Warfare Results 08/05/2024

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 08/05/2024

Post by Ben M »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from Oklahoma City, and we’re about to witness a classic encounter, Nigel! Adam Cole, one of EBWF’s most beloved superstars, is going head-to-head with the devious veteran, Christian Cage!

Nigel McGuinness: You said it, Mauro. Christian's been showing a ruthless side lately, so Adam Cole is going to have his hands full tonight!

Christian made his way to the ring first, followed by Adam Cole. The referee called for the bell, and Christian Cage wasted no time, immediately going for a sneak attack with a forearm to Adam Cole’s back. Cole staggered, but quickly turned around, firing back with a flurry of right hands, pushing Christian into the corner. The crowd erupted in cheers as Cole took control early, mounting the turnbuckle and raining down punches on Christian.

Mauro Ranallo: Adam Cole coming out swinging! He’s got this Oklahoma crowd behind him tonight!

Christian, ever the opportunist, slid out of the ring to break Cole's momentum. He walked around ringside, taunting the crowd, who responded with boos. Cole, not wanting to let Christian off the hook, launched himself over the top rope with a beautiful tope con hilo, crashing into Christian and sending him sprawling to the floor.

Nigel McGuinness: Adam Cole’s not going to let Christian get away that easily! What a move!

Cole threw Christian back into the ring, hit him with a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… Christian kicked out! Cole pulled Christian to his feet and put him in a headlock, Christian managed to escape by driving his elbow into Cole’s midsection, followed by a vicious knee lift that sent Cole reeling into the ropes.

Mauro Ranallo: Christian Cage, showing that veteran cunning, taking advantage of any opening he can find.

Christian began targeting Cole’s neck, delivering a neckbreaker and then transitioning into a sleeper hold. He used his experience to methodically wear down Cole, occasionally looking out into the crowd with a sinister grin as he applied pressure. Cole fought back to his feet, rallying the crowd behind him. He hit Christian with a jawbreaker, breaking free of the hold. As Christian staggered backwards, Cole connected with a pump kick, followed by a snap suplex. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Christian kicked out! As Cole pulled Christian to his feet, Christian raked Cole’s eyes… but the referee was out of position, and didn’t see it! With Cole temporarily blinded, Christian hit a reverse DDT and went for the pin. The referee counted – 1… 2… Cole kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: Christian bending the rules to his advantage! The crowd doesn’t like it one bit!

Nigel McGuinness: The momentum was shifting, Mauro… Christian needed to do something to get himself back into the match!

Christian pulled Cole to his feet and attempted to set him up for the Unprettier, but Cole managed to push Christian into the ropes and caught him with a superkick on the rebound! Christian collapsed to the mat, and Cole hooked the leg – 1… 2… Chrisitan kicked out just before the count of 3! Cole climbed to the top rope, and when Christian was back on his feet, Cole went for the Panama Sunrise… but Christian countered by lifting Cole and up driving him into the corner with a buckle bomb! Christian followed up with a diving European uppercut from the middle rope, and hooked the leg – 1… 2… Cole got the shoulder up just in time!

Mauro Ranallo: What a sequence by Christian! But Adam Cole is still in this fight!

Christian, growing frustrated, argued with the referee about the count, giving Cole time to recover. As Christian turned back around, Cole caught him with an enzuigiri, sending him stumbling into the corner. Cole quickly capitalized with a running knee strike to the face, and the crowd roared in approval. Christian fell to the mat, and Cole went for the pin – 1… 2… again Christian kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Both of these men look exhausted, Mauro… the crowd are on their feet!

Both competitors slowly got to their feet, and began exchanging punches back and forth. Christian was able to gain the upper hand, and he went for a clothesline… but Cole ducked underneath it and hit a devastating Ushigoroshi, dropping Christian neck-first onto his knee! Cole hooked the leg, and the referee counted – 1… 2… Christian somehow kicked out at the last possible moment!

Mauro Ranallo: How did Christian kick out of that?!

Determined to put Christian away, Cole signaled for the Boom. He sat Christian up and ran against the ropes… but Christian countered it, rolling Cole up with a schoolboy pin! The referee counted – 1… 2… Cole kicked out! As both men got to their feet, Christian hit an implant DDT, then climbed to the top rope. Christian went for a frog splash… but Cole moved out of the way at the last second! Cole went for the Boom once more… and this time, he hit it! He quickly hooked the leg, and the referee counted – 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Adam Cole with the Boom! He’s done it!

Nigel McGuinness: What a hard-fought victory for Adam Cole! He earned every bit of that win tonight!

As Cole celebrated his victory, Christian rolled out of the ring, seething with anger as he made his way to the back.


Christy Hemme: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall…

“Shitlist” by L7 hit the PA System and the crowd immediately stood and cheered. The cheering only increased once the entrance curtain opened and out walked the team of Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan. They both stopped and did their respective taunts before they walked down the entrance ramp.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first… Representing the Rebellious Angels… The team of Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan!

Mauro Ranallo: Tonight, Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan have a tall order to fill when they take on Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley.

Nigel McGuinness: The Rebellious Angels have quite a win-loss record against Oedo Tai, specifically against Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley. That doesn’t mean that Alexa and Liv should rest on their laurels.

Alexa and Liv made it to ringside and climbed up onto the apron. After they entered the ring, Alexa and Liv raised their arms, soaking in the cheers from this capacity crowd.

The slow intro of "Teenage Nosferatu Pussy" blared throughout the arena as the lighting changed to shades of orange and red. Once the opening lyrics were heard, Jamie Hayter stepped through the entrance curtain alongside Rhea Ripley and they were met with booing from the crowd. Jamie stopped on the stage, bent down, and then quickly leaned backward while raising her arms. At the same time, Rhea stomped on the stage. This triggered the pyro, which shot up through the stage. The camera zoomed in on the two as they started sauntering down the entrance while they talked shit to their opponents.

Christy Hemme: Their opponents… Representing Oedo Tai… The team of Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley, the Daughters of Darkness!

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley have fallen on some hard times recently.

Nigel McGuinness: It doesn’t matter, because just one win could turn it around for them. I could see it happening any night, even tonight.

Jamie and Rhea made it to ringside and stopped. They eyed the ring and their opponents before climbing up onto the apron. They entered the ring and looked to the crowd. Jamie cupped her hand around her ear, similarly to Hulk Hogan, and the boos only intensified. She and Rhea looked at each other before they turned their attention to their opponents while their theme faded out. Jamie and Liv stepped out onto the apron as the opening bell rang.

Mauro Ranallo: There’s the opening bell and we’re starting off with Rhea Ripley and Alexa Bliss.

Nigel McGuinness: Alexa holds a victory over both Daughters of Darkness, so one could see them just using Alexa as a human javelin.

Rhea and Alexa walked to the center of the ring, and they got into a stare down of their own. The Eradicator and the Goddess glared into the eyes of one another for a few tense moments until the first move was made. Alexa threw a punch to the face of Rhea, causing the latter to turn her head to the right. Rhea turned her face back into the direction of Alexa. Alexa threw another punch to the face of Rhea, causing the latter to turn her head to the right once again. Rhea turned her face back into the direction of Alexa again. Alexa threw a third punch, but before it connected, Rhea raised her hand and grabbed Alexa by the wrist before twisting her arm. With her arm twisted, Alexa yelped out in pain before Rhea threw a punch to the face of Alexa, causing Alexa to back up a little.

Mauro Ranallo: A huge right from Rhea, and Alexa is rocked.

Nigel McGuinness: That punch might have loosened three or four teeth.

With Alexa’s wrist still in her grasp, Rhea pulled her into another punch, knocking Alexa down to the mat. With Alexa down on the mat, Rhea mounted her and immediately went to work, punching Alexa - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times - before the referee yelled at the Eradicator to get off of the Goddess. When Rhea didn’t comply, the referee utilized the count.


Rhea let up after four and got off of Alexa who also got to her feet and backed into the northeast corner. Not wasting any time whatsoever, Rhea whipped Alexa to the opposite corner, the southwest. Right when her back hit the turnbuckle, Alexa fired out of the corner with a clothesline attempt, but Rhea knocked her down with a big boot.

Mauro Ranallo: So far in the early going, this match has been in the control of the Daughters of Darkness.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, but they need to stay on Alexa and Liv, because the Rebellious Angels are a very crafty, resilient group.

When Alexa got to her feet again, Rhea charged at her and connected with a clothesline. Alexa got back to her feet and stumbled right back into the southwest corner. While in the corner, Alexa was struck by another clothesline from Rhea. Rhea climbed up to the second turnbuckle and she started punching Alexa in the face as the crowd counted along all the way to ten.


Rhea looked over at Alexa’s corner and smirked at Liv before hopping off the turnbuckle. Alexa stumbled out of the corner and was met by Rhea, who brought her down with a Northern Lights Suplex and bridged in for the pin.


Alexa kicked out and Rhea quickly brought Alexa to her feet, and she punched Alexa in the face. This punch backed Alexa into the ropes on the west side of the ring, and Rhea attempted an Irish whip, but Alexa reversed. With Rhea oncoming, Alexa hit her with a dropkick that knocked Rhea down.

Mauro Ranallo: Now, we see Alexa showing signs of life.

Nigel McGuinness: See? What did I tell you?

Alexa took a moment to recuperate just a little bit before Rhea made it to all fours, and once Rhea made it to all fours, Alexa charged at her and punted her right in the stomach, and it forced the air out of Rhea’s lungs. Rhea rolled around, hissing in pain and laid on her side as Alexa charged at her again, and violently kicked the Eradicator right in her back, and it caused Rhea to roll right out of the ring to catch her breath while the referee chided Alexa. Meanwhile, on the outside, Liv left her corner to go after Rhea and before she could attempt to land a blow, Jamie made her move to back Rhea up as the referee turned his attention to ringside where Rhea, Jamie, and Liv were located. The referee yelled at Jamie and Liv to go to their respective corners. Rhea looked at Liv with a smug grin, and she dared Liv to punch her, knowing full well that if Liv did, Jamie would jump in.

Mauro Ranallo: Liv thought that she was going to attack Rhea, but Jamie was right there to back her up.

Nigel McGuinness: Jamie and Rhea are as thick as thieves, not unlike the Rebellious Angels in their own right in that respect.

While this was going on, Alexa stepped through the ropes and onto the apron. On the apron now, Alexa attempted an axe handle, but Rhea saw it coming and sidestepped, thus forcing Alexa and all of her momentum to violently smack into the barricade. Rhea grabbed Alexa by the hair and placed Alexa into a side headlock, and with Alexa in a side headlock, Rhea started throwing punches. Rhea punched Alexa in the face - one, two, three, four, five times - stopped and looked up at Liv with a smirk. After smirking at Liv a second time, Rhea rolled Alexa right into the ring, and entered after her. As Alexa got to her feet, Rhea attempted to whip her to the ropes only for Alexa to reverse and instead whip Rhea to the ropes. As Rhea came running back toward Alexa, Alexa hopped up but before she could do anything, Rhea reversed it into a Spinebuster.

Mauro Ranallo: A vicious spinebuster from Rhea to Alexa.

Nigel McGuinness: I think everyone heard Alexa’s spine cracking up in the cheap seats.

With Alexa on her back, Rhea quickly attempted to place Alexa into the Prism Trap. While attempting to place Alexa in the Prism Trap, Alexa attempted to fight out of it and when it seemed that Rhea was going to lock in the Prism Trap, Alexa kicked her in the face and it effectively got Rhea off of her. Rhea stumbled over to the ropes and tagged in Jamie as Alexa got to her feet. With the fresh opponent coming in, Alexa quickly made it over to her corner and tagged in Liv.

Mauro Ranallo: Both Jamie and Liv are the legal women in this match.

Nigel McGuinness: Alexa was smart to tag in Liv just as Rhea was smart to tag in Jamie.

As Liv approached her, Jamie caught her with a back kick to the midsection, and then she punched Liv. With Liv reeling, Jamie whipped Liv to the ropes. Once Liv bounced off the ropes, Jamie lowered her head, but it was early enough for Liv to counter it with a Snap Suplex. When both ladies got to their feet, Liv charged at Jamie and connected with a clothesline. Liv got to her feet after she noticed that Jamie was stirring. So, Liv grabbed Jamie by the head and brought her to her feet, just so she could ram Jamie’s head into the top turnbuckle in the northeast corner. Liv turned Jamie around so Jamie was facing her, and she climbed up to the middle rope and started choking Jamie with her boot. The referee started the count.


Liv let up and dropped down to her feet on the mat. Back on the mat, Liv then connected with a flurry of kicks to the midsection and punched to the head, and it caused Jamie to drop to a seated position. With Jamie now in a seated position, the punches and kicks transitioned to all out mudhole stomping. Liv continued to stomp a mudhole and walk it dry as the referee began to count.


Liv let up and the referee chided her for her actions.

Mauro Ranallo: A very aggressive side that Liv’s showing us.

Nigel McGuinness: It always seems to come out at its fullest when she’s around Oedo Tai.

As Jamie made it back to her feet, Liv grabbed her by the head and punched her in the face, and it dropped Jamie down to all fours. Liv grabbed Jamie by the hair and backed her into the ropes before whipping her to the opposite ropes. After Jamie bounced off the ropes once, Liv attempted a clothesline, but Jamie ducked. After Jamie bounced off the ropes again with Liv chasing her, Liv took her down with the Clothesline and went for the pin.


Jamie kicked out at two and both ladies got to their feet, Liv took Jamie down with a suplex and she spanked her own butt while the crowd let out a positive reaction as she walked over to the northeast corner. After striking a pose, Liv walked up to Jamie’s prone body and hit her with a Leg Drop. Liv picked Jamie up by the head and punched her in the face. Liv grabbed Jamie’s head again and rammed it into the top turnbuckle of the northwest corner. Liv punched Jamie in the face, and Jamie retaliated with a punch to the face of her own. She then landed a couple more shots to Liv and backed Liv into the southwest corner.

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie’s starting to fight back here.

Nigel McGuinness: Liv shouldn’t have been showboating.

With Liv backed into the corner, Jamie threw Liv to the opposing corner, but Liv reversed and gave chase. However, Jamie saw her coming and got the foot up, catching Liv on her jaw with a big boot. Being quick to capitalize, Jamie dropped Liv with the DDT and attempted a pinfall.


Liv kicked out and Jamie looked up at the referee who assured her that it was only two. After getting to her feet, Jamie approached Liv and the latter threw punches at Jamie’s midsection. Liv fought her way to her feet and Jamie poked her with a thumb to the eye. With Liv’s back to her, Jamie started attacking Liv’s left knee with her foot, and after a few shots to the knee, Liv dropped to her knees. After another shot to her knee, Liv dropped to her stomach while writhing in pain. Now that Liv was clutching her left knee, Jamie stomped at it, and then she dropped a big knee to Liv’s knee. Like a shark smelling blood, Jamie grabbed Liv’s left leg and turned over, placing Liv into the half-Boston crab.

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie is now zeroing in on Liv’s legs, and everyone knows of Liv’s history when it comes to leg injuries.

Nigel McGuinness: I think that Liv and Alexa may have underestimated how smart the Daughters of Darkness are.

Somehow, Liv found it within herself to turn herself and Jamie over. She reached up to Jamie’s face and raked her eyes, causing Jamie to release the hold. Liv got to her feet and clutched her knee that was now in pain while Jamie also got to her feet. Jamie wasted no time in attacking Liv’s knee once again and she dropped Liv with a Russian Legsweep before she placed Liv into a Leg Lock. The move wasn’t on too long before Liv started throwing punches into Jamie’s face - punching her one, two, three, four, five times - and caused Jamie to release the hold. Jamie got to her feet first and dragged Liv to the center of the ring, and stomped on Liv’s knee. Liv got to her feet, and Jamie backed her into the northeast corner with Liv’s knee hanging on the middle rope. With Liv’s knee in a precarious position, Jamie stomped at it repeatedly as the referee counted.


Jamie stopped at four to look at the referee. Jamie turned her attention back to Liv who punched Jamie in the face, and Liv turned the tables by forcing Jamie into the same corner. She threw punches to Jamie’s head and kicks to Jamie’s midsection before she attacked Jamie’s midsection with shoulder thrusts while the referee began counting.


Liv backed up after the referee counted to four, only to charge at Jamie. Jamie got her feet up again, but Liv ducked and slid out of the ring just to pull Jamie’s feet out from under her, and caused Jamie’s face to slam into the mat. As Jamie got back to her feet, Liv climbed to the top rope.

Mauro Ranallo: Here’s something we don’t see too often. Liv’s going up to the top rope, but what’ll she do when she gets up there?

Nigel McGuinness: No idea, but taking this kind of risk, especially with her knee, goes to show that she really wants to win this for her team.

Once she turned around, Jamie was taken down by a missile dropkick from Liv, a move that hurt Liv as well as Jamie. Liv crawled over to Jamie and attempted a pin.


Jamie kicked out. Both ladies got to their feet, and Liv threw Jamie to the ropes and took her down with a powerslam before she attempted a pinfall.


Jamie kicked out. Liv picked Jamie up again and whipped her to the ropes, knocking her down with an enzuigiri, causing more pain to Liv’s knee. Liv crawled over to Jamie and went for the pin.


Jamie kicked out. Liv picked Jamie up again and whipped her hard into the northeast corner, and took her down with a dropkick as she came out of the corner. She went for the pin.


Jamie kicked out. After Jamie and Liv got to their feet, Liv jumped up, but Jamie reversed it into a sit-out powerbomb and went for the pin.


Liv kicked out. Both ladies felt spent, and they started crawling to their respective corners. The first to get to her corner was Liv Morgan who managed to tag in Alexa. Once Alexa was tagged in, she made a beeline for Rhea, running at her and clubbing her with a forearm before Jamie could tag her in. The referee backed Alexa up and Jamie tagged Rhea in behind the referee’s back as the crowd booed the Eradicator.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea’s been tagged in and now it looks like Alexa could be in trouble.

Once Rhea entered the ring and ran at Alexa in order to continue the fight that they had earlier, the referee turned his attention back to Rhea and stopped her. Given that he didn’t see the tag, the referee ordered Rhea to go back out onto the apron.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, but the referee didn’t see the tag.

Rhea was about to blow a gasket, yelling at the referee that she was tagged in by Jamie. The referee told her to go back out onto the apron. Rhea flipped him off, “Fuck off, ya clacker! I was tagged in!”

The referee responded with, “I didn’t see it. So, it doesn’t count. Now, get back out onto the apron before I disqualify your team!” Once again, Rhea flipped off the referee before she reluctantly stepped back out onto the apron.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea’s not taking kindly to that at all.

Nigel McGuinness: Can you blame her? She was tagged in, but the ineptitude of the referee caused him to miss it.

Order had finally been restored in the match. Alexa pulled Jamie over to the southeast corner, the corner of Alexa and Liv, and started climbing up to the top rope, obviously to attempt a Twisted Bliss. However, before Alexa could achieve liftoff, Jamie staggered up to her feet and shook the top rope, causing Alexa to drop to a seated position. Jamie climbed up to the second turnbuckle and started throwing punches to Alexa’s head before she attempted a superplex. However, Alexa had the wherewithal to grab the top rope. Before Jamie could do something, Alexa elbowed her in the stomach repeatedly and then pushed Jamie off the turnbuckle, and it caused Jamie to bounce off the top rope. When Jamie got to her feet, Alexa jumped off the top rope and took her down with a diving crossbody pin.


Jamie kicked out. Both ladies got to their feet and they locked up with Alexa placing Jamie into the side headlock. Jamie reversed by throwing Alexa to the ropes. After Alexa bounced off the ropes, Jamie dropped down and Alexa jumped over her. Once Jamie got to her feet, Alexa attempted a Running Crossbody, but Jamie caught her and slammed her down. Alexa quickly got to her feet and she locked up with Jamie again. This time, Jamie wrung Alexa’s arm only for Alexa to reverse into a Russian Legsweep. Jamie kipped up and reversed the arm wring, only for Alexa to re-reverse it. Jamie reversed it into an Irish Whip. After Alexa bounced off the ropes, she ducked a clothesline attempt and when she bounced off the ropes again, she took down Jamie with a Running Crossbody and went for the pin.


Jamie kicked out. Alexa quickly placed Jamie into another arm lock, only to hop up and drive her knees into Jamie’s arm before placing her back into the arm lock. Jamie didn’t stay in the move too long as she rolled backward and got to her feet, and then she attempted an Irish whip that Alexa reversed. After Jamie bounced off the ropes, Alexa attempted to lift her up only for Jamie to land on her feet behind Alexa, and attempt a roll-up.


Alexa kicked out. They got to their feet and Alexa charged at Jamie, who brought down Alexa with an arm drag and placed her in an armlock.

Mauro Ranallo: Somehow, someway. Jamie is still going.

Nigel McGuinness: I’m not surprised. Jamie is extremely resilient.

Alexa struggled a little but got to her feet and she whipped Jamie into the ropes and after bouncing off the ropes, Jamie took down Alexa with a Big Boot. Jamie quickly ran to the ropes and jumped over Alexa. After bouncing off the ropes again, Alexa attempted to lift Jamie up, and again Jamie landed on her feet behind Alexa. This time when she landed, Jamie brought Alexa down with a Russian Leg Sweep. Jamie picked Alexa up and took her back down with a Powerslam. Alexa quickly got back up and charged at Jamie, who took her down with another arm drag. She got up again and was taken down by another arm drag. Alexa then slid out of the ring to take a breather.

Mauro Ranallo: Looks like Alexa’s taking some time to recoup a little.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s smart on her part, but it’s also foolish because it gives Jamie time to recoup as well.

After a few moments, Alexa re-entered the ring when Jamie’s back was turned, only for Jamie to turn around. Alexa punched Jamie in the stomach and then the head, knocking Jamie to the mat. Alexa punched Jamie in the head as she stirred and when Jamie got to her feet, Alexa grabbed her by the head and attempted to ram Jamie’s face into the turnbuckle, but Jamie reversed and instead rammed Alexa’s face into the turnbuckle. Alexa turned around and Jamie started throwing punches to her stomach. Jamie attempted to whip Alexa to the southwest corner, but Alexa reversed and sent Jamie to the corner with Jamie’s sternum slamming into the turnbuckle. Alexa picked Jamie up only to give her a scoop slam. Alexa climbed up to the second rope and nailed Jamie with a middle rope variant of the Insult to Injury. Alexa attempted a pinfall.


Jamie kicked out. Before Jamie had a chance to get up, Alexa placed Jamie into a camel clutch, but Jamie found it within herself to get up, but once she got up, Alexa placed Jamie in the corner and choked her as the referee began the count.


Alexa relinquished the hold and Jamie dropped to a seated position. With Jamie in a seated position, Alexa stomped on her chest and then moved to the opposite side of the ring. As Jamie got to her feet in the corner, Alexa charged at her and nailed her with a Corner Dropkick. Alexa moved to the opposite side of the ring again, only this time she started to taunt as Jamie struggled to get to her feet. Once Jamie got to her feet, Alexa was right on her with a punch that caused Jamie to drop to her knees. Alexa picked Jamie up and whipped her to the ropes. After Jamie bounced off the ropes, Alexa attempted a clothesline, but Jamie ducked. After she bounced off the ropes, Jamie took down Alexa with a vicious looking spear, and both ladies were down. Jamie attempted a pinfall.


Rhea quickly entered the ring and ran over to the southeast corner, and she knocked Liv off of the apron before she quickly returned to her corner and stepped out onto the apron. Jamie and Alexa staggered to their feet, and they backpedaled into their respective corners with Jamie tagging Rhea, but no one for Alexa to tag.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea’s back in the match.

Nigel McGuinness: Looking at the expression on her face, she wants to hurt Alexa.

Rhea and Alexa charged at each other and started nailing each other with punches that landed, making this a slugfest between the two. When it seemed that Alexa was getting the upper hand, Jamie entered the ring and attacked her. Once Jamie entered the ring, Liv entered the ring and started slugging it out with Jamie, just to keep her at bay while Rhea took control of the slugfest between herself and Alexa also while the referee attempted to restore order. Rhea was in control, Liv attempted to clothesline Jamie out of the ring, but Jamie ducked and dumped her over the top rope to the floor. Liv got to her feet and pulled Jamie out of the ring, and they continued their brawl, leaving the ring to Rhea and Alexa.

Mauro Ranallo: It’s become a free for all between all of these women.

Nigel McGuinness: Not surprising when you take into account the egos of all of the women involved.

Rhea continued to dominate Alexa in their slugfest and she backed Alexa into the ropes, before performing an Irish whip. After Alexa bounced off the ropes, Rhea attempted a clothesline, but Alexa ducked. After Alexa bounced off the ropes again, she was able to capitalize and knocked down Rhea with a clothesline. Alexa brought Rhea to her feet and started nailing her with some knife-edge chops. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! Alexa attempted to nail Rhea a fifth time, but Rhea ducked and moved behind Alexa. Before Alexa could turn around, Rhea lifted her onto her shoulders and dropped Alexa with the Electric Chair Facebuster before attempting the pin.


Alexa got the shoulder up. Rhea got up and signaled that’s time for the Rip Tide. She picked Alexa up and put her in position. She attempted the Rip Tide, but Alexa managed to drop to her feet behind Rhea. Once Rhea turned around, Alexa nailed her with the kick to Rhea’s shin and Rhea dropped to a kneeling position. Alexa dropped Rhea with a DDT, and Rhea landed near the ropes. Alexa attempted a pin fall.


Rhea’s foot ended up on the bottom rope, but how? The camera zoomed out to show that it was Christian Cage that put Rhea’s foot on the bottom rope. The crowd booed upon the sight of Christian.

Mauro Ranallo: Come on! Alexa had it!

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, but Christian has other plans.

On the outside, Liv saw Christian while she continued brawling with Jamie, and this led to Jamie knocking Liv out with a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Alexa looked up at the referee in disbelief as she couldn’t believe it. She got in the referee’s face. Rhea stirred a bit and got up to her knees and Alexa gave the signal that it was time for the Twisted Bliss. She walked up to Rhea and she dropped Rhea with another DDT. Alexa followed up with climbing up to the top rope. Before Alexa could achieve liftoff, Jamie distracted the referee so Christian could push Alexa off of the top turnbuckle. Rhea rolled out of the way, and Alexa violently collided with the mat. Rhea locked Alexa into the Prism Trap.

Mauro Ranallo: There’s the Prism Trap!

Nigel McGuinness: If Liv can’t get in, then it’s over.

With Alexa in the Prism Trap, the referee asked her. “Alexa, what do you say?” Liv attempted to slide into the ring in order to break the hold but was held back by Christian. The crowd began to pop once Christian was attacked by someone that came straight from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Christian attempted to interfere again, but this mystery man has put a stop to it.

Nigel McGuinness: I wonder who it is.

Christian and the mystery man traded blows until Christian ripped off the man’s mask to show that it was none other than Jon Moxley. Moxley, without hesitation, dropped Christian with the Paradigm Shift before he disappeared back into the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: It’s Jon Moxley!

Nigel McGuinness: Where did he come from?!

The referee asked Alexa again. “Come on, Alexa! What do you say?” Rhea applied pressure to the hold while Jamie pulled Liv out of the ring and dropped her with the ripcord version of the HAYTERADE on the floor. Back in the ring, Alexa was asked one last time. “Alexa, do you give up?” With no one to save her, Alexa reluctantly tapped her hand repeatedly on the mat. “THAT’S IT! RING THE BELL!” The bell rang and Rhea violently tossed Alexa to the mat as “Demon in Your Dreams” by Motionless in White hit the PA System once again while Jamie slid into the ring.

Christy Hemme: Here are your winners as a result of a submission… Representing Oedo Tai… Jamie Hayter and Rhea Ripley, The Daughters of Darkness!

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie and Rhea won this grueling match, but not deservedly so, thanks to Christian Cage.

Nigel McGuinness: Hey, if the ref didn’t see it, the interference didn’t happen.

Jamie and Rhea hugged after their victory, but it was cut short as Alexa popped up with a sinister looking grin on her face as if to say, “Hi. I’m Lexi. Wanna play?” Jamie and Rhea quickly left the ring while they kept a watchful eye on Alexa. Alexa crawled to a corner while she held her back as she cackled like she was madder than a hatter. That caused the Daughters of Darkness to look on with uncertainty as the show went to commercial.



As the show returned from commercial, Riddle’s music hit and the crowd began chanting “bro” as he made his way to the ring with a goofy grin. Christy Hemme made her announcement and then Cult of Personality hit and CM Punk headed out to the ring, ready for action, with the World Championship around his waist. Punk got in the ring as Hemme announced him, and he handed the title to the time keeper. The bell rang, signaling the start of the main event. The anticipation in the arena was palpable as Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness took their places at the commentary table.

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment we've all been waiting for! CM Punk versus Matt Riddle in our main event!

Nigel McGuinness: This is going to be a clash of styles, Mauro. CM Punk's technical prowess against Riddle's MMA background and agility. We're in for a treat!

The match began with both competitors circling each other, eyes locked in a tense stare. Punk extended a hand, offering a test of strength. Riddle accepted, and the two locked up in the center of the ring. Riddle used his grappling skills to gain an early advantage, twisting Punk's arm into a wristlock. Punk, however, quickly countered, flipping out and reversing the hold into a hammerlock.

Nigel McGuinness: Brilliant counter by CM Punk! He's not going to be outwrestled easily.

Riddle fought out of the hammerlock and took Punk down with a fireman’s carry, transitioning into a front headlock on the mat. Punk maneuvered himself to his feet, pushing Riddle into the ropes and breaking the hold. The two men separated, the crowd applauding the technical exchange.

Mauro Ranallo: An impressive display of wrestling ability by both men. This is what EBWF is all about!

The pace quickened as they exchanged strikes. Riddle landed a series of brutal kicks to Punk's legs and chest, pushing him back into the corner. Riddle followed up with a running forearm smash, but Punk sidestepped, sending Riddle crashing into the turnbuckle. Punk seized the moment, delivering a high knee strike to Riddle's jaw and transitioning into a bulldog.

Nigel McGuinness: Vintage CM Punk! That combination could turn the tide.

Punk went for the cover, but Riddle kicked out at two. Undeterred, Punk lifted Riddle and executed a snap suplex, followed by another pin attempt. Again, Riddle kicked out. Frustration began to show on Punk's face as he pulled Riddle up, only to be caught with a Pele kick out of nowhere.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! Riddle with a sudden Pele kick!

Riddle took control, hitting a series of suplexes and a gutwrench powerbomb. He signaled for Bro Derek, but Punk slipped out of his grasp and delivered a roundhouse kick to Riddle's head. Riddle staggered, and Punk followed up with a swinging neckbreaker.

Nigel McGuinness: CM Punk with another big move. He's staying one step ahead of Riddle.

Sensing victory, Punk hoisted Riddle up for the GTS. Riddle, however, wriggled free and countered with a knee strike to Punk's face, followed by a fisherman buster. Riddle went for the pin, but Punk narrowly escaped at the last second.

Mauro Ranallo: So close! Matt Riddle nearly had him!

The crowd was on their feet as both men struggled to their feet. Riddle attempted a bicycle knee, but Punk ducked and Riddle nearly took out the referee. The ref cowered, and Punk quickly rolled Riddle up.

Nigel McGuinness: Not like this!

The referee’s hand hit the mat three times and the bell rang signaling the end of the match. Punk rolled out quickly. Riddle looked stunned.

Nigel McGuinness: Matt Riddle can’t believe it.

The camera focused on Punk as he grabbed his championship from the time keeper’s area, and turned back toward the ring. The camera mic picked up his scathing words to Riddle as he tapped his temple.

CM Punk: And that’s why I’m the best in the world and your best friend is Michael Cole, ya goof!

Riddle shook his head.

CM Punk: Keep being a nobody. You’re a joke.

Punk began to walk away, and the sound cut out as Riddle made some colorful language. The camera did catch Riddle giving Punk the finger. Punk was incensed and dropped the title, charging back into the ring. Riddle got in a few kicks, but Punk fought to his feet and started clobbering Riddle. Punk hit him with a hard right hook and he was rocked, Punk picked him up for the GTS.


As “I Came to Play” hit, Punk kept Riddle on his shoulders and turned to look at Miz as he took his time coming from around the curtain. Punk chuckled and hit the GTS on Riddle. Miz picked up the pace, but Punk rolled out of the ring, and jumped the turnbuckle going out through the crowd as Miz got into the ring under the bottom rope.

Nigel McGuinness: CM Punk leaves Miz’s comrade laying, and Miz is staring after him! Punk doesn’t seem to give a damn!

Mauro Ranallo: What a night! The Miz is determined to get back the EBWF Championship, but CM Punk proves once again why he is one of the best in the world. Until next time, good night from EBWF Warfare!