforts, Hayashishita eventually had no choice but to tap out.

Mauro Ranallo: Hayashishita tapped out! Britt Baker advanced to the finals of the Queen of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: What a hard-fought victory for Britt Baker! She showed incredible resilience and strategy to overcome the powerhouse that was Utami Hayashishita.

Baker celebrated her victory in the ring, soaking in the applause from the appreciative audience. As Britt threw her arms in the air as victory, a package for the Queen of the Ring finals featuring Tam Nakano versus Britt Baker began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: That match is up next, but folks, let me welcome you to a pivotal moment in the King of the Ring tournament! Tonight we witness the semi-final clash between two EBWF legends, Chris Jericho and The Miz!

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, this is a match with huge implications. Both Jericho and The Miz have storied careers. They have unmatched history with one another. But only one can advance to the finals and move one step closer to becoming King of the Ring!


“I Came to Play” brought the arena back to life as The Miz stepped out onto the stage and did his signature entrance move.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the most must see superstar in EBWF history… The MIZ!

Miz grinned at that introduction and slid into the ring under the bottom rope. He took off his robe, and handed it and his glasses to the referee as Judas hit and the fans began to sing.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen… from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada he is the most decorated EBWF World Champion of all time… the Living Legend… Chriiiiiis Jerrrrrrichooooooo.

Jericho had stepped out onto the ramp and was taking in the reaction as the crowd grew louder. Jericho smirked.

Mauro Ranallo: Chris Jericho has been here many times before, and the Miz is all too happy to meet him here.

Nigel McGuinness: Is it even summertime if Chris Jericho and The Miz don’t face each other in an instant classic? You can’t convince me it is.

Jericho got into the ring and discarded his jacket. He looked across the ring at Miz. The bell rang. Jericho and The Miz circled each other cautiously, each sizing up their opponent. They locked up in the center of the ring, engaging in a test of strength and wills. Jericho gained the early advantage with his technical expertise, wrenching The Miz's arm and applying pressure.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho showing why he's a ring general, Nigel. He's not giving The Miz any room to breathe!

Nigel McGuinness: But you can never count out The Miz, Mauro. He's cunning and resourceful, always finding a way to turn the tide.

As the match progressed, The Miz used his underhanded tactics to gain momentum, targeting Jericho's knee with calculated strikes and submissions. Jericho fought back with his trademark resilience, countering The Miz's attacks with swift kicks and a Lionsault that earned him a near fall.

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz was systematically dismantling Jericho here. He was focused on that knee, looking to weaken Jericho's base.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho needed to find an opening soon if he wanted to stay in this match!

Despite Jericho's efforts, The Miz continued his assault, applying the Figure-Four Leglock in the center of the ring. Jericho gritted his teeth in pain, desperately trying to reach the ropes or find a way to reverse the pressure. The Miz maintained the hold, wrenching back with all his might.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz has the Figure-Four locked in tight! Jericho is in serious trouble here!

Nigel McGuinness: Jericho is fighting it, Mauro! He is refusing to give up!

After a valiant struggle, Jericho's resilience began to wane. With the pain too much to bear, Jericho reluctantly tapped out, conceding victory to The Miz.

Mauro Ranallo: It's over! The Miz had done it! He had advanced to the finals of the King of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: What a hard-fought battle, Mauro. The Miz's strategy paid off that night, and he is one step closer to becoming King of the Ring!

The Miz celebrated his victory in the ring, soaking in the mixed reactions from the crowd. Meanwhile, Chris Jericho slowly rose to his feet, acknowledging The Miz with a nod of respect before exiting the ring.

Maura Ranallo: The road to kingship continues for The Miz, who prepares for the ultimate challenge against the unknown quantity Hook later tonight.


Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the culmination of an extraordinary journey in the Queen of the Ring tournament!

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, these two competitors had overcome incredible odds to reach this moment. The stalwart former EBWF Women’s Champion, Tam Nakano, takes on the recently returned former Women’s Champion, Britt Baker. Both women are determined, but only one can be Queen.

The crowd welcomed both women again as the bell rang, signaling the start of the Queen of the Ring finals. Once in the ring, Tam Nakano and Britt Baker circled each other in the ring, their eyes locked with intensity. They locked up in the center, grappling for control. Baker used her size and strength advantage early on, overpowering Nakano with a series of shoulder blocks and arm drags.

Mauro Ranallo: Baker asserting her dominance early in this match, Nigel. She is trying to dictate the pace.

Nigel McGuinness: But Tam Nakano is no stranger to adversity, Mauro. She is known for her resilience and high-flying ability.

Nakano managed to break free from Baker's grasp with a quick dropkick followed by a spinning heel kick that caught Baker off guard. Nakano capitalized on the opening, targeting Baker's legs with swift kicks and knee strikes. Baker fought back with hard-hitting strikes of her own, trying to regain control of the match.

