Warfare Results 12/09/2024

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Warfare Results 12/09/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready, folks… It's time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and kicking things off we’ve got Joe Hendry making his EBWF in-ring debut as he goes one on one with the former Breakout Champion, Christian Cage!

The arena lights dimmed as “My Last Breath” hit, and the crowd immediately erupted into mocking chants. As Christian walked onto the stage, the fans began singing the chorus of Joe Hendry’s “2 Moves, 1 Pin” at him, perfectly in sync. Christian’s music began to be drowned out as the crowd got louder.

Crowd: Two moves, one pin; It’s killing me inside!

Christian Cage glared at the crowd, his face flushed with anger. He shouted, "Shut up! I last longer than –!" as he stomped down the ramp, trying to ignore the sea of fans singing at him. He climbed into the ring, visibly rattled, and yelled at the referee to restore order.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh my goodness, Nigel! The crowd is merciless tonight, serenading Christian Cage with Joe Hendry’s song insinuating, shall we say, Christian’s lack of ‘stamina’ against James Storm. You can see how much it’s getting under his skin!

Nigel McGuinness: And rightfully so, Mauro. Christian’s ego could still be bruised from that loss to James Storm, and the fans aren’t letting him forget it! I don’t know why people can be so ungrateful for greatness.

The lights flashed white and blue as “I Believe in Joe Hendry” hit. He stepped onto the stage turning towards the camera with his signature smirk, waving his arms as the crowd followed in line with the music. Holding his own branded microphone, Hendry paused at the top of the ramp, soaking in the chants of "We Believe!"

Joe Hendry: Christian! Tonight, I promise you won’t be pinned in two moves. I know that was a real test for you then and now. Going through all the chants I wouldn’t dream of mocking you with that. No, tonight, will be just a casual test of endurance for you because I’ll beat you in one move!

The crowd laughed as Hendry dropped the microphone and headed to the ring, high-fiving fans. He stepped through the ropes, ready for the match. As the bell rang, the tension was palpable. Christian charged Hendry, but Hendry sidestepped, rolling him up immediately!

1… 2… Christian kicked out at the last second, his face a mix of shock and panic as he scrambled to the ropes.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! Joe Hendry nearly did it, Nigel! Christian was milliseconds away from reliving his nightmare!

Nigel McGuinness: That would’ve been catastrophic for Christian only a few weeks away from Christmas Eve of Destruction, Mauro!

The crowd broke into loud chants of "We believe!" as Christian shook his head, visibly rattled. He screamed at the fans, “It’s not happening again! I’m not a minuteman!” before locking up with Hendry. The match picked up steam with Hendry showcasing his power, delivering suplexes and slams that kept Christian on the defensive early in the match. Christian countered with clever strikes and dirty tactics, including raking Hendry’s eyes and using the ropes for leverage for multiple near falls. Christian attempted the Unprettier, but Hendry powered out, countering with a spinebuster for a near fall of his own! The crowd chanted, “We Believe!” as the momentum swung in Hendry’s favor. Hendry hoisted Christian up for his Standing Ovation chokeslam, but Christian wiggled free and dropped to his knees, feigning difficulty breathing. As the referee leaned in to check on him, Christian delivered a sneaky low blow to Hendry! Hendry collapsed, clutching his groin. The bell rang as the referee caught Christian in the act, pointing furiously at him while signaling for the DQ.

Christy Hemme: Your winner, by disqualification, JOE HENDRY!

Christian, furious, shouted at the referee before turning his attention to Hendry. He stalked the downed Hendry, pulling him to the center of the ring and hitting a devastating Unprettier which laid Hendry out cold! The crowd began chanting again, this time louder and more mocking.

Crowd (dueling chants): Two moves, Christian / Christian sucks! Two moves, Christian / Christian sucks!

Christian’s face contorted with rage as he slid out of the ring, grabbing two steel chairs. He slid back in, preparing for a Con-Chair-To. The crowd booed as Christian lined up the shot.

Mauro Ranallo: No, no, no! Somebody must stop this! Christian’s about to do something despicable!

The crowd erupted as “Unscripted Divide” hit! Moxley stormed down the ramp with a chair of his own, sliding into the ring. Christian quickly abandoned his plan, dropping one chair and rolling out of the ring. He backed up the ramp, pointing at Moxley and yelling, “This isn’t over you son of a bitch!” Moxley checked on Hendry, helping him sit up as Christian continued to retreat. The crowd chanted “Moxley! Moxley!” as he glared at Christian, daring him to come back.

Nigel McGuinness: Jon Moxley has saved the day, but Christian Cage has made his statement loud and clear. Do not make fun of Christian Cage, Mauro! And do not think this is over between Jon Moxley and Christian Cage, not by a long shot!

Mauro Ranallo: Well, if it will be effective in that sense of shutting a guy like Hendry up, I don’t know. But you’re right, Nigel. Joe Hendry may have won the match, but Christian Cage’s actions tonight may have won the battle! But really, thank God for Jon Moxley getting involved! Things may have ended up devastating with serious injury implications for Joe Hendry!

Warfare went to a commercial break as Moxley raised his chair, standing protectively over Hendry checking on him, while Christian glared from the ramp, seething with frustration.


As EBWF Warfare returned from a commercial break, the camera focused on Arik Cannon and Devon Monroe already standing in the ring, receiving a polite ovation from the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back to Warfare! In the ring right now, we have two local favorites… Arik Cannon and Devon Monroe. Arik Cannon is no stranger to EBWF – he is a former EBWF Hardcore and Tag Team Champion, although it has been nearly 18 years since he last competed in this company! Meanwhile, Devon Monroe is a rising star in Minnesota’s independent wrestling scene, having captured titles in F1RST Wrestling and Higher Ground Wrestling. Monroe and Cannon know each other very well; in fact, it was Arik Cannon who trained Devon Monroe!

Nigel McGuinness: Mauro, what a fantastic opportunity this is for Devon Monroe tonight… appearing on EBWF Warfare is probably the biggest moment in his professional wrestling career to date! But let’s not sugarcoat it – he and Ark Cannon are facing an uphill battle against one of the most dangerous duos in EBWF, The Unleashed.

The arena lights dimmed as "Unleashed" by Killswitch Engage hit the speakers, drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd. Adam Cole and Roderick Strong, collectively known as The Unleashed, stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Marina Shafir. Their confidence was palpable as they made their way to the ring, ignoring the jeering fans.

Mauro Ranallo: And here they come – Adam Cole and Roderick Strong, with Marina Shafir by their side. Last week, Cole revealed himself as “The Man in Black” – the mastermind behind the attacks that have plagued EBWF for months, targeting Chris Jericho in particular. Roderick Strong and Marina Shafir have been helping Cole, which is why he was able to stay in the shadows for so long… I’m not even sure either of them are under EBWF contract!

Nigel McGuinness: Regardless of their contractual status, this trio is dangerous, Mauro. They’ve got a chip on their shoulders and a point to prove. I hope Cannon and Monroe are ready for this onslaught.

The bell rang, and Roderick Strong started the match for The Unleashed, squaring off against Devon Monroe. Monroe showed flashes of agility early on, ducking under a lock-up attempt and hitting the ropes for a springboard arm drag. Strong barely flinched, smirking as he quickly got to his feet and cut Monroe off with a devastating backbreaker.

Mauro Ranallo: What impact from Roderick Strong! Monroe’s lower back has to be screaming after that one.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s why they call him the “Messiah of the Backbreaker,” Mauro. Just clinical execution.

Strong tagged in Adam Cole, who entered the ring to a fresh wave of boos. Cole toyed with Monroe, delivering sharp kicks to the chest and taunting him before whipping him into the corner. Cannon extended his arm for a tag, but Cole knocked him off the apron with a cheap shot.

Mauro Ranallo: Come on now, that was completely unnecessary!

Nigel McGuinness: Unnecessary but effective, Mauro. Adam Cole is sending a message.

Cole dragged Monroe back to the center of the ring and pointed to Roderick Strong, tagging his partner back in. The two executed a double-team suplex, further weakening Monroe. Strong then applied a submission hold, wrenching Monroe’s neck and back. The crowd rallied behind Monroe, who fought his way back to his feet and delivered a jawbreaker to Strong, stunning him momentarily. Monroe stumbled toward his corner, finally tagging in Arik Cannon, who exploded into the ring with a series of forearms to Strong. Cannon then turned his attention to Cole, knocking him off the apron. But the burst of energy was short-lived; Strong countered Cannon’s next strike and hit a gutbuster.

Mauro Ranallo: Arik Cannon tried to turn the tide, but Roderick Strong had him scouted.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s the thing about veterans like Strong and Cole, Mauro. They’re always one step ahead.

Strong tagged Cole back in, and the two delivered yet another double-team maneuver, this time a backbreaker followed by a running knee from Cole. Sensing the end, Cole stalked Cannon, waiting for him to get to his knees before delivering The Boom. Cole covered Cannon as the referee counted the three.

Christy Hemme: Here are your winners… Adam Cole and Roderick Strong, The Unleashed!

Mauro Ranallo: A dominant performance by The Unleashed! Cannon and Monroe never stood a chance.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s how you make a statement, Mauro. The Unleashed are here to take over.

After the match, Cole grabbed a microphone, glaring at the fallen Arik Cannon before turning his attention to Devon Monroe, who was checking on his tag team partner. As he saw Cole approach him, Monroe got to his feet, clearly wary of “The Man in Black”. Cole smirked, and slapped Monroe on the shoulder reassuringly.

Adam Cole: Devon Monroe, you’ve got potential, kid. But you’re wasting it standing next to someone like Arik Cannon. He’s been wrestling for almost as long as you’ve been alive, and in all that time he’s accomplished NOTHING of note. He’s holding you back, just like Chris Jericho is holding this company back. But I’ll tell you what – you can change your future right here, right now. Join us. Prove you’ve got what it takes.

Roderick Strong retrieved a steel chair and handed it to Monroe, then pointed at Arik Cannon, signaling to hit Cannon with the chair. Monroe looked conflicted as the crowd urged him not to do it.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh no, don’t do it, kid! Don’t let them manipulate you!

Nigel McGuinness: This is a pivotal moment in Monroe’s young career, Mauro. What’s he going to do?

After a tense moment, Monroe dropped the chair, shaking his head. The crowd cheered his defiance, but their celebration was short-lived. Cole, Strong, and Shafir attacked Monroe, laying him out with a brutal assault. Cannon tried to intervene, but he was quickly overpowered. The trio stood tall before making their exit, leaving the local heroes crumpled in the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Disgusting! Adam Cole and The Unleashed just made an example out of Arik Cannon and Devon Monroe.

Nigel McGuinness: They’re not just making examples, Mauro – they’re issuing warnings. And if this is the future of EBWF, everyone should be very, very afraid.


After a video package recapping the actions of Rex Steiner in recent weeks, and promoting the appearance of Goldberg, the camera cut to a wide shot of the Target Center. The atmosphere of the crowd was electric as “Invasion” began to play, and the familiar chants of “GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG!” echoed throughout the arena. The camera panned to the entrance ramp as pyrotechnics exploded, and Goldberg stepped onto the stage, his intensity palpable. Dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, Goldberg slapped his chest and let out his signature roar before marching to the ring. His music faded as he grabbed a microphone, his eyes locked on the hard camera.

Goldberg: Minneapolis!

The crowd roars louder as Goldberg paced around the ring, clearly fired up.

Goldberg: I’ve been in this business for a long time. I’ve faced giants, monsters, and legends. I’ve felt pain, I’ve delivered it, and I’ve made a career out of one simple truth: I don’t back down from anyone! And Rex Steiner, boy, you’ve got my attention!”

The crowd booed loudly at the mention of Rex, but Goldberg didn’t flinch.

Goldberg: For weeks, my phone was blowing up. Calls from DDP, texts from guys I haven’t heard from in years. And do you know why? Because they all wanted one thing. They wanted me to step in and teach your punk ass a lesson about what you did to Rick and Scott Steiner. Let me make one thing crystal clear – you pissed me off, Rex Steiner! Plain and simple.

Goldberg stopped pacing, leaning on the ropes and pointing toward the entrance ramp.

Goldberg: You wanted to make a name for yourself, huh? Well, congratulations, kid, you did! But now you’ve got a new problem. You hurt your own family and that pissed off the wrong guy! So here I am, standing in this ring, in front of all these people, calling your ass out! Rex Steiner, get down here so I can show you what happens when you cross the line! YOU’RE NEXT!

The crowd exploded in anticipation as Goldberg tossed the microphone to the mat and gestured toward the entrance. A few tense moments passed before Rex Steiner’s EBWF theme hit, accompanied by a chorus of deafening boos. The Warhound stepped onto the stage, dressed in a black leather jacket, dark jeans, and boots. His presence was commanding, his smirk infuriating. Flanked by uniformed police officers, Rex enjoyed the hostile reception. He began mockingly barking like his dad at the crowd, welcoming a chorus of boos.

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes Rex Steiner, escorted by the police! This is the first time we have seen him since the incident at PWI and talk about a volatile situation! We knew this could be explosive, but this? This is combustible!"

Nigel McGuinness: Rex Steiner doesn’t trust Goldberg to keep things civil, and frankly, I don’t blame him. Goldberg is out for blood tonight.

Rex slowly strode to the ring, the police forming a barrier around him. He grabbed a microphone from a staff member at ringside, stepping just outside the ropes as the officers maintained a close perimeter. Goldberg glared at him, his fists clenched, while Rex remained calm and smug.

Rex Steiner: Big words, old man. Real big words from a guy who thinks he’s still the unstoppable force of 20 years ago. But let me tell you something, this isn’t 1998! I’m not some ass[censored] like Lenny Lane who you can throw around for your little streak!”

The crowd booed as Rex paces just outside the ropes, his confidence unshaken.

Rex Steiner: You want to fight me, huh? You think you can just walk out here, make a demand, and I’m gonna roll over and show you my belly? Nah, Bill, this doesn’t work like that. I don’t make exceptions for any man. You want a piece of me? Get in line, because I don’t give handouts. Not to you, not to anyone.

Goldberg picks up the microphone, his voice low and seething with intensity.

Goldberg: Get in line? Rex, I’m not waiting in line for anything. I’m telling you. We are fighting and you won’t be the hunter anymore. You’re gonna be prey!

Rex leaned in closer to the ropes, his smirk replaced by a sneer.

Rex Steiner: You think I’m scared of you? You think I’m going to back down from your little tough-guy act? Let me explain something to you real simple, Bill. You, or any of your dinosaur friends want to step to me, you’re all flirting with death. This is my time. My era. I’m not sharing it with any of you! If you want a shot at me, you’re gonna have to wait like everyone else. Because I don’t answer to any of you perceived legends. I end you. Just like I ended the Steiners.

The tension boiled over as Goldberg suddenly stepped forward, glaring directly into Rex’s eyes. Without warning, Goldberg lunged forward and delivered a brutal headbutt to Rex, catching him off guard! The crowd erupted as both men reel back, blood trickling down their foreheads from the impact.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA! Goldberg just headbutted Rex Steiner, and both men are busted open!

Nigel McGuinness: This has gone from verbal warfare to an all-out brawl in an instant!

Rex snarled, wiping the blood from his forehead, and jumped over the ropes, tackling Goldberg to the mat! The two men traded heavy punches as the police and security swarmed the ring to break them apart. The crowd was on their feet, cheering wildly as the officers struggled to separate the two titans. Goldberg broke free momentarily, charging at Rex and landing another heavy shot before being dragged back by three officers. Rex, his face twisted in rage, shoved a security guard aside and tried to lunge at Goldberg again, only to be restrained by the remaining officers.

Mauro Ranallo: This is absolute chaos! Rex Steiner and Goldberg are out for blood, and it’s taking the entire security team to keep them apart!

Nigel McGuinness: Goldberg sent a message tonight, but Rex Steiner didn’t back down one bit. This is just getting started, Mauro!

As police and security finally separated them, Rex was dragged up the ramp, his face still dripping with blood. He smirked through the chaos, shouting back at Goldberg.

Rex Steiner: You want me? You’ll get me, on my terms! Your ass is next!

Goldberg stood in the ring, wiping the blood from his face, staring daggers at Rex as the crowd chanted his name.


Following a video package promoting Christmas Eve of Destruction, the camera cut back to the ring as “Oedo Ranbu” blared through the arena. The powerhouse member of Oedo Tai, Himeka, made her way to the ring. The crowd gave her a negative reaction, booing her association with Tam Nakano and Oedo Tai. Himeka flexed on the stage, her glittering attire shimmering under the lights as she confidently strutted down the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: Here she comes, Nigel, Himeka, the undeniable muscle of Oedo Tai! She’s got the strength, the presence, and tonight, she’s got her sights set on Dr. Britt Baker.

Nigel McGuinness: And you can’t ignore the stakes, Mauro. Britt Baker’s already declared herself the number one contender, but every match counts as she inches closer to her title shot against Tam Nakano. Himeka’s no pushover, though. This could be brutal.

As Himeka stepped into the ring, the camera abruptly cut backstage. Stephanie Vaquer was seen standing in front of a monitor, dressed in a red top and black pants. Her hair flowed freely, and her face was bare, absent of her usual striking eye makeup. With arms crossed, her focused expression showed a subtle anger from her quiet observation as Himeka prepared in the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: And look at this! Stephanie Vaquer, keeping a close eye on this contest. Nigel, what’s running through Vaquer’s mind right now?

Nigel McGuinness: "Opportunity, Mauro. Stephanie Vaquer is strategic. She’s watching for weaknesses in both these women and she’s watching to see if Baker can succeed. She’s already proven herself early in her run so far, but she knows that climbing the ladder in the EBWF means staying one step ahead of the competition. That isn’t just the champion, but also your peers chasing the championship.

The camera transitioned back to the arena as Himeka finished her entrance. The lights dimmed, and the opening riff of “The Epic” hit. The crowd roared as Baker stepped onto the stage, her trademark black-and-red jacket glinting under the lights. She exuded confidence, her smirk daring anyone to challenge her. As Baker made her way to the ring, the camera cut to the audience, zooming in on a familiar face. Giulia was seated in the crowd, dressed in ripped jeans and an orange-and-blue tank top. Her blonde, multi-colored hair flowed over her shoulders, a striking contrast to her relaxed yet intimidating posture. Her cold, piercing gaze was fixed on the ring. She didn’t react to the crowd, remaining focused on the action.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, look at this! Giulia is here, Nigel! Sitting in the crowd, watching intently. First Vaquer backstage, now Giulia in the audience, this match has everyone’s attention!

Nigel McGuinness: Giulia doesn’t need to say a word, Mauro. Her presence speaks volumes. This is the match the entire division must watch!

The bell rang, and Himeka wasted no time, charging Baker with her powerhouse offense. She slammed Baker into the corner and delivered a series of crushing shoulder thrusts, forcing Baker to clutch her ribs as she stumbled out of the corner.

Mauro Ranallo: Himeka is not holding back tonight! She’s making sure Britt Baker knows exactly what she’s up against.

Himeka grabbed Baker and lifted her high into the air for a vertical suplex, holding her steady to showcase her strength before slamming her into the mat. She went for an early pin. 1... 2 – Baker kicked out! Baker fought back, countering a lariat with a drop-toe hold that sent Himeka face-first into the turnbuckle. Baker capitalized, delivering a flurry of forearm strikes to the back of Himeka’s head, followed by a spinning back elbow as Himeka stood and staggered. The crowd roared as Baker planted Himeka with a snap DDT, leveling the playing field.

Nigel McGuinness: Britt Baker showing why she’s a former Women’s Champion, Mauro! That’s the kind of resilience that’s putting her in line for another title opportunity.

The match continued with hard-hitting exchanges. Himeka nearly secured the win with a devastating running powerbomb, but Baker got her shoulder up at the last second. The crowd erupted in a "This is awesome!" chant as both women slowly rose to their feet, exchanging stiff strikes in the center of the ring. In the final moments, Baker ducked a clothesline and countered with a sling blade, taking Himeka down. Sensing her opportunity, Baker grabbed Himeka’s arms and quickly transitioned into the Lockjaw! The crowd ooh-ed as Baker showed she had grabbed her glove without anyone noticing! Himeka struggled, roaring in defiance, but Baker wrenched the jaw tighter, forcing Himeka to tap out! Baker stood tall, her arm raised in victory as the crowd cheered. She brushed her hair back, the camera zooming in as she smirked directly into the lens. The shot lingered on her face as she spoke directly to the camera.

Britt Baker: One more! That’s all it takes! One more and Tam Nakano can’t run anymore!

The crowd erupted in cheers as Baker dropped her smirk and pointed directly toward the camera, her intensity unmistakable. The camera cut backstage to Stephanie Vaquer, still standing by the monitor. She didn’t look furious, but there was a distinct dissatisfaction in her expression. She slowly shook her head before turning away, disappearing from view. The shot then transitioned to Giulia in the crowd. She leaned forward in her seat, her gaze sharp and focused on Baker. Her expression remained neutral, but the simmering tension underneath was clear, as if she was calculating her next move. She adjusted her posture slightly before getting up and leaving, her presence alone leaving an impression.

Mauro Ranallo: Nigel, this is more than a win for Britt Baker. This is a message to the entire women’s division, and you can see it on the faces of Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia! They’re not happy this is one step further cementing the number one contender, but they’re paying attention to Baker’s dominance.

Nigel McGuinness: Britt Baker thrives under pressure, Mauro. But if I were her, I wouldn’t ignore those two. Vaquer and Giulia are forces, and they don’t look like they’re going to stand by quietly. Plus, you know if they’re visible, how many women are watching from the shadows? How many would attack to get Baker out of the mix? Britt is going to have to keep her focus but somehow watch her own back!

As Baker posed on the turnbuckle, Warfare cut to a video package recapping the feud between The Miz and CM Punk.


The main event of the evening featured a highly anticipated handicap match for the EBWF World Championship. The reigning champion, The Miz, and his partner Matthew Riddle, collectively known as Bro Awesome, faced the formidable challenge of CM Punk. The electric atmosphere in the arena was palpable.

Mauro Ranallo: Nigel, this is unprecedented! CM Punk is walking into a 2-on-1 situation, and yet the Straight Edge Superstar seems as confident as ever!

Nigel McGuinness: He’ll need every ounce of that confidence, Mauro. The Miz and Riddle are on the same page… for now. But let’s see how long that unity lasts with the EBWF World Championship on the line.

The match began with Riddle squaring off against Punk. Riddle utilized his unorthodox and MMA-inspired offense to keep Punk on his toes. Punk weathered the early storm, countering a running knee strike with a spinning neckbreaker. As the match progressed, Riddle and Miz used frequent tags to keep the pressure on Punk. At one point, Miz taunted Punk, holding him in a headlock and shouting at him. However, Punk reversed the headlock into a back suplex, stunning Miz and creating a much-needed opening.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk is showing why he’s one of the best in the world, Nigel! He’s taking on two men and finding ways to survive!

The turning point came when Riddle went for the Floating Bro off the top rope, only for Punk to roll out of the way at the last second. Riddle crashed hard, clutching his ribs in pain. Punk capitalized with a swift running knee to Miz, knocking the champion off the apron. Sensing an opportunity, Punk locked Riddle in the Anaconda Vise. Riddle writhed in agony, his hand hovering above the mat. Miz slid back into the ring to break the hold, but Punk released Riddle and caught Miz with a GTS out of nowhere. The crowd erupted as Miz rolled out of the ring, leaving Riddle vulnerable.

Mauro Ranallo: CM Punk is on fire! Can he pull this off, Nigel?

Punk dragged Riddle to his feet and delivered a devastating second GTS, covering him for the pin. The referee’s hand hit the mat three times, and the bell rang.

Mauro Ranallo: He did it! CM Punk has overcome the odds and is once again the EBWF World Champion!

As Punk celebrated with the championship, Miz re-entered the ring, visibly enraged. He helped Riddle to his feet, saying something inaudible. Riddle reacted with harsh words of his own, and Miz shoved Riddle. The crowd booed loudly.

Nigel McGuinness: The Miz can’t believe it! Riddle just lost Miz the World Championship! What does this mean for Bro Awesome?

Punk stood on the ramp, holding the title high and smirking at the chaos in the ring. The show closed with a divided Bro Awesome and a triumphant CM Punk standing tall as the new EBWF World Champion.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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