Warfare Results 11/25/2024

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 11/25/2024

Post by Ben M »


The crowd inside the T-Mobile Arena buzzed with anticipation as EBWF Warfare kicked off. The signature pyro exploded on the stage, lighting up the raucous Kansas City crowd. The cameras panned across fans holding up signs as Mauro Ranallo’s voice came through loud and clear.

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks, it’s time for Warfare! We are live from Kansas City, Missouri, and what a night we have in store! But first, we're starting the action off strong with an exciting women's match!

Nigel McGuinness: That’s right, Mauro! Two incredible competitors—Stephanie Vaquer and Mina Shirakawa—are set to tear the house down. These two are known for their international prowess, and tonight, we’ll see who comes out on top!

The camera cut to the ring, where Stephanie Vaquer made her entrance first. The Chilean sensation strode confidently down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Dressed in her signature red and black gear, Vaquer exuded determination.

Mauro Ranallo: Stephanie Vaquer, a world-class competitor, brings a fiery lucha libre style to the EBWF. She’s been making waves all over our industry, and tonight, she’s looking to continue her momentum.

Mina Shirakawa’s music hit, and the crowd booed as the charismatic Japanese star made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: And here comes Mina Shirakawa, Mauro, and she’s looking to use her striking ability and speed to take Vaquer down!

The bell rang, and the two women circled each other before locking up. Vaquer quickly gained the upper hand with a wristlock, transitioning into a headlock takedown. Mina countered with a headscissors, and the two scrambled back to their feet to a round of applause from the crowd. They exchanged rapid arm drags and reversals, each woman showcasing their technical ability. Vaquer’s experience came into play as she targeted Mina’s left arm, twisting it into a hammerlock and delivering stiff kicks to keep control.

Mauro Ranallo: Vaquer is smart here, systematically breaking Shirakawa down piece by piece.

Mina fought back, using her agility to roll through and escape Vaquer’s grip. She hit the ropes and came back with a flying forearm, followed by a spinning back kick that sent Vaquer stumbling into the corner. Mina charged in and connected with a running dropkick that drew cheers from the crowd. Shirakawa climbed the ropes for a high-risk maneuver, but Vaquer caught her mid-air with a dropkick to the ribs! Mina crumpled to the mat, clutching her side. Vaquer wasted no time, dragging Mina to the center of the ring and locking in an armbar.

Nigel McGuinness: Vaquer is relentless! She’s got that armbar cinched in deep!

Mina clawed her way to the ropes, forcing the break. Vaquer, showing her aggressive streak, stomped on Mina’s arm before pulling her to her feet and whipping her into the ropes. Mina ducked a clothesline and countered with a sling blade that turned the tide. Mina rallied with a series of quick strikes, finishing with a spinning heel kick that floored Vaquer. Sensing victory, Mina climbed to the top rope again and leapt off for a diving crossbody, but Vaquer rolled through, holding onto Mina for a two-count. As both women rose, Vaquer delivered a thunderous superkick that nearly knocked Mina out cold. Vaquer wasted no time, hoisting Mina up and delivering a twisting DDT!

Mauro Ranallo: Destino Final! What a move!

The impact echoed through the arena, and Vaquer covered her opponent.


Vaquer stood tall as her music played, the referee raising her hand in victory.

Mauro Ranallo: What a way to kick off Warfare! Stephanie Vaquer secures her EBWF debut win, but Mina Shirakawa showed incredible heart tonight!

Nigel McGuinness: No doubt about it, Mauro. This match was a showcase of athleticism and determination. Vaquer proves she’s a rising star here in EBWF.

As Vaquer exited the ring, celebrating her victory, Mina sat up in the ring, clearly disappointed. The cameras panned to the commentary table as the commentators hyped up the rest of the night’s action.


EBWF Warfare returned from a commercial with a wide shot of the energetic crowd, fans holding up signs and cheering as “Addicted to Pain” blared through the arena. The camera panned to the announcement desk, where Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness sat, looking unusually serious.

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to EBWF Warfare! We are returning to you live from Kansas City, Missouri, and as always, the energy in this arena is electric! But, before we continue tonight’s incredible action, we need to address a serious matter that has rocked the wrestling world over the past week.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s right, Mauro. It’s the incident everyone is talking about. The shocking, and downright sickening, attack committed by Rex Steiner at the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Legends Award Ceremony. We’re talking about an event meant to celebrate the career of the legendary Steiner Brothers that ended in utter chaos when Rex brutally attacked his father, Rick Steiner, and his uncle, Scott Steiner, leaving them both hospitalized.

Pictures began to flash on the screen of the heinous attack committed by Steiner.

Mauro Ranallo: For those of you who haven’t seen or heard about what happened, Rex Steiner interrupted what should have been a proud moment for his family. A moment honoring their legacy turned into a scene of destruction. In what can only be described as one of the most heinous acts in professional wrestling history, Rex targeted his father and uncle, leaving them in a heap on the stage before signing his EBWF contract in his father’s blood!

Nigel McGuinness: To call it disturbing would be an understatement, Mauro. I’ve been around this business a long time and have never seen anything quite like it. Rex Steiner has broken the bonds of the Steiner family and shattered the respect and trust of fans and wrestlers alike. That act was personal, vicious, and unforgivable!

Mauro Ranallo: Now, as many of you fans may know, Rex Steiner was originally scheduled to make his official EBWF in-ring debut tonight on Warfare. However, in light of his actions at the PWI event, EBWF management has decided to pull Rex Steiner from tonight’s show.

Nigel McGuinness: And quite frankly, I can’t blame them! This is not just about protecting the integrity of the EBWF; it’s about sending a message to everyone in the back. What Rex Steiner did was an affront to everything this industry stands for. It wasn’t wrestling, it wasn’t even a wrestling show, it was an assault!
The scene transitioned back to the announcement desk.

Mauro Ranallo: While Rex will not appear tonight, this story is far from over. We can confirm that EBWF officials are reviewing the situation, and we’ll bring you updates as they become available. But in the meantime, this absence leaves us all wondering: What’s next for the Warhound? And how will the rest of the locker room respond to his actions? If, and that is a big if, Rex Steiner is allowed to come back, did he just put a target on his back for this?

Nigel McGuinness: Certainly! Mauro, Rex Steiner has made a lot of enemies in a concise amount of time. And while his absence tonight might give him a moment to breathe, it’s only delaying the inevitable storm coming when he returns!

Mauro Ranallo: And speaking of responses, next week, we will hear from someone who was there that night. A man who has shared a storied history with the Steiner Brothers and witnessed their rise to greatness, none other than Diamond Dallas Page! In an exclusive sit-down interview, DDP will share his thoughts on what happened at the PWI event and the fallout from Rex Steiner’s actions.

Nigel McGuinness: DDP is one of the most respected voices in the wrestling world, and I’m sure he won’t hold back. If anyone can shed light on the emotional and professional impact of what Rex did, from someone who was there that night, it’s Page.

Mauro Ranallo: Mark your calendars, folks. Next week, we’ll hear from a legend, from DDP himself. But tonight, we move forward with a packed card, including a main event you can’t miss featuring Dr. Britt Baker taking on Jamie Hayter!

Nigel McGuinness: And while Rex Steiner’s irresponsible shadow looms large over EBWF, the show must go on. Let’s head to the ring and get the action underway.

The camera cut ringside, but the weight of the conversation lingered a short while longer.


Before Mauro could get out another word, “Cult of Personality” hit and the crowd cheered as CM Punk came from behind the curtain, like a man on a mission. He had a microphone in his hand, and raised it to his lips as he walked down the walkway.

CM Punk: Cut my music! I’ve had… I’ve had enough of this!

The crowd still continued to cheer as Punk got into the ring.

CM Punk: The Miz is a coward! I knew that, but I don’t think I ever truly understood the absolute depths of depravity this asshole was willing to sink to.

The crowd reacted to the name calling and Punk paced.

CM Punk: Miz, have you ever accomplished anything on your own in your entire career? Have you earned anything? Or do you just keep getting by on being the best of a bad situation? You have that EBWF World Championship and it BELONGS TO ME. And because you can’t do a single damn thing on your own, you are going to come out here and give it back to me, right now!

The Miz: Are you done?

The crowd popped again as The Miz came from behind the curtain, dressed for action, with a Miz t-shirt on and the EBWF Title around his waist. Mickie Mizanin and Matt Riddle flanked him on either side, and he grinned.

The Miz: Truly, are you finished?

CM Punk: No, I’m not finished. I won’t be finished with you until I kick your ass all over this ring, and put that championship back around my waist!

The Miz: Did you call me a coward?

Punk popped the mic against his hand, so it made a loud noise and glared at Punk.

CM Punk: Do the boys in the back need to turn this up for you? Could you not hear me? You’re a low-life coward.

Miz got into the ring, and went nose to nose with Punk.

The Miz: Would a coward be standing in this ring with you right now?

CM Punk: Apparently so, because I’m looking at one! Unless of course you want to prove me wrong by putting that championship on the line, right here, tonight.

The crowd cheered, but Miz shook his head no. This made Punk smirk. Mickie Mizanin climbed up on the outside, and motioned for Miz to come over to her. Miz kept his eyes on Punk as he cautiously backed up toward his wife. Once he was near, she whispered something in his ear. He began to smirk, and then looked at her.

The Miz: Beautiful and brilliant! Okay, Punker…

The crowd became restless.

The Miz: I’ll fight you, right now, the EBWF Championship on the line. If I win, you can NEVER challenge me for the EBWF World Championship again.

CM Punk: Fine! But your minion goes!

Punk pointed to Riddle, who was casually standing outside the ring.

The Miz: Now, now. You are in no position to be handing out ultimatums. That wasn’t the deal. The terms on, my title on the line. I win, I never have to stand across this ring from you as long as I’m champion.

Punk contemplated this.

CM Punk: You’re on!

The Miz: You think you want…

Miz blindsided Punk hammering him with the microphone before tossing it aside and unleashing a flurry of punches. The referee quickly called for the bell to officially start the match. Miz, grinning with confidence, dominated the opening moments, taking advantage of his sneak attack. However, the veteran instincts of CM Punk kicked in as he countered a running knee from Miz with a spinning neckbreaker, drawing a roar from the crowd. Punk rallied with a series of hard strikes and a diving elbow drop from the top rope. The fans chanted, "CM Punk! CM Punk!" as he signaled for the GTS.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk about to make short work of Miz!

Just as Punk hoisted Miz onto his shoulders, Matt Riddle slid into the ring. The crowd erupted in boos as Riddle landed a brutal jumping knee to Punk, causing him to drop Miz. The referee immediately called for the bell, disqualifying Miz.

Christy Hemme: Your winner via disqualification, CM Punk. Stillll your EBWF World Champion, The Miiiiz!

Nigel McGuinness: What a dastardly turn of events! The Miz knew exactly what he was doing!

Riddle stomped on Punk, while Miz recovered and joined in on the attack. The two-on-one beatdown intensified as the crowd's boos grew louder. Suddenly, Punk fought back, managing to knock Miz out of the ring with a high kick. He then turned his attention to Riddle, but the Original Bro ducked out of the ring before Punk could get his hands on him. With Miz, Mickie, and Riddle retreating up the ramp, Punk grabbed a microphone, seething with anger.

CM Punk: Miz, Riddle, you think this is over? You two have just made the biggest mistake of your lives!

The crowd erupted in cheers as Punk stood tall in the ring, pointing at Miz and Riddle, who laughed from the stage. A Christmas Eve of Destruction promo began to play.


“My Last Breath” by Evanescence played and the Breakout Champion Christian Cage came out with the rest of Team Cage to a chorus of boos from the Kansas City crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes the man who retained the Breakout Championship at Fanniversary against Jon Moxley.

Nigel McGuinness: That was certainly a wild match and I understand that right now Christian is gonna hold an open challenge for a Championship match.

Team Cage entered the ring and Christian grabbed a microphone.

Christian Cage: At Fanniversary i accomplished something that few have been able to do, I beat Jon Moxley at his own game, in his own type of match. Unlike you Kansas City piss ants, unlike Jon Moxley, and unlike a certain blonde that's the size of a kindergartener, I am a living legend, I am a success.

The crowd began to chant “Christian sucks” but he ignored them.

Christian Cage: Since I am a legend and I can beat anybody, I am holding an open challenge to anyone with a set of balls to a match for my Breakout Championship….except for Jon Moxley.

The crowd booed heavily.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh come on.

Christian Cage: No, no, he had his chance and he blew it so he doesn't get another shot at the Instant Classic's belt.

Before Christian could say anything else “Unscripted Divide” played.

Mauro Ranallo: Well it looks like Christian is gonna have to say it to Moxley's face.

Team Cage were surprised by Moxley's music playing and Christian off mic told Big Show to go in the crowd and find Mox. Big Show went into the audience and eventually disappeared into the backstage area, looking for Moxley. As the rest of Team Cage were looking at the crowd, the camera cut to Moxley coming down the ramp.

Nigel McGuinness: Moxley's right there.

Jon Moxley entered the ring and grabbed Seth Rollins, tossing him out of the ring. Moxley picked Rollins up and forcefully dragged him to the back with Moxley being heard saying “Let’s go old friend.” Christian and Nikki turned around to see Moxley taking Rollins away, and Christian was livid.

Mauro Ranallo: It looks like Moxley is making sure there will be no Team Cage interference in this match.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah but Nikki Cross is still in the ring.

As soon as Nigel said that, Alexa Bliss crawled out from under the ring and pulled Nikki out. Alexa whipped Nikki into the steel steps and with Cross seated against the steps, Alexa grabbed a chair from the timekeeper's area and hit Nikki in the head, knocking her out.

Mauro Ranallo: Well Nigel, I guess that solves the Nikki issue.

Christian was even more livid now and yelled at Alexa who just laughed at him in her crazy way. Suddenly “Longnecks and Rednecks” by Montgomery Gentry played and the crowd cheered loudly.

Nigel McGuinness: What?

The crowd's cheers grew louder as the Cowboy James Storm walked out from the curtain, his signature Cowboy hat on and a case of beer bottles in hand.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia, James Storm is here! James Storm is accepting the open challenge!

Christian was in the ring, shaking his head and yelling “no” meanwhile Alexa continued to laugh and started clapping. Storm entered the ring and took off his hat and coat, ready to go. To Christian's dismay, the referee rang the bell and the match was underway. Christian charged at Storm, but the Cowboy kicked him in the gut and lifted him up, spinning him around before letting go.

Mauro Ranallo: Eye of the Storm.

As Christian held his back, Storm fired up the crowd as he got in the corner. When Christian got to his feet, Storm nailed him with the Last Call Superkick. Storm then covered Christian.


Mauro Ranallo: It's over!

Nigel McGuinness: Just like that!

Christy Hemme: Your winner and new Breakout Champion, the Cowboy Jaaaames Stooorm.

The referee handed Storm the title and James celebrated by grabbing a beer from the case he brought and cheersed the belt before drinking. Alexa entered the ring, clapping. Storm looked at her and motioned to the crowd if he should give her a beer, to which they cheered in approval. Storm grabbed another beer and handed it to Bliss and two tapped the bottles together before drinking together.

Mauro Ranallo: We're having a beer bash here tonight folks.

Nigel Mcguinness: It's a time for celebration Mauro.

Storm could be seen mouthing “Thank you” to Alexa before the two continued to celebrate. The two went into the crowd to celebrate with the fans as Warfare went to commercial break.


Starting the second hour of Monday Night Warfare, the camera returned from a commercial break to see Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness sit at the commentary desk, their expressions tinged with curiosity and excitement. A graphic appeared on the screen labeled: "Exclusive EBWF Warfare Footage." The video began to play, showing highlights from earlier in the night.

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, before we dive into the rest of tonight’s action, we need to address something extraordinary that happened earlier tonight before Monday Night Warfare went live. A match between two local competitors took a shocking and unexpected turn when we witnessed the arrival of a woman the wrestling world calls Beautiful Madness.

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, the EBWF women’s division has just been put on notice! Giulia didn’t just arrive – she announced herself, and trust me, nobody will forget this debut anytime soon.

The footage began with two local competitors locked in a standard exchange of holds and strikes in the middle of the ring. Suddenly, the lights in the arena flickered, cutting off the match’s momentum. The faint opening notes of "Gospel" by FalKKonE ft. Rena echoed throughout the building, casting a chilling silence over the crowd. A soft purple glow pulsed along the stage as the haunting vocals kicked in. The crowd began to murmur, uncertain of what was happening. Then, under a single spotlight, Giulia appeared at the top of the ramp. She stood motionless, her metallic silver tank top shimmering against the light, paired with sleek black pants and gold combat boots. Her long, multi-colored hair, blues, purples, and pinks, flowed freely, contrasting with her cold, focused gaze. Her glittering makeup caught the light, adding an almost ethereal glow to her striking yet intimidating appearance.

Mauro Ranallo: There she was, Nigel! Giulia, she calls herself Beautiful Madness! Look at that presence. It’s as if she had drawn all the energy in this arena straight to her.

Nigel McGuinness: And there’s no wasted motion, Mauro. She was calm, calculating, and judging by the look in her eyes, everyone in the ring at that time was about to have a bad night!

As the tempo of the music built, the arena lights pulsed to the beat, alternating between deep purples and blinding flashes of white. Giulia began her walk to the ring, her steps slow, deliberate, and purposeful. Every movement felt rehearsed yet effortless, drawing the crowd further into the moment. The two wrestlers in the ring paused, glancing nervously at one another as Giulia reached ringside. The music swelled to its crescendo, and Giulia climbed the steel steps, stepping through the ropes with measured grace. She walked to the center of the ring, standing still as the lights focused solely on her. As the final chorus hit, she raised her arms slowly, her fingers forming a gesture that mimicked shattered glass, as if symbolizing chaos. The lights burst into a blinding white flash, then plunged the arena into darkness for a moment before returning to normal. Giulia stood tall, her gaze locked on the two confused competitors.

Mauro Ranallo: Nigel, I don’t think either of these competitors had any idea what they were in for.

Nigel McGuinness: They didn’t, Mauro, and frankly, I don’t think we did either!

The footage resumed as Giulia stalked her first victim. One of the local competitors hesitated and charged at her, only to be met with a devastating stiff forearm to the jaw. The crowd audibly gasped as the wrestler collapsed to the mat, motionless. Giulia turned her attention to the second wrestler, who tried to land a strike. Giulia ducked, effortlessly hooked their arms, and drove them into the mat with her finisher, the Glorious Driver! The impact was so brutal that the second competitor folded upon hitting the canvas, unmoving.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! That Glorious Driver! That was it – no one has gotten up from that!

Nigel McGuinness: She hits that move; you count to 100. It’s over, Mauro. That’s a statement of victory with a bold exclamation mark!

The first competitor stirred, trying to pull themselves to their feet. Giulia calmly walked over, grabbed them by the hair, and dragged them into position. She hoisted and planted them into the mat with a second Glorious Driver! The crowd erupted in shock as Giulia knelt beside her fallen opponent. She brushed their hair back with an icy indifference before standing up and surveying her destruction. Giulia walked to the center of the ring, the arena lights dimming again as her music reprised. She didn’t taunt. She didn’t celebrate – she stared down at the two motionless competitors before exiting the ring with the same calm precision she entered with.

Mauro Ranallo: What struck me most, Nigel, wasn’t just the destruction. It was calm. The composure Giulia had. This wasn’t rage or anger – this was silent control.

Nigel McGuinness: And that makes her so terrifying, Mauro. She didn’t just dominate, she dismantled them both, piece by piece, all because she could.
The footage ended as Giulia walked up the ramp, never looking back. The camera cut back to the commentary desk, where Mauro and Nigel sat, their faces reflecting the gravity of what they’dj ust witnessed. A graphic flashed on the screen: "Giulia’s Arrival?"

Mauro Ranallo: This is just the beginning, folks. Giulia hadn’t said a word, but her actions screamed, ‘I’m here!’ This may be just the beginning, and we may be saying after tonight, the EBWF women’s division wasn’t the same.

Nigel McGuinness: They call her Beautiful Madness, Mauro, and after tonight, we all understand why. The question is, who – if anyone – can stand in her way?
The segment faded to a commercial, leaving viewers in stunned anticipation.


When Warfare returned from the commercial break, the camera cut to Renee Young, who was standing backstage with Chris Jericho.

Renee Young: Good evening, EBWF fans! My guest at this time is none other than Chris Jericho. Chris, last month at Fanniversary, you faced the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Zack Sabre Jr, for the first time ever in your career. After over 34 years as a professional wrestler, it feels like a rare occasion for you to wrestle someone for the first time… so I have to ask, how did it feel going up against Sabre Jr?

Chris Jericho: Honestly, Renee? I enjoyed the match a lot. I’ve faced a lot of technical wrestlers in my career, and I’ve always been able to raise my game to their level. I did that with Zack, and even if he got the better of me in the end, he knows he had to be at his absolute best to beat me. And let me tell you… when I get the chance for a rematch, I’ll be the one standing tall.

Jericho smiled, but the look on his face suggested he felt bittersweet.

Renee Young: You might not have won the match, but you did get a deserved standing ovation from the crowd afterwards. Unfortunately, that wasn’t all that happened… you were once again attacked by the masked man who has been called “The Man in Black”. How are you feeling, and do you have any idea who is behind the mask?

Jericho’s smile quickly faded, and he began to scowl.

Chris Jericho: I don’t, and to be completely honest with you, it’s pissing me off. If this so-called “Man in Black” had any fortitude, he’d take off that mask and face me man to man. So I’m going to keep-

Before Jericho could say anything else, the lights backstage went out, and both Jericho and Renee were momentarily plunged into total darkness. A few seconds later, the Man in Black appeared on the screen behind them both. The Man in Black was laughing, but his voice was indistinguishable.

Man in Black: Oh Chris… you want to talk about fortitude? That’s rich. I told you before that I would reveal myself when I was ready to. It’s been a lot of fun making you sweat, but I think it’s time to take off the mask.

The man in black began to unmask himself… but the video went static before his face was revealed. A message then appeared on the screen:


The lights backstage came back on, and Renee Young looked slightly unnerved. Jericho looked more angry than unnerved, but there was a hint of concern on his face. Renee quickly regained her composure and resumed the interview.

Renee Young: Well Chris, it sounds like next week you might finally find out who this mysterious “man in black” is. The question is… do you trust him? Because I can’t help but wonder if you’re walking into a trap.

Chris Jericho: I’m definitely walking into a trap, Renee. But I’ll be ready. It’s time to put an end to this.

Jericho then walked away as the camera cut to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside.


After Mauro and Nigel threw to the commercial break, the first commercial began with an overly cheery infomercial vibe. The camera panned across a sunny suburban neighborhood as upbeat music played. The narrator spoke with a chipper, over-the-top tone, his noticeable Scottish accent adding to the comedic effect.

Narrator: Were you tired of the same old faces on EBWF? Were you fed up with wrestlers who shouted too much, cried too often, or clung to the glory days like it was 2010? Well, worry no more, because The Prestigious One™ – a registered trademark of Joe Hendry Enterprises LLC is not to be used for actual non-wrestling purposes, side effects may include excessive charisma, uncontrollable belief, and the realization that Joe Hendry is the best solution for most problems – had arrived to save the day!

The camera zoomed in on Joe Hendry, who stood in the middle of the street wearing a tailored suit and holding a golden microphone. He flashed a confident grin before stepping toward the camera.

Joe Hendry: Hi, I’m Joe Hendry. EBWF had a problem. Too many wrestlers thought they were special but were just… boring. Lucky for you, The Prestigious One™ was here to make everything better. And by ‘better,’ I meant replacing all of them. All of them with me!

The camera slowly zoomed out, revealing a poster of The Miz on a whiteboard behind Joe Hendry. Without missing a beat, Hendry smiled a huge smile as he plastered a giant picture of his face over The Miz’s. He then raised his golden microphone and began to sing as the upbeat music transformed into a triumphant jingle.

Joe Hendry (singing):
🎵 “When the roster felt stale and nothing felt right,
It was time for a hero to step into the light.
They believed in Joe Hendry,
Because I was better than all of EBWF’s hype!” 🎵

The scene transitioned to a dramatic backstage promo. Joe Hendry, wearing a cardboard Christian Cage mask, shouted directly into the camera, veins popping out of his neck as he yelled about being “the best” and how “that was how he rolled.” Suddenly, another Joe Hendry strolled into the frame, still holding his golden microphone.

Joe Hendry: Wow, buddy. All that yelling must have been exhausting. Had you ever considered letting your charisma speak louder than your volume, ‘Captain’?

He turned to the camera and began to sing again as cartoonish graphics of fireworks and trophies appeared behind him. Slowly, as if a true lesson had been learned, the Hendry wearing the Christian mask removed it and began clapping to the beat in harmony.

Joe Hendry (singing):
🎵 “When you screamed and shouted, but nobody cared,
It was time for someone with actual flair.
Step aside, my friend, your act was through,
Let Joe Hendry take over—it’s what the fans wanted too!” 🎵

Both Joe Hendrys hugged as the singing Hendry walked off-camera. The commercial then cut to a dramatic group of Hendry’s dressed as Oedo Tai members backstage, wearing flashy outfits, crying, hugging, and dramatically gesturing at nothing. Singing Joe Hendry arrived, holding a spray bottle labeled “Prestige.”

Joe Hendry: Oh no, was this another soap opera? Don’t worry, this was just the thing to fix it.

He sprayed the air with the Prestige spray, and the mist fogged the camera. Once it dissipated, the wrestlers—all now Joe Hendry—stopped crying and began shaking hands like civilized professionals. Hendry smirked as he turned to the camera.

Joe Hendry (singing):
🎵 “Too much drama, too much stress,
Let Joe Hendry clean up this mess!
You needed prestige, that was plain to see,
So step aside and let it be me!” 🎵

The scene transitioned to “Matt Riddle,” who rocked back and forth in a dark room, holding a faded picture of Riddle and The Miz in front of their RV, muttering about how “they were still the best.” Joe Hendry appeared behind him, leaning casually on a golden cane.

Joe Hendry: Still clinging to the past, huh? Don’t worry. I wasn’t here to take away your glory. I was here to ensure no one forgot what a real future looked like.

He spun the cane and sang directly into the camera as dramatic gold lighting filled the room. Soon, “Riddle” became another Joe Hendry, clapping along with the song.

Joe Hendry (singing):
🎵 “You had your time, now let it go,
The new face of wrestling was here to show.
No need for nostalgia, that ship had sailed,
Because Joe Hendry was here, and he would prevail!” 🎵

The commercial returned to Hendry standing in the same suburban neighborhood, now surrounded by multiple Joe Hendry’s and cheering fans holding signs that read, “We Believe in Joe Hendry!” He held up his golden microphone triumphantly.

Joe Hendry: So, if you were tired of mediocrity, overdramatic nonsense, and outdated egos, remember: The Prestigious One™ wasn’t just a product – it was a way of life. And by life, I meant… We could all believe in me.

He leaned closer to the camera with a sly grin.

Joe Hendry (singing):
🎵 “They believed in Joe Hendry, and so would you,
Because I’d bring the prestige you’d been waiting for – yes, it was true!” 🎵

Text appeared on-screen: *“The Prestigious One™ – Because Mediocrity is NOT an Option for you!”* The final shot showed Hendry winking at the camera as fans chanted, “We Believe in Joe Hendry!”


Mauro Ranallo: Up next, it’s time for our main event as Britt Baker goes one on one with Jamie Hayter!

Hayter made her way to the ring first, followed by Britt Baker. When both women were in the ring, the bell rang, and the two locked up in the center of the ring. Hayter quickly gained the upper hand, hitting Baker with a series of punches before whipping her against the ropes and taking her down with a powerful shoulder block. Hayter followed up with a series of stiff forearm strikes, forcing Baker into the corner. The referee intervened to break it up, but Hayter was relentless, landing a vicious back elbow to Baker’s jaw.

Nigel McGuinness: Jamie Hayter is looking to send a message tonight!

As Baker moved out of the corner, Hayter went for a clothesline… but Baker ducked underneath it and countered with a neckbreaker. Wasting no time, she transitioned into a ground-and-pound assault, driving her fists into Hayter’s face.

Mauro Ranallo: This is what makes Britt Baker so dangerous! She can turn the tide of a match in an instant!

Baker then went for the Lockjaw, but Hayter fought Baker off before she could lock it in. As both women got to their feet, Hayter overpowered Baker once more and hit a devastating Falcon Arrow! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Baker managed to kick out at the last second!

Nigel McGuinness: Unbelievable! Jamie Hayter is pulling out all the stops, but it’s going to take something special to keep Britt Baker down!

Hayter pulled Baker to her feet, and after hitting her with a hard forearm smash, she whipped Baker against the ropes. Hayter then went for Hayterade… but Baker dodged it and ran against the opposing set of ropes before planting Hayter with a slingblade! Baker followed up with a superkick that rocked Hayter, then locked in the Lockjaw in the center of the ring. Hayter struggled valiantly, clawing toward the ropes, but Baker wrenched the hold tighter.

Mauro Ranallo: This could be it, Nigel! Britt Baker has the Lockjaw cinched in deep!

With no escape in sight, Hayter was forced to tap out, granting Baker the hard-fought victory. The crowd erupted in cheers as Baker stood tall, her hand raised in triumph. As Hayter rolled out of the ring, clutching her jaw, Britt Baker grabbed a microphone and stood in the center of the ring, sweat dripping from her face but a wicked smile plastered across it.

Britt Baker: Jamie Hayter? Vanquished! Now, I’ve got my sights set on the EBWF Women’s Champion, Tam Nakano.

The crowd roared at the mention of Tam Nakano’s name, and Baker paced the ring like a predator.

Britt Baker: Tam, I hope you’re watching closely. If I have to go through every single member of Oedo Tai to get to you, so be it! Tonight was just the beginning. Jamie Hayter was the first. But you, Tam… You’re the endgame. And when I get my hands on you, I’m walking out as the next EBWF Women’s Champion!

Baker dropped the microphone as her music hit, raising her arms in triumph. The crowd’s reaction was electric.

Mauro Ranallo: Britt Baker has made her intentions crystal clear! Tam Nakano better watch her back because the DMD is coming for her!”

Nigel McGuinness: Love her or hate her, you can’t deny Britt Baker’s confidence. The entire women’s division just got put on notice!

Baker stood on the turnbuckle, motioning for a championship belt around her waist as Warfare went off the air.