Nigel McGuinness: Both competitors are giving it everything they have, Mauro! This is a battle for the ages!

As the match progressed, Nakano gained momentum with a flurry of aerial maneuvers, including a top-rope crossbody that sent Baker crashing to the mat. Nakano ascended the turnbuckle once more, preparing for her signature move.

Mauro Ranallo: Tam Nakano looking to finish it here! She's going for the Twilight Dream!

Nakano leaped off the top rope, executing the Twilight Dream perfectly on Baker. The impact reverberated through the arena as Nakano went for the cover.

Nigel McGuinness: What a move! This could be it!


The crowd erupted.

Mauro Ranallo: She's done it! Tam Nakano has done it! She's the Queen of the Ring!

Nigel McGuinness: What a performance by Tam Nakano! She showed incredible heart and determination to overcome Britt Baker tonight!

The crowd erupted into cheers as Tam Nakano celebrated her hard-earned victory in the center of the ring. She became emotional and threw her arms in the air.

“Oh My Here We Go!”

Nigel McGuinness: WHAT?!

“Sound of Madness” hit and the crowd gave a huge ovation as Wes Ikeda came from behind the curtain. He didn’t acknowledge the crowd as he started toward the ring, holding a beautiful crown.

Mauro Ranallo: Wes Ikeda knows this moment isn’t about him as he enters the ring.

Wes said something polite but indiscernible to Tam as she dipped her head just enough for Wes to place the crown there. The chairman of EBWF lifted Tam’s hand in victory, and then pointed to the turnbuckles, as he exited the ring. Tam jumped up on the turnbuckle to celebrate her victory. She threw both arms in the air again as a video package for the King of the Ring Finals began to play.


Mauro Ranallo: We have reached the finals and as we learned earlier tonight The Miz will take on Hook!

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, this is what it's all about. Both The Miz and Hook have fought tooth and nail to get here, and now, only one will be crowned King of the Ring!

Hook’s music hit, and he looked confident as he headed down to the ring. The arena was charged with anticipation as the bell rang.

“I Came to Play” hit for the second time, and Miz came out still in his wrestling attire.

Nigel McGuinness: Miz was out here less than 45 minutes ago, and he is looking determined tonight.

Miz slid in under the bottom rope, and went nose to nose with Hook. The crowd was on their feet. The Miz and Hook circled each other in the ring. They locked up in the center, jockeying for position. Hook utilized his raw power, pushing The Miz back into the corner with a series of hard-hitting shoulder thrusts.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook wasting no time, Nigel! He's asserting his dominance early on.

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz needs to use his experience and cunning to turn the tide here.

The Miz managed to create some distance with a well-timed knee to Hook's midsection, followed by a quick DDT that planted Hook firmly on the mat. The Miz seized the opportunity and targeted Hook's legs, applying a single-leg Boston Crab to wear down his opponent.

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz showcasing his technical prowess now, Mauro. He's trying to ground Hook and take away that power advantage.

Mauro Ranallo: Hook is in trouble here. He needs to find a way to break free from this submission hold.

Hook powered out of the Boston Crab with a burst of strength, sending The Miz staggering backward. Hook capitalized on the opening, unleashing a barrage of strikes and a thunderous backdrop suplex that rocks the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Hook with an incredible display of power! He's turning this match in his favor.

As the match reached its climax, The Miz managed to regain control with a well-executed Skull Crushing Finale. He hooked Hook's leg for the cover.

Nigel McGuinness: He's got the cover!


The referee called for the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz has done it! He's the King of the Ring!

Nigel McGuinness: What a performance by The Miz! He weathered the storm and capitalized on the opportunity to claim victory tonight!

Miz was on his knees in the ring and squeezed his eyes shut. He struggled to his feet as the referee raised his arm.

Mauro Ranallo: I have to imagine that Mr. Ikeda will be on his way out here to…

Static suddenly filled the speakers and the crowd went to a new volume as CM Punk came from behind the curtain. He was wearing a Best in the World t-shirt and had the EBWF World Championship around his waist.

Nigel McGuinness: CM Punk is carrying the crown!

Indeed, Punk had the King’s Crown in his hand and glanced at it as he sauntered down to the ring. He moved cautiously up the steps as he kept his eyes on Miz.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz has been in two unforgiving matches tonight, but he’s not backing away from Punk.

Punk entered the ring over the second rope and cocked his head at Miz. He slowly walked up to him as dueling CM Punk and Miz chants filled the arena. Punk offered Miz the crown in both hands. Miz was cautious, and he reached up. The moment he took it in his hands “I Came to Play” hit again, and Punk gave an exaggerated bow.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk bowing to the King.

Nigel McGuinness: He’s just being sarcastic.

Miz held the crown between them, and began mouthing off. Punk took the belt off and held it up high above his head. The camera focused on the crown and the title in a single frame as Total Supremacy went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